Why is being nude so "wrong"?

Why is being in the nude so "wrong" in the eyes of many Americans?

I see no problem with it. Its who we are.

Many other countries see no problem with it as well. Yet many Americans feel being nude as "shameful" and "insulting".

Funny how we are the only species on this entire planet that insists on covering ourselves.

I think it's because Americans are repressed and oppressed by those idiotic fascist fundie Christians who are more interested in listening to what the serpent thinks about nudity than what God does. Down with the likes of Ralph Ovadal and the FCC!
Nudity is not immoral, illegal or indecent but the people who run the country need to make it seem that way out of GREED.

America is the world's #1 leading manufacturer and distributor of pornography because the American government so wholeheartedly supports big business in exploiting the American public, and because the American public is under the misconception that somewhere in the Bible God made some vague comment about being naked being a no no. BTW, He didn't. When the government enacts laws to make a commodity harder to obtain, then that something becomes even more profitable to the rich people selling it and the elected official receives bigger campaign contributions.
Law-makers care as much about the residents as the law-breakers. Ask any politician, policeman or other government official if being naked is legal and if they answer at all. the answer will depend solely on what situation you catch them in at the moment. If the president is in the oval office undressing for his mistress, then nudity in a government building is legal. If that same politician is campaigning for votes among a group of hate criminals who violently attack nudists, then nudity is illegal. If a policeman catches someone he doesn't like skinny dipping in the lake, then he will arrest them because being naked is illegal. If that same officer finds a pretty girl he likes skinny dipping in the same lake, he will remove his clothes and jump in with her because being naked is perfectly legal and fun.
not so

Sadly americans do for whatever reason equate nudism and sex as the same.....but sex is not the Devil's tool...It is Gods. He designed it to bring a man and awoman closer together, them actually becoming one. It is a very beautiful and cherished thing. Unfortunately sex in the minds of many has now become dirty and shameful, therefor nudism must be dirty and shameful too. Until we change perceptions, take the pervs out of the equation, we will still have a hard road to pave towards acceptance of the body it it's most beautiful and natural form.

It's because they attribute nudity with sex. And sex is the devil's work.
Oh, ok S.A.M. How would you look at it if your bf went to a real nice looking female doctor to look at his private parts every few months?

There are a few bad apples in every bunch, but for the most part, female doctors are professionals who really do have the ability to separate their professional lives from their private lives. They really can be turned on only by their boyfriends or husbands. Ditto male doctors who treat women, and are only turned on by girlfriends or wives.

Given a choice, I would see a male physician. I would not avoid an examination by a female doctor, but if I have a choice, then I'll make it.

I think you've greatly insulted female physicians.
Oh, ok S.A.M. How would you look at it if your bf went to a real nice looking female doctor to look at his private parts every few months?

There are a few bad apples in every bunch, but for the most part, female doctors are professionals who really do have the ability to separate their professional lives from their private lives. They really can be turned on only by their boyfriends or husbands. Ditto male doctors who treat women, and are only turned on by girlfriends or wives.

Given a choice, I would see a male physician. I would not avoid an examination by a female doctor, but if I have a choice, then I'll make it.

I think you've greatly insulted female physicians.
There are a few bad apples in every bunch, but for the most part, female doctors are professionals who really do have the ability to separate their professional lives from their private lives. They really can be turned on only by their boyfriends or husbands. Ditto male doctors who treat women, and are only turned on by girlfriends or wives.
If we were to be guided solely by stereotypes, it's far more likely that a male physician would be distracted by the appearance or other characteristics of a female patient, than if the sexes were reversed. In every profession including priests and presidents, men are always getting themselves in trouble by chasing after hot babes. Men and women experience and express their sexuality in quite different ways.
Given a choice, I would see a male physician. I would not avoid an examination by a female doctor, but if I have a choice, then I'll make it.
I have always been more pleased with female physicians. Not that they're any more competent, but I just seem able to communicate with them better.

Of course I'm that way in all facets of my life. I invariably make friends more easily with women than with men, and I find it easier to collaborate with female coworkers.

I even prefer female singers.
Of course I'm that way in all facets of my life. I invariably make friends more easily with women than with men said:
Now that is interesting, because I feel that way as well. The question is, is it because guys like us are more in tune with our 'female' psyche, or is it because we as men feel weaker than other men and find it easier to relate to women, or is it because we as men feel some kind of sexual dominance over the women we find ourselves relating to, because surely, we can't relate or want to be friends with all of them, or is it a mixture of all three, or is it something else that I'm missing completely?