Why does the government hide UFO's?

But it does because many don't have any interest in facts .

When I mean exploration , I mean the willingness to delve into the information that is out there. And there is much out there .
OK, for you to be sure of that, you would have found this extraordinary evidence yourself - after all, you don't have outdated thinking, right?

So, why don't you introduce those of us who have not seen the light to some of the extraordinary things that exist.

The problem is that we haven't found it, right? Because we haven't bothered to search.

So, you'll tell us what we've missed seeing, and we will say "Wow, that IS extraordinary! I mean, we literally have {X}!! How did this escape our attention for so long!?"

So let's have it. List some specific, extraordinary evidence we have heretofore overlooked.
Well pad such shallow knowledge .

You just skiffed the surface of what is thought and known . In 2016 .
I have no peers . Here .
Just for most part outdated thinking .

Take it easy river ol son! ;)
Of course though, all you need do to obtain any semblance of credibility is supply this extraordinary evidence that you say exists.
That would really be fruitful and beneficial for yourself and your credibility, rather then the continued pontificating, and baseless statements and accusations that you often dabble in.
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Take it easy river ol son! ;)
Of course though, all you need do to obtain any semblance of credibility is supply this extraordinary evidence that you say exists.
That would really be fruitful and beneficial for yourself and your credibility, rather then the continued pontificating, and baseless statements and accusations that you often dabble in.

The extrodinary evidence exists ; its just whether anybody wants to read about it and therefore finds this kind of evidence .

My credibility is based on who wants to read a book ; rather than the wikipeda search . Or google search or the such. The details are the important thing here . Which a book provides .

And your credibility is based on the same .
The extrodinary evidence exists ; its just whether anybody wants to read about it and therefore finds this kind of evidence .
No, extraordinay evidence is as I have suggested in the past...physical artifacts, body parts faeces etc etc...certainly not gullible, impressionable claims by people who "Want to believe"!!!
My credibility is based on who wants to read a book
Your credibility is based on what you have said.....
I have no peers . Here .
And your credibility is based on the same .

Certainly! ;)
No, extraordinay evidence is as I have suggested in the past...physical artifacts, body parts faeces etc etc...certainly not gullible, impressionable claims by people who "Want to believe"!!!

Your credibility is based on what you have said.....

Certainly! ;)

You just have to read pad .

The credibility of the witnesses should be enough . The Police , Military , Politications .

The want to believe is nonsense . To read with a critical mind is what is important . Which I do all the time .
You just have to read pad .
I've read many books river, inluding those by recognised fraudsters such as Von-Daniken, Eric J Lerner and Charles Berlitz.
The credibility of the witnesses should be enough . The Police , Military , Politications .
The credibility of the witness is not always in question....the facts that illusions, delusions, mirages etc, and other atmospheric, militaristic, or just game playing, can be misinterpreted, miscontrued and/or mistaken.
Like most have been telling you and MR, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence: We are still waiting.
The want to believe is nonsense . To read with a critical mind is what is important . Which I do all the time .
Do you? Sorry, I doubt that.
The mind also can play tricks on people.
I've read many books river, inluding those by recognised fraudsters such as Von-Daniken, Eric J Lerner and Charles Berlitz.

You have not read enough .

And who said they were " fraudsters " ? That's a heavy accusation to label these people with .
You have not read enough .
Says who? Says you?
I have probably read much more than yourself, with the vast majority all reputable scientific books, rather then the known fraudsters I have listed.
And who said they were " fraudsters " ? That's a heavy accusation to label these people with .
More fact then accusation, specifically with Von-Daniken.
Do a google search on the three of them.
Mainstream science is mainstream science for particular reasons: It has aligned with the observational and experimental evidence more closely than any alternative hypothetical.
And of course all mainstream scientific theories all had to run the gauntlet to obtain theoretical status, which obviously the three authors I have mentioned, plus your Branderburg character have failed at.
Says who? Says you?
I have probably read much more than yourself, with the vast majority all reputable scientific books, rather then the known fraudsters I have listed.

