Why is being nude so "wrong"?

Many different theories are thought. No one theory seems to be final and logical. Every theory has its own logic and illogic. Clothes and fire heat is also thought. These two man made factors along with errect position are the only difference in humans than other mammels.
Thoughts are not theories. And theories don't all carry the same weight.
During the Gravettian circa 25kybp (close to the lgm)all of the female figurines are nude. (it was damned cold then)
Modesty as a concept has a long history in Western culture--hell, a lot of patriarchal cultures throughout history--but the US' particular fixation on modesty is a side-effect of being predominantly Protestant, like the UK. Really, we get a lot of our cultural hangups from our British heritage.
Probably an effect of living in colder climates. Equatorial people don't seem to care. But once people had to cover themselves regularly for survival, nudity became more titillating. Scarcity adds value.
Probably an effect of living in colder climates. Equatorial people don't seem to care. But once people had to cover themselves regularly for survival, nudity became more titillating. Scarcity adds value.
I think it was pretty titillating back then too.
I think sex was not ritualized the way it is in modern humans. More like apes and chimps, where it just sortta happens.
I can't remember if it was 2001 or Clan of the Cave Bear where some female is trying to grind some berries and a male just comes up and humps her from behind while she grinds the berries and complains.

So, what happened possibly, was that people started repurposing clothing as a way of saying "I am not in the mood. I'm trying to work here."
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and complains.
I think it was pretty titillating back then too.
I think sex was not ritualized the way it is in modern humans. More like apes and chimps, where it just sortta happens.
I can't remember if it was 2001 or Clan of the Cave Bear where some female is trying to grind some berries and a male just comes up and humps her from behind while she grinds the berries and complains.

So, what happened possibly, was that people started repurposing clothing as a way of saying "I am not in the mood. I'm trying to work here."
That makes it sound like clothing is the only thing that allowed people to recognize rape.
That makes it sound like clothing is the only thing that allowed people to recognize rape.
Not at all. But it's not like there were laws and human rights back then.

Then again, it may have been the first seeds of sending the message 'you're not welcome'.
A chap from the Creation Evidence Museum said clothes were a gift from God to protect man from sin.
And you could think if God had wanted us to run around naked we would be born that way.
It would be great if everyone was naked maybe fat people would become more self conscientious and recover bodies that are beautiful rather than ugly.
It like ..I am fat but who cares its hidden under my clothes.
When in the bush I only wear clothes for protection. ...its not smart being naked whilst cooking with oil for example.
A chap from the Creation Evidence Museum said clothes were a gift from God to protect man from sin.
He's got the cart before the horse, Genesis-wise.

Humankind was innocent. When they ate from the tree, they learned sin and then had to cover themselves in shame.

And you could think if God had wanted us to run around naked we would be born that way.
Which is what Genesis says.

Wonder if this guy has read it?
I don't see anything ''wrong'' with nudity, but not everyone wants to see another person's nudity. Having said that, if you aren't harming another, then it's up to you. Americans are a bit prudish when it comes to nudity, thanks to puritan beliefs, which that path can be traced back to legalistic religious trappings.
Why is being in the nude so "wrong" in the eyes of many Americans?

I see no problem with it. Its who we are.

Many other countries see no problem with it as well. Yet many Americans feel being nude as "shameful" and "insulting".

Funny how we are the only species on this entire planet that insists on covering ourselves.

LUST & brainwashing children about sex
most religions brainwash children to respond to nudity as sexual narcissism

coveting the power of a strong healthy attractive body is also brainwashed into them so seeing strength in the naked form is also an affront to their Religious brainwashing of their false fragile plastic ego.

the desire to own and control women and their sexuality is also another big reason.

when you add that to the litigious victim perpetuator culture of the American cash greedy morality...
you have people claiming to be attacked by other peoples nudity.
this ability to claim being viciously attacked by others nudity validates slavery and racism and many other things.
I am tempted to post this flawed or incomplete assessment.
"As any hardworking sex industry worker knows, it is not what you see but what you don't see that makes the difference between a happy repeat client and miserable once-off one."
  • Clothes are needed to provide a middle ground for society to swing around.
  • With out them there is nothing to take off.
I believe in order to follow the purpose of clothing we need to follow the fashions. Each fashion is a cultural statement until more recent days.
"They were naked, and they were without shame."- The Bible

According to the good book it wasn't until Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge that they realised they were naked.
Being of Finnish ancestry and growing up in in Northern Mn, I was quite used to sitting in a sauna nude with my dad and brother, uncles and cousins, or even friends of the family. Between the 5th and 6th grade we moved out west. My first year at the new school was also the year they started having you dress down for Physical Ed. I found it odd that some of my classmates seemed to be uncomfortable undressing in front of others. It was something that I saw as being no big deal.
yes this is psychological damage created by their parents
or created by ongoing trauma created in the dressing room by lack of management while allowing bullying abuse to continue in the school.
I believe there is an interesting statistic which shows that sexual crimes are markedly lower in liberal societies than in morally sexually restrictive societies.

There is something about this "unattainable" object of desire, that drives men to sexual criminal activities.

Take away the forbidden novelty and it becomes socially mundane.