Why doesn't God just show himself?

God is fully capable to judge on the basis of knowledge received.

How the SHIT do you know? I find your lacking reverence of the idea that you embrace as something to be revered, quite self-involved and shallow.

Perhaps you shouldn't go around talking shit about what god can or cannot do or know. It is IMO, despicable for a human to project themselves into the "mind of god" and then speak as if they have assumed the fucking role.



Sorry Okinrus. Sometimes I read your stuff and it just makes me insane. I apologize for being a jackass to you aboot it, but I still stand by my comments. It seems to me that it is entirely hypocritical to make comments about god's ability or liklihood of doing this or that. It's god right? If so, then shouldn't you let the fucker speak for himself?
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fadingCaptain said:
If there was a god it would be absolutely impervious to us. To think that an entity with the ability to create the universe would care whether or not our little species acknowledged it is ridiculus.

I've heard this several times before, but never really thought about it. The problem with this argument is that it assumes God is busy with more important things. However, it's completely incoherent for "God" to be "busy." It is conceivable that God, if it exists, might care about every little species.

Don't base your argument on size or god's priority. Base it on the obvious fact, given the human condition and (divinely) preventable accidents, that no outside force really seems to care about us.
Damn, in "Dogma", there was the line that Jesus supposedly said to Peter: "Whatever you hold true on earth, I shall hold true in heaven" -- meaning that God must obey Christian dogma. Thus God is as Christians say ...

While I could find the quote itself on the net, the online Bibles don't have it!

Where's the trick?
it's completely incoherent for "God" to be "busy." It is conceivable that God, if it exists, might care about every little species.
A god could never be busy, he sees all knows all is all powerful etc, how can he be busy if he's all powerful and has the power to not be busy? why would he want to be busy and leave us to destroy everything? he wouldnt, so why doesnt he show himself or stop us destroying things? because he isnt there.
How the SHIT do you know? I find your lacking reverence of the idea that you embrace as something to be revered, quite self-involved and shallow.
Discussion about the capability of God is not commanding, implying, or anything of the sort of what God would do. I'm uncertain where you are going with this, but if God is incapable of judging based upon knowledge we have received, he would neither be all-knowing nor all-power. And I think for the sake disproving the existence of God we would have to assume some qualities of God anway.

Perhaps you shouldn't go around talking shit about what god can or cannot do or know. It is IMO, despicable for a human to project themselves into the "mind of god" and then speak as if they have assumed the fucking role.
When have I done this? All I'm suggesting is that God is capable of judging based upon mitigating factors. Would you be less or more offended if I quoted biblical verses? I think it's reasonable that God could judge someone based upon knowledge received.

I've never paraded around like I do know, but if you are suggesting I cannot use reasonable attributes of God that all Christians believe to defend God's existence, your not going to have much of a discussion. After all, how is my claim to any attribute of God any different than an atheist's claime of God's non-existence or unknowable-existence.

In the argument above against God's existence, I could have used any unproven attribute of God to prove it as false because it was based upon whether God could exist. While the attribute remains unproven to some, the fact remains that God could have this attribute, and I think if you read the entirely what I said, you would understand.

Sorry Okinrus. Sometimes I read your stuff and it just makes me insane. I apologize for being a jackass to you aboot it, but I still stand by my comments. It seems to me that it is entirely hypocritical to make comments about god's ability or liklihood of doing this or that. It's god right? If so, then shouldn't you let the fucker speak for himself?
I don't believe it's any more hypocritical than you calling me hypocritical. I often argue attributes of God knowing they might be disproven.

I think you are misinterpreting me. God is fully capable to judge on the basis of knowledge received.

What does this mean? Of course God would be capable of judging. That's one of his main functions according to scripture. I think that you're arguing that Faith has nothing to do with proof. The verse you use to illustrate this speaks of Grace not Faith, so I'll accept your argument. I can't quote any verses that specifically state why god doesn't show himself. As I said, I've read the bible but not memorized it. The verses that always stick out in my mind are the unspeakably horrible ones. The ones about god acting in ways that show no aspect of fairness. That's my main beef with god, his unfairness. He appears to judge by different standards at different times.

On the subject of Fatima and Zeitun and the experiments I cited, you say that the students were seated next to other students. Weren't the 70,000 next to each other? Weren't the people at Zeitun next to each other? I think the peer pressure of a group of 70,000 people would be far higher than 4 other people. Especially among people who are inclined to believe in such things to begin with.

