Why does the government hide UFO's?

If the US government had crashed saucers tucked away at 'Area 51' and had succeeded in reverse engineering them, wouldn't there be some evidence of that alien technology being put to use? Where are the anti-gravity, the inertial damping fields and the faster than light drives? Human space travel hasn't really made any significant advances at all since the end of the 1960's.

That's my biggest objection to a govt coverup. And if these sightings were all top secret military craft, where are those now? The stealth bomber was secret for awhile, but now we all know about it. Where are these advanced aerial craft being used now? All we really see are drones. That seems to be the only cutting edge military technology these days.
"fuck off with your trash and be gone u idiot" is not acceptable behavior...
[QUOTEexact my 426913, post: 3395539, member: 19467"]I'd ask what, then, you're doing on a science forum, but I see that this is actually in the woo forum, so yours is not an entirely unexpected attitude. :wink:

I would point out that criticizing something from the outside without contributing to it is a form of trolling.

Why not contribute meaningfully?[/QUOTE]

what exactly did u contributed to us? i did contribute a knowledge about ufos. and your just debating commonsesne things and u think your contributing to the subject by doing that? fuck off with your trash and be gone. u idiot before u say something think pls.
fuck off with your trash and be gone. u idiot before u say something think pls.

Yeah... no, this isn't acceptable.

If you have a point to make, make it - otherwise, mayhaps it would be best not to say anything at all?
The government hides the reality of UFO's because it can ; because it knows how ; after 71 yrs. and because it has gained huge amount of tech. Through reverse engineering.
And what tech would that be? Beer cozies? Pet rocks? Glow in the dark stickers? Twinkies? (Those things can't be natural.)
If Washington or Canberra believed that ufos are really space-aliens, they would be aggressively investigating every ufo report. Scientists and military men would descend on everyone who reports a ufo and especially the 'contactees'.
:D Are you really serious? Take some time to think about what you have just said.
In real life we don't see anything like that. The response to ufos is a huge yawn. Governments are still focused on their Earthly rivalries and engrossed in their own inane domestic politics.

And rightly so for the many reasons that others here have listed.
The literally thousands and thousands of Alien origin UFO reports sightings/kidnappings/medical procedures, in itself speaks volumes.
[1] Why only always single individuals or small groups of people that are witnessed to such events?
[2] Why most in out of the way places?
[3] why never ever any hard evidence? you know, bodies, excrement, other unearthly artifacts.
[4] Such Alien beings would be far in advanced of us and certainly not fearfull of us, so why the general "secret"type of visitations?
[5] Considering [4] why after so many thousands of sightings, have they not made their visitations official? [you know, appearing in front of the White House or Sydney Harbor Opera House forecourts]
[6]Why all the flittering in then flittering out again without any further contact?
[7] Considering [6] these beings have obviously travelled many light years, so again, why just flitter in then flitter out again, until the next so called visitation, when again, they flitter in and flitter out again.
[8]Why all reported Aliens are of the usual "Hollywood style"body shape and colour? You know, big head with big eyes, grey colour etc
That's just off the top of my head.....yeah certainly one great big fat yawn!:cool::rolleyes:
I think that one of the strongest arguments against the idea that the world's governments believe that ufos are extraterrestrial spacecraft is those governments' behavior regarding ufos. If Washington or Canberra believed that ufos are really space-aliens, they would be aggressively investigating every ufo report. Scientists and military men would descend on everyone who reports a ufo and especially the 'contactees'. We would expect to see worldwide networks of instruments constantly observing the heavens and vast sums of money being directed into SETI. We would probably see more international cooperation between Earth governments in the face of a perceived extraterrestrial threat.

:D Are you really serious? Take some time to think about what you have just said.

What did I say that you disagree with? I would have thought that you, of all people, would have agreed with everything I wrote.

yazata said:
In real life we don't see anything like that. The response to ufos is a huge yawn. Governments are still focused on their Earthly rivalries and engrossed in their own inane domestic politics.