More fact then accusation, specifically with Von-Daniken.
Do a google search on the three of them.
Mainstream science is mainstream science for particular reasons: It has aligned with the observational and experimental evidence more closely than any alternative hypothetical.
And of course all mainstream scientific theories all had to run the gauntlet to obtain theoretical status, which obviously the three authors I have mentioned, plus your Branderburg character have failed at.

What reputable "science books " and by whom ?

What experimental and observational evidence did mainstream do ? And who were the authors ?
What reputable "science books " and by whom ?
The first three minutes: Superforce: Hyperspace: Brief History of time: Black Holes and Time Warps: Gravity's Fatal Attraction: The Making of the Atomic Bomb: plenty plenty more river....if you recognise any of them you'll also recognise that all the authors were reputable scientists other than Richard Rhodes.
What experimental and observational evidence did mainstream do ? And who were the authors ?
?? Plenty with regards to all science and unexplained issues. Too many to list, but again, you are able to google reputable stuff as distinct from stuff made to sensationalise.
The first three minutes: Superforce: Hyperspace: Brief History of time: Black Holes and Time Warps: Gravity's Fatal Attraction: The Making of the Atomic Bomb: plenty plenty more river....if you recognise any of them you'll also recognise that all the authors were reputable scientists other than Richard Rhodes.

?? Plenty with regards to all science and unexplained issues. Too many to list, but again, you are able to google reputable stuff as distinct from stuff made to sensationalise.

What has the History of Time have to do with UFO's ?

Google is NOT where I get indepth information .

Well list them pad .
What has the History of Time have to do with UFO's ?
You asked what books I have read... :rolleyes:
Google is NOT where I get indepth information .
That's your problem...While there is certainly much crap, quackery and rubbish on the net, there is also just as much crap, quackery and rubbish in print form, and which you seem to prefer over the reputable stuff. :rolleyes:
Well list them pad .
List the stuff that shows claims of UFO's of alien origin is crap?
I've listed all that many times before, along with my own reasonings.
But all encompassed in that simple little principle that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
When you have that, then PM me, OK?
Until then I have things to do, places to see! :rolleyes:
Don't forget, PM me when you have evidence of these extraordinary claims.;)
You asked what books I have read... :rolleyes:

That's your problem...While there is certainly much crap, quackery and rubbish on the net, there is also just as much crap, quackery and rubbish in print form, and which you seem to prefer over the reputable stuff. :rolleyes:

List the stuff that shows claims of UFO's of alien origin is crap?
I've listed all that many times before, along with my own reasonings.
But all encompassed in that simple little principle that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
When you have that, then PM me, OK?
Until then I have things to do, places to see! :rolleyes:
Don't forget, PM me when you have evidence of these extraordinary claims.;)

List the authors pad . Don't deke around my question . List your authors .
Electronic books can be different .

You are both pretentious pontificating and you are very well known for that .
And Imitation is the greatest form of flattery: Thank you river. ;)Just in case you are under any misapprehension that anything in print is "factual" you are wrong. eg: Chariots of the Gods: The BB Never Happened: The Burmuda Triangle: Three great works of fiction, despite fraudulent claims made by those authors. ;)
And Imitation is the greatest form of flattery: Thank you river. ;)Just in case you are under any misapprehension that anything in print is "factual" you are wrong. eg: Chariots of the Gods: The BB Never Happened: The Burmuda Triangle: Three great works of fiction, despite fraudulent claims made by those authors. ;)

So you say .

But I'll take print anyday over the web .
So you say .

But I'll take print anyday over the web .
Both print and web are the vehicles for knowledge, as well as the rubbish that infests both: The trick is separating the reputable from the quackery.
Again, you need to review in your own mind why mainstream thinking, becomes mainstream thinking...remembering that it was all hypothetical at one time.
Both print and web are the vehicles for knowledge, as well as the rubbish that infests both: The trick is separating the reputable from the quackery.
Again, you need to review in your own mind why mainstream thinking, becomes mainstream thinking...remembering that it was all hypothetical at one time.

Like wise .

What was once nonsense becomes truth .