Why does the government hide UFO's?

What's extraordinary about a book? Anyone can write a book.

The truth of the matter is that there is just as much rubbish, quackery and crankdom written in books, as there is on the www: It's just that the www is far more accessible. ;)
More accessible for those who could careless about the truth .
:?-_O:confused: Could or couldn't river?
You, again seem to have missed the point: That being there is as much shit in print, as there is on the www.
Daniken, Burlitz and Lerner were three I mentioned to you the other day.
How would you know pad ?
I've read all three books, to give myself a more balanced view on the nonsense that you and MR so fanatically support.
Then I looked at the science, and the scientific method. Unlike you, I did not automatically grab hold of some crutch. simply because it was "outside the box"
See river what you fail to recognise, is that while thinking out side the box is admirable and encouraged, 90% of it fails at the first hurdle.
Daniken, Burlitz and Lerner fell at that.
I've read all three books, to give myself a more balanced view on the nonsense that you and MR so fanatically support.
Then I looked at the science, and the scientific method. Unlike you, I did not automatically grab hold of some crutch. simply because it was "outside the box"
See river what you fail to recognise, is that while thinking out side the box is admirable and encouraged, 90% of it fails at the first hurdle.
Daniken, Burlitz and Lerner fell at that.

Three books pad ?

Thats all ?
Three books pad ?

Thats all ?
Enough to give me a reasonable outlook on the nonsense they propose.
Let's ask you a question now river, although both Dave and I have asked previously and you have yet to answer>>>anyway:rolleyes:
Tell me what reputable physics/cosmology book have you ever read river?
Or let's rephrase that: What book by a reputable author have you ever read river.
Did you read a "Brief History of Time" river? by Stephen Hawking river.
[I picked that one because it covers a wide ranging cosmological picture and discusses the well know theories like SR and GR that 21st century comsology is built on in simplistic terms.]
Enough to give me a reasonable outlook on the nonsense they propose.
Let's ask you a question now river, although both Dave and I have asked previously and you have yet to answer>>>anyway:rolleyes:
Tell me what reputable physics/cosmology book have you ever read river?
Or let's rephrase that: What book by a reputable author have you ever read river.
Did you read a "Brief History of Time" river? by Stephen Hawking river.
[I picked that one because it covers a wide ranging cosmological picture and discusses the well know theories like SR and GR that 21st century comsology is built on in simplistic terms.]

Three books pad .

Shameful are so ignorant on the topic .
Yes I have , but you refuse to READ anything but what you have already .
Have you? Hmmmm.
OK, for you to be sure of that, you would have found this extraordinary evidence yourself - after all, you don't have outdated thinking, right?

So, why don't you introduce those of us who have not seen the light to some of the extraordinary things that exist.

The problem is that we haven't found it, right? Because we haven't bothered to search.

So, you'll tell us what we've missed seeing, and we will say "Wow, that IS extraordinary! I mean, we literally have {X}!! How did this escape our attention for so long!?"

So let's have it. List some specific, extraordinary evidence we have heretofore overlooked.
I have asked essentially the same questions as Dave.
Well let our peers be the judge. :rolleyes:
The depth of the information is far more in a book .
You're not even trying to answer my question, are you?

You claim that the "extraordinay evidence" is in a book, yet you won't specifiy exactly WHAT that evidence is. I don't think there is any extraordinary evidence after all, and that you're just lying.

So come on, river, what exactly is this extraordinary evidence that you're talking about?
You're not even trying to answer my question, are you?

You claim that the "extraordinay evidence" is in a book, yet you won't specifiy exactly WHAT that evidence is. I don't think there is any extraordinary evidence after all, and that you're just lying.

So come on, river, what exactly is this extraordinary evidence that you're talking about?

Read books , you will find it there .
No, I'm asking YOU, directly, what evidence?

Have you read "a book"? Then why don't you tell us about what you read, in which book?
River - you are making claims of "extraordinary" measure; such claims require "extraordinary" supporting evidence. You have been asked, several times, quite directly and succinctly, to provide this evidence... continued refusal to do so does not help your case one iota. Kindly answer the question or, if you cannot, state as such.