My point was simply that the lack of official interest in ufo reports is good evidence that those at the top, the people with access to all the secrets, don't believe that ufos are really space visitors. Which in turn suggests that there aren't any crashed flying saucers at secret desert bases or dead aliens being kept on ice.
What did I say that you disagree with? I would have thought that you, of all people, would have agreed with everything I wrote.
"If Washington or Canberra believed that ufos are really space-aliens, they would be aggressively investigating every ufo report. Scientists and military men would descend on everyone who reports a ufo and especially the 'contactees'.
And would our impressionables have a field day!
How could anyone investigate all reported sightings from all manner of nuts!
And anyway most from what I have heard have been investigated and most have been put down to far more ordinary mundane, less sensational scenarios, and the few that do remain unexplained simply are just that...unexplained, or UFO's.

Perhaps Aliens have visited Earth, but as yet we have no conclusive evidence to support this.
Aliens and off earth life imho most certainly exist elsewhere: The huge numbers and universal extent, plus the stuff of life being everywhere we look attest to that.
And imho again, if by chance we were alone, it would raise far many more questions than any alternative of positive verification of ETL.
But time and distance!
To your post # 605 pad .

How many could handle the truth ?

I'd say most of us nowadays. To the old folks , not so much .
What did I say that you disagree with? I would have thought that you, of all people, would have agreed with everything I wrote.

"If Washington or Canberra believed that ufos are really space-aliens, they would be aggressively investigating every ufo report. Scientists and military men would descend on everyone who reports a ufo and especially the 'contactees'."

Are you really trying to argue that the American and Australian governments DO believe that ufos are space-aliens??? Paddoboy, that Australian sun must be cooking your brain cells.

If Washington or Canberra really thought that ufos were space aliens, then presumably those governments would be very concerned with trying to learn everything they can about the aliens' origins, activities, numbers, plans and capabilities. Governments would send military exobiology experts to interview anyone who makes a ufo sighting report. And they would probably be most interested in the 'contactees', those who claim that aliens abducted them and did weird things to them. Governments would want to know what kind of weird things and why.

My point is that governments aren't behaving like that. Which suggests that the governments don't believe that ufos are space aliens.

And would our impressionables have a field day!
How could anyone investigate all reported sightings from all manner of nuts!

If governments believed that ufos really are space aliens, then they wouldn't dismiss those who report seeing ufos as "nuts", would they? They would take very seriously the possibility that new sightings might provide valuable information about the aliens and their activities.
My point is that governments aren't behaving like that. Which suggests that the governments don't believe that ufos are space aliens.
I agree with that assessment. Perhaps I read you wrong. My apologies.
I would add though that contrary to belief as you say, it's more an application of common sense and logic and the many reasons why it just isn't space Aliens.
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To your post # 605 pad .

How many could handle the truth ?

I'd say most of us nowadays. To the old folks , not so much .

I would dearly love for some concrete evidence to be uncovered or forthcoming to inevitably conclude that we are not alone. In my own mind I accept that fact as far more likely then the alternative that we could be alone in the universe.
It just makes no sense imho.
But as usual, I must also confront the situation that at this stage we have no evidence for ETL or intelligence of any pursasion or degree off this Earth, let alone any evidence of any Alien contact or visitation on Earth, not withstanding the nonsense preached by yourself, MR and Eric Von-Daniken
Of course pad ; and the like .

To me the cover up ; is evidenced by those who are credible ; pilots ; military ; police etc. Who were shut down ; by their instuitions .

Not just from now but for 66yrs.
Of course pad ; and the like . To me the cover up ; is evidenced by those who are credible ; pilots ; military ; police etc. Who were shut down ; by their instuitions .
I'm a pilot. I have worked for the military. I've seen several UFO's. Pretty sure none were aliens.
Of course pad ; and the like .

To me the cover up ; is evidenced by those who are credible ; pilots ; military ; police etc. Who were shut down ; by their instuitions .

