Why does the government hide UFO's?

Any hypothetical Alien, that has presumably traveled L/years to reach us, need be intelligent, and would not need to be afraid of us or our technology, and of course would not really want of anything.
So again, why all the secrecy...sorry Dave, I really am unable to fathom that.
Right. Except that's argument by incredulity. Others use such arguments, often to refute such things as Darwinian Evolution, but "I don't understand it, therefore it doesn't exist" is not a valid argument.

(Not to mention the fact that it weakens the skeptical stance. If we open the door to speculation about what we "suppose" aliens might be thinking, the pro-alien nuts will have a field-day - that is exactly kind of no-rules, can't-be-proven-wrong arena they'd like to play in.)
Right. Except that's argument by incredulity. Others use such arguments, often to refute such things as Darwinian Evolution, but "I don't understand it, therefore it doesn't exist" is not a valid argument.

(Not to mention the fact that it weakens the skeptical stance. If we open the door to speculation about what we "suppose" aliens might be thinking, the pro-alien nuts will have a field-day - that is exactly kind of no-rules, can't-be-proven-wrong arena they'd like to play in.)
Perhaps we have a situation of my incredulity versus the far bigger dose of incredulity that jumping immediatly to the "Alien" explanation does.
Just as the short-circuiting the science of the evolution of life by proclaiming some magical, all knowing, omnipotent deity as the source, creates far more incredulity imho.

Yes. Which is why the issue is generally on-hold. All that can be shown has been shown, until/unless there's new evidence that's a game-changer.
Right, agreed again. So we have a situation that since extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The many thousands of reports of Aliens/UFO's, the vast majority that have been explained, leaving a few as simply UFO's. And the incredulity of those reports mostly all rest on personal sighting accounts, or fuzzy blurry photographs, yet still like Bigfoot, no physical evidence, no alien artifact, or syringe, no body or DNA, no nothing.
And as much as I personally believe we are certainly not alone in the Universe, and as much as I would dearly love for the conclusive evidence that we are indeed not alone, before I cark it, I try and look at the situation logically, and then surmise that time and distance are the two great barriers preventing inter-species contact. But then the far less incredulious situation, that if time and distance were to be overcome, then the points I raised earlier particularly regarding secrecy would not be an issue.
Even an exceedingly advanced civilisation, would I believe recognise that humans were [no matter the limitation] also intelligent to the extent that we have achieved space travel as limited as that is at this time.
What I'm trying to say