I checked out the Zeitun site. As you say, the photographic quality is poor. Very poor. Why would god bother proving himself in a way that could be open to claims of fraud? God could prove himself, without a doubt, if he so wished. Adstar states verses that claim that the day of proofs is over. That the antichrist will use these methods to lure people into a way opposite to god's way. If this is so, wouldn't these incidents be more likely the work of the antichrist and not god? Convenient isn't it? It's basically saying the proofs we have seen are from god. Any proofs that come later will be the work of the antichrist. We're right, they're wrong. Again, inherently unfair. And how would one determine if it's the antichrist or the second coming? Seems the only way to know for sure is when you find yourself in heaven or hell. And then it's too late.

What about Saul on the road to Damascus? He didn't believe in Christianity. God showed himself to him and from this the catholic church descended. Is Saul shown less grace because of the nature of his conversion? I bet you'd piss of a few catholics if you said so. Why does Saul get proof of god and I get nothing? Unfair. Even if you are shown less grace because because of the nature of the vision, it's certainly better than hell isn't it? All of us who don't believe because we have seen no proof are doomed to hell. All of those who didn't believe and were converted by being shown god go to heaven. I'd take less grace over hell anyday.

About the topic of whether or not you believed before the vision. What about the muslims that saw the visions at Zeitun? The visions are of the virgin Mary, which is almost always a common theme in these visions, it's almost never god or jesus that is seen, but the virgin Mary. The muslim's don't believe in the virgin Mary. I'm assuming that those who saw this vision altered their viewpoints on their religion because of it. What about them? Will they be spit upon in heaven? The christians believed before, the muslim's didn't. Once again, unfair. Or, I guess the muslims that converted would have to live more ideal lives as their grace is less and sins that believers with no visions commit which can be forgiven would send the others straight to hell.

Reminds me of a Saturday Night Live a long time ago, Jim Carey was hosting. He played a guy that used "I'll see you in hell" once in a conversation to an asshole on the phone. Everyone in the office started cheering him, "way to go!" So he started using it so much that it lost all significance and pretty soon it was just his way of saying hi. "Hey, Bob. How's the family? I'll see you in hell." At the end of the skit, he was in hell and all his buddies showed up. Pity he wasn't shown a vision of god. "Why art thou persecuting me?"

Or what about South Park when it is determined that in fact it was the Mormons who had the correct religion. Everyone else goes right to hell. Basically, without some type of proof of god, picking a religion is just a crap shoot. They all have equal amounts of good content and bad content. Most people choose their religion because their parents were a certain religion. Without proof, we're being punished for the sins of our fathers. Of our grandfathers. Of our great-grandfathers. I don't know the exact verse, but there is a verse in the bible that says that sins of the fathers will be punished to the 4th generation I believe. If your family has been part of the wrong religion for longer than that, you should be excused for choosing the wrong one.
okinrus said:
I think it's reasonable that God could judge someone based upon knowledge received.

... and I think that it's unreasonable to assert a single thing about what god could/would/should do, if you have any reverence for it as a deity whatsoever.
wesmorris said:
Ah, the Christian Ad Star eh? Living up to your name.

I have to ask though, I mean you said:

"The signs and miracles where for a purpose and that was to give authority to the one delivering the will of God to the people. But once the will of God is delivered to the people there is no further need for signs, because the truth can stand on it's own and those who love the truth will hear it and know it is the truth. "

So I'm thinking you just shit all over a bunch of Muslims and Hindus, or are you gonna say something about how god works in mysterious ways? If so, then what if "his ways" are so mysterious that from our perspective in the universe, atheism is actually the closest believe to truth? Not possible eh? How about monism sans religion? No? Probably because your book says differently huh? I can feel the bible quotes coming now. *sigh* I see. It's "truth" that you love eh? I saw a lot of truth in my calculus book and I loved it. How about that book. Let us quote to each other the fundamental theorum of calculus, and it shall be good.

Do you even stop to examine what you're saying? It's a bunch of ridiculous, random shit that in your bible-centric perspective may have merit, but that perspective has no basis outside of your taste in exagerated, propagandic collections of folk-lore.

wesmorris let me make one think quite clear to you. I am not responsible to make anyone believe in God. My calling as a messenger is to deliver the message. It is the receiver of the Message who has the responsibility to believe. it does not concern me what religion the receiver is weather they call themselves christians, muslims, buddists, hindus, athiests, jews, anamists, or satanists.

" I saw a lot of truth in my calculus book and I loved it. How about that book."

Your calculus book will not bring you to eternal life with the God of Abraham. It will not save you from the eternal lake of fire that awaits all those who are against Gods will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
It is the receiver of the Message who has the responsibility to believe.