Not just from now but for 66yrs.
I'm a pilot. I have worked for the military. I've seen several UFO's. Pretty sure none were aliens.
river, your problem as I see it, is that you automatically chose "out of the box" thinking and reasoning, and wear it as a badge of honour, while ignoring totally any evidence showing otherwise, or putting flimsy evidence that may support your stance on a pedestal.
Like I said recently, my two greatest wishes before I kick the bucket are [1] Man on Mars, AND [2] convincing evidence of life off this Earth.
Like billvon, I have also seen a UFO: Like billvon, I did not automatically, driven by any desire for sensationalism, assign that unidentified sighting to extra-terrestrials.
Let me also at this stage re your conspiracy nonsense, say as I just said in another thread.
"You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you will never fool all of the people all of the time".
And rightly so for the many reasons that others here have listed.
The literally thousands and thousands of Alien origin UFO reports sightings/kidnappings/medical procedures, in itself speaks volumes.
[1] Why only always single individuals or small groups of people that are witnessed to such events?
[2] Why most in out of the way places?
[3] why never ever any hard evidence? you know, bodies, excrement, other unearthly artifacts.
[4] Such Alien beings would be far in advanced of us and certainly not fearfull of us, so why the general "secret"type of visitations?
[5] Considering [4] why after so many thousands of sightings, have they not made their visitations official? [you know, appearing in front of the White House or Sydney Harbor Opera House forecourts]
[6]Why all the flittering in then flittering out again without any further contact?
[7] Considering [6] these beings have obviously travelled many light years, so again, why just flitter in then flitter out again, until the next so called visitation, when again, they flitter in and flitter out again.
[8]Why all reported Aliens are of the usual "Hollywood style"body shape and colour? You know, big head with big eyes, grey colour etc
That's just off the top of my head.....yeah certainly one great big fat yawn!:cool::rolleyes:

I'm afraid, on these points, I've got to disagree with you.

Let me address these without lending any credence to the idea of their existence.

1 and 2] UFO incidents have been reported by as many as a dozen employees and several independent witnesses, and over O'Hare airport, to-boot - not exactly out of the way. (It's a pity no one bothered to snap a pic)

2 to 7] It is very shaky to base any hypothesis on the possible motives and thought processes of a hypothetical alien.

It turns out we only need to make a single assumption, and it's not a bad one. That, for whatever the reason, they don't wish to make their presence known.

As for 8], it does not speak to either camp - if they are fake, it makes sense that they would follow canon and be mostly the same - if they are real, then it certainly would make sense why they are mostly the same!

In my opinion, UFOs are non-scientific on a purely empirical basis. IFF we have evidence that can be studied, by third party independent bodies under controlled conditions, then there will be something to talk about.
:D Well at the very least, a blurry, fuzzy snapshot!
2 to 7] It is very shaky to base any hypothesis on the possible motives and thought processes of a hypothetical alien.
Any hypothetical Alien, that has presumably traveled L/years to reach us, need be intelligent, and would not need to be afraid of us or our technology, and of course would not really want of anything.
So again, why all the secrecy...sorry Dave, I really am unable to fathom that.
It turns out we only need to make a single assumption, and it's not a bad one. That, for whatever the reason, they don't wish to make their presence known.
Except to small groups in generally out of the way places, and the occasional air port where everyone forgets to take a snapshot! :)
As for 8], it does not speak to either camp - if they are fake, it makes sense that they would follow canon and be mostly the same - if they are real, then it certainly would make sense why they are mostly the same!
How many of the more convincing sightings have there now been?
Are they all from the same planet?
If they are, then that certainly explains why they all look similar, but it does not explain why after so many visitations, they still just flitter in and flitter out again, and still prefer to make their visitations generally unknown. :rolleyes:
In my opinion, UFOs are non-scientific on a purely empirical basis. IFF we have evidence that can be studied, by third party independent bodies under controlled conditions, then there will be something to talk about.
I totally agree with that, but hasn't that been already done?
And hasn't most been explained away by more mundane explanations, while a small percentage remain as UFO's, of which I certainly agree with...weird, strange, perhaps somewhat frightening, but still unexplained or essentially unknown.
And gee, wouldn't I personally love to make contact with an Alien species before I kick the bucket.
[I do not subscribe to the Hawking hypothetical that they may have aggressive tendencies]