Why doesn't God just show himself?

Adstar and RM, if I may butt in...
RosaMagika said:
Responsible to whom?
Responsible why?
I think he means the same thing I said in my other post: you can't blame Christians for not believing in God, you have a responsibility towards yourself. Unless you have already made up your mind that God doesn't exist or it's impossible for Him to love you, using other Christians or other beliefs to justify your doubt is just an excuse.

You are implying that the Christian rules you believe in go for everybody else too, not just Christians.
We don't believe in rules that are only valid for Christians, and that's the problem. If something is really true, it must be true for everybody otherwise it's too relative to be useful. Morality as we know it in the West grew from Roman/Christian roots, but we hold it as valid for the whole world. Just recently Lorne Craner reasserted America's moral authority, even though it's theoretically no more valid as Shari'a laws, which still enforce stoning as a valid means of execution. But if morality is a universal law, then Christians have at least the same authority to call people to obey it, and if God is the author and ultimate judge of moral behaviour, then there is an added gravity and responsibility that nobody should ignore, whether Christian or not.
wesmorris said:
So you expect me to take reponsibility for your words but you refuse to. I see. That seems cowardice to me.
The gospel is probably one of the few messages where the messenger also loses the message when he loses his ability to deliver it with its integity intact.
I've heard this several times before, but never really thought about it. The problem with this argument is that it assumes God is busy with more important things. However, it's completely incoherent for "God" to be "busy." It is conceivable that God, if it exists, might care about every little species.
You missed my point. I did not mean that god is too "busy". Point is that attributing something with the power to create the universe with humanlike qualities like "love" or "caring" is pure conjecture and likely way off-base.

Don't base your argument on size or god's priority. Base it on the obvious fact, given the human condition and (divinely) preventable accidents, that no outside force really seems to care about us.
That argument works as well. :cool:
fadingCaptain said:
You missed my point. I did not mean that god is too "busy". Point is that attributing something with the power to create the universe with humanlike qualities like "love" or "caring" is pure conjecture and likely way off-base.

This was the original statement:

To think that an entity with the ability to create the universe would care whether or not our little species acknowledged it is ridiculus.

Implied in this is that god cares about *some* things, but not "our little species." The adjective "little" suggests that we are a relatively unimportant part of this big, big, universe, and it's this wording that lead me to interpret your statement like I did.

In other words, instead of replying with "What, care about us little humans?" a more appropriate reply would be "Wait, you think God actually cares about anything?"
Jenyar said:
Unless you have already made up your mind that God doesn't exist or it's impossible for Him to love you, using other Christians or other beliefs to justify your doubt is just an excuse.

God forgive you.
Daniel 7:13 - If you don't have faith, what hope do you have? None.

Hope for what? I'm not a Jew living in the old days where their lives were living Hells getting attacked left and right. Darn right THEY need hope to get things better. This is the whole reason for the making-up prophecies of there being a Messiah to save them. And when they Messiah whom they believed so much in died? Their lives didn't get better so what do they say? There will be a SECOND COMING of their Messiah to save them, heh.

That's what all their hope was for.. for a better life. I doubt it had anything to do with their soul in the after-life. And if someone is going to live their life on hope for things to get better without doing a darn thing themselves to MAKE it better, they're a lost soul. In this physical plane of existance, we're left to ourselves so only we can make things better or worse. Don't rely on God to save you.

I have heard of this experiement also. But I think your forgetting that the group studied were college students sitting together, and the tendancy of peer presure would have been significantly higher.

Pssh, having a mass-vision of God happening would be TOTAL peer pressure. All those people with their belief in God and all the other mumbo jumbo that will happen if you don't follow Christianity. So if everyone is clamining to see God yet here some people (or most)don't.. what do you expect to go through their mind? Oh crap, if I don't see God, that must mean I'm going to go straight to Hell, oh noooooo! Oh wow, I see him now, I do I do! Okay, not really but I don't wanna go to Hell so I'll just act like it.

himself in a way that could be open to claims of fraud? God could prove himself, without a doubt, if he so wished. Adstar states verses that claim that the day of proofs is over. That the antichrist will use these methods to lure people into a way opposite to god's way. If this is so, wouldn't these incidents be more likely the work of the antichrist and not god? Convenient isn't it? It's basically saying the proofs we have seen are from god. Any proofs that come later will be the work of the antichrist. We're right, they're wrong. Again, inherently unfair. And how would one determine if it's the antichrist or the second coming? Seems the only way to know for sure is when you find yourself in heaven or hell. And then it's too late.

Heh, yep. With all the hypocrasy, contradictions, bad things, lies and other funky stuff in the Bible, I have a feeling (just a feeling) in the back of my mind that the Bible could be the book of Satan.. even moreso if God ever DOES show him/her/itself.