Who else could it lie with? Why is it that you would presume that I have responsiblity based on your words? You think your conviction trumps my own eh? Sounds like a fundamentalist to me.

it does not concern me what religion the receiver is weather they call themselves christians, muslims, buddists, hindus, athiests, jews, anamists, or satanists.
atheism isn't a religion. aint no atheist church.

It's okay, at some point we're all a mass of contradictions, so I understand this as human:

I am not responsible to make anyone believe in God. My calling as a messenger

Your calculus book will not bring you to eternal life with the God of Abraham. It will not save you from the eternal lake of fire that awaits all those who are against Gods will.

However in my opinion it's simply better when you are aware of where your contradictions lie. Myself, I have blind faith in pure reason. I can't really justify it more validly than "it's a boundary condition" and assume it.

Looks to me that you aren't very aware of what you're really doing. Your context only leads you to more of the same context.
Adstar said:
I am not responsible to make anyone believe in God. My calling as a messenger is to deliver the message. It is the receiver of the Message who has the responsibility to believe.

And why do I have the responsibility to believe?

What makes you so sure that you are right?

What makes you so sure that you are right and I am wrong as long as I don't believe the same thing you do?
Your calculus book will not bring you to eternal life with the God of Abraham. It will not save you from the eternal lake of fire that awaits all those who are against Gods will.

When in doubt threaten damnation. Beware Adstar, lest you find yourself in your own damnation for choosing poorly. Why is your god the right god? Because your daddy told you so?
On the subject of Fatima and Zeitun and the experiments I cited, you say that the students were seated next to other students. Weren't the 70,000 next to each other? Weren't the people at Zeitun next to each other? I think the peer pressure of a group of 70,000 people would be far higher than 4 other people. Especially among people who are inclined to believe in such things to begin with.
I don't think the 70,000 or those at Zetiun were in any sense peers. Some of them were also different religions.

I checked out the Zeitun site. As you say, the photographic quality is poor. Very poor. Why would god bother proving himself in a way that could be open to claims of fraud? God could prove himself, without a doubt, if he so wished. Adstar states verses that claim that the day of proofs is over. That the antichrist will use these methods to lure people into a way opposite to god's way. If this is so, wouldn't these incidents be more likely the work of the antichrist and not god?
The anti-christ is not here yet.

Convenient isn't it? It's basically saying the proofs we have seen are from god. Any proofs that come later will be the work of the antichrist. We're right, they're wrong. Again, inherently unfair. And how would one determine if it's the antichrist or the second coming? Seems the only way to know for sure is when you find yourself in heaven or hell. And then it's too late.
I believe the anti-christ is the consumation of Evil, and God does not just throw people into hell.

What about Saul on the road to Damascus? He didn't believe in Christianity. God showed himself to him and from this the catholic church descended. Is Saul shown less grace because of the nature of his conversion? I bet you'd piss of a few catholics if you said so. Why does Saul get proof of god and I get nothing? Unfair.
Ok, your right. It's not so much less grace, but more opportunity for destruction such as after receiving the vision Paul denied Christ's mission for him.

Even if you are shown less grace because because of the nature of the vision, it's certainly better than hell isn't it? All of us who don't believe because we have seen no proof are doomed to hell.
No one knows that.

About the topic of whether or not you believed before the vision. What about the muslims that saw the visions at Zeitun? The visions are of the virgin Mary, which is almost always a common theme in these visions, it's almost never god or jesus that is seen, but the virgin Mary. The muslim's don't believe in the virgin Mary.
Muslims believe that the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus and that God purified her.

I'm assuming that those who saw this vision altered their viewpoints on their religion because of it.
Most likely not. I don't believe the mission of the visions was purely belief but peace. For instance, the virgin Mary held up a olive tree branch at certain points.

What about them? Will they be spit upon in heaven? The christians believed before, the muslim's didn't. Once again, unfair. Or, I guess the muslims that converted would have to live more ideal lives as their grace is less and sins that believers with no visions commit which can be forgiven would send the others straight to hell.
I think you are confused about what Heaven and Hell are. Heaven is a place of mercy. God doesn't just send people to hell because they chose wrong.

Or what about South Park when it is determined that in fact it was the Mormons who had the correct religion. Everyone else goes right to hell. Basically, without some type of proof of god, picking a religion is just a crap shoot.
The point I think I'm making is that God is more like a path than anything else. He does not usually show himself entirely to someone but he shows himself in stages.

Of our great-grandfathers. I don't know the exact verse, but there is a verse in the bible that says that sins of the fathers will be punished to the 4th generation I believe. If your family has been part of the wrong religion for longer than that, you should be excused for choosing the wrong one.
THe punishment can extend many generations but this does not mean that the sons would go into hell. In fact, Ezekiel repudiates this assertion.
.. and I think that it's unreasonable to assert a single thing about what god could/would/should do, if you have any reverence for it as a deity whatsoever.
If God did truly create the world, then any assertion about how the world was created is asserting something about what God could, would, and should do. It's an assertion on your part that mankind cannot know anything of God.

“Who else could it lie with? Why is it that you would presume that I have responsiblity based on your words?”

The point is they are not my words. I said I was a messenger.

[QUOTE]“atheism isn't a religion. aint no atheist church” then you said “I have blind faith in pure reason” [/QUOTE]

See you do hold to a faith the atheist faith. And that is faith in human reasoning and human perception of the physical world. You call it “pure reason” but you have blind faith in faulty reason, because it is the reasoning of man. Wisdom lets us know that we are not capable of pure reason because our intellects and senses are limited.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And why do I have the responsibility to believe?

Because you are responsible for the decision to believe or not to believe. The thing is i do not really know what you believe?

What makes you so sure that you are right?

What makes anyone sure of what they believe? You either have conviction backed by scripture or you don't. I have prayed to God for Him to reveal the meaning of scripture to me and i have faith that God will guide the meek.

What makes you so sure that you are right and I am wrong as long as I don't believe the same thing you do?

Well if you do not believe as i believe you must show me where i am making a mistake. and if i believe that you are mistaken it is my conviction to give you my thoughts and back it up with scripture. if you think i am mistaken then if you love me you will persevere with me. God gives all believer a portion of wisdom it is when we share it in love with our brethren that we can grow in the armor of knowledge of the Word.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: you where looking for scripture:

Matthew 16
13 When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?"
14So they said, "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
15He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
16Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
17Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

Yes and the directives of Peter are found in His Letters and whatever he bound or loosed stands. Why because he was directed not by his understanding or reason but he was guided by God.
invert_nexus said:
When in doubt threaten damnation. Beware Adstar, lest you find yourself in your own damnation for choosing poorly.

Threaten damnation? No nexus. warn of damnation. I cannot send anyone to the lake of fire. Only God can do that. i do not apologize for the statement i made.

Why is your god the right god? Because your daddy told you so?

No nexus. As i said before i do not place my eternal salvation into the hands of any man and that includes my flesh daddy. My dad belongs to a religion. i was brought up in that religion. I read the Bible and left that religion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
“ And why do I have the responsibility to believe? ”
Because you are responsible for the decision to believe or not to believe.

Responsible to whom?
Responsible why?

The thing is i do not really know what you believe?

No you don't. Yet you are so brazen to think that you can know better than me or anybody else for that matter. You suppose that if I love you, then I will perservere with you.

You are implying that the Christian rules you believe in go for everybody else too, not just Christians.

“ What makes you so sure that you are right? ”

What makes anyone sure of what they believe? You either have conviction backed by scripture or you don't.

So, this means that if I have no scripture, then my belief is worthless?

Also, which scripture? Who decides which scripture is a valid scripture and which one isn't?

Well if you do not believe as i believe you must show me where i am making a mistake.

That's the thing: I don't feel like I *must* show you where you are making a mistake.

I am only holding my position, and defending it. If it brings anything for you, okay, and if it doesn't, okay too.

Do you think that because I have a position and am standing for it, this already means that I am against you or wanting to change you?

and if i believe that you are mistaken it is my conviction to give you my thoughts and back it up with scripture.

And it is my conviction to hold my ground and let others be.

if you think i am mistaken then if you love me you will persevere with me.

Sweetie pots, I don't love you and I won't miss you, you know.

Seriously, why do you think that what you believe about love is ultimately true and that everyone else should adhere to it, regardless whether they are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, ...?
Adstar said:
The point is they are not my words. I said I was a messenger.

So you expect me to take reponsibility for your words but you refuse to. I see. That seems cowardice to me.

See you do hold to a faith
You caught that eh?

the atheist faith.
Ask another atheist and odds are you will not get the same answer. I simply recognize the boundaries of logic. You know you follow the same faith, or this conversation is moot... right?

And that is faith in human reasoning and human perception of the physical world.
I have faith in reasoning, not perception. Perception is all I have to go on, but I do not have faith in it. I have faith that it is all I have to go on, but that it may well be flawed.

You call it “pure reason” but you have blind faith in faulty reason, because it is the reasoning of man.
No it's because if I didn't then there is no point in ever thinking or conversing.

Wisdom lets us know that we are not capable of pure reason because our intellects and senses are limited.
Reason is circumstantial. It is based on context. Pure reason is releative to your scenario regarding its validity. As such, it is entirely tenable. You're doing it right now. The problem I see is that you're presuming yours is valid in my context.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

No thanks.