With all the delusional, hysterical, or just outright made-up events and writings of the Apostles saying something happened that most likely didn't, that's the way to make people believe in Satan and not God. It's all a matter of who did or said what first. It's written that the miracles done in the past were performed by God and when next miracles happen, it will be done by the Anti-Christ. Well if all of the past miracles are fake, what if that was Satan's doings and with all of this need for proof we have in this day and age, God FINALLY decides to make him/her/itself known. Well he/she/it goes and finally does some world-wide miracles, but since Satan did his miracles first and said the next time it will be the work of Satan, we will think the real true God is Satan, lol, go figure.

This is why I said if God even made him/her/itself known, people wouldn't believe it and would lash out at him/her/it. Heck, THAT could be the reason why God won't make him/her/itself known, because he/she/it wrote him/her/itself back into a corner. Hey, I didn't make it up. For Christians out there, that IS the reason why God won't show him/her/itself. If God reveals him/her/itself, it'll be assumed it's Satan because it says so in the Bible. And if God does show him/her/itself and it isn't the Anti-Christ, then it must mean the Bible is false yet again and heck, if it were the work of Satan himself, oh lordy, all that time worshipping the false Bible so much will totally create mass depression.

But seriously, what miracles were done in the old days? Any good stuff was all minor acts and well, Satan is a minor demi-god. What other stuff was done in the old days, the big stuff was all LOTS of violence and other horrid deeds. Geez, sounds like Satan more and more. Yet when the GOOD stuff comes later, people say it'll be the Anti-Christ/Satan doing it to fool us. We expect those minor miracles (which are most likely made-up stories) and violent deeds of the past to be done by GOD, yet when world-wide, OH MY GOD-type miracles happen in the future, it'll be the Anti-Christ or Satan? Geez, heh, need I say more?

- N
I always find this question funny.
Look in the mirror. Smile. Be pleased with who you are.
Look outside, look inside, look at life, look up and down and all around and stand in awe because you are seeing God!
Why doesnt God show himself!!! hehehehehehe



Responsible to whom?

You are responsible to God for your response to His call to you.

Responsible why?

Because you have the free will to choose truth or stay in a lie.

No you don't. Yet you are so brazen to think that you can know better than me or anybody else for that matter. You suppose that if I love you, then I will perservere with you.

I do suppose if you have love you will persevere with me .

You are implying that the Christian rules you believe in go for everybody else too, not just Christians.

There is only one God and yes His will stands for every man on earth.

So, this means that if I have no scripture, then my belief is worthless?

No if your beliefs go against scripture then your beliefs are worthless.

Also, which scripture? Who decides which scripture is a valid scripture and which one isn't?

The 66 books of the Bible are scripture. If one is genuinely looking for God then it will become clear to them that this scripture is truth.

That's the thing: I don't feel like I *must* show you where you are making a mistake.

I am only holding my position, and defending it. If it brings anything for you, okay, and if it doesn't, okay too.

Do you think that because I have a position and am standing for it, this already means that I am against you or wanting to change you?

So if I am mistaken? If you know I am doomed. you have no desire to give me the knowledge that will save me from destruction? You would not want to free me from deception? To change me?

Sweetie pots, I don't love you and I won't miss you, you know.

Yes it seems you do not love me. But I love you and that is what my Messiah told me to do.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Ask another atheist and odds are you will not get the same answer. I simply recognize the boundaries of logic. You know you follow the same faith, or this conversation is moot... right?

You may indeed be right wes

1 Corinthians 1:23
but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
c20H25N3o said:
I always find this question funny.
Look in the mirror. Smile. Be pleased with who you are.
Look outside, look inside, look at life, look up and down and all around and stand in awe because you are seeing God!
Why doesnt God show himself!!! hehehehehehe

Actually, you're seeing the universe. If you are suggesting that the universe is God, you'd be twisting definitions.
TheERK said:
Actually, you're seeing the universe. If you are suggesting that the universe is God, you'd be twisting definitions.

Ok thats a fair point but what I say still stands. Ill explain ...

God is Spirit and therefore is as invisible to us as the Wind by that definition. It is my opinion that God wanted us to be Witnesses to his magnificence, kindness and love. He created us to adopt us as his own so that we would call him 'Father'. He revealed His nature to us through Creation and therefore by standing in awe and walking humbly with God, His purpose in creation is fulfilled.


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wesmorris said:
hey i'm not greek.


:D ohhh yes you are, you believe in thinkers like Aristotle and pythagorus and you follow the greek way of thinking. greek logic and greek reason. Actually the scientific way of thinking is based on greek culture. So yes indeed wes you are greek in spirit. The worlds modern culture is basically greek with computers.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Because you have the free will to choose truth or stay in a lie.
Yes we do have the choice, but unfortunately you cannot know it is the truth until the end, and your arrogant if you think your automatically right because its what you believe to be correct. If only one religion can be correct then the odds arnt in my favour, i'd rather enjoy what i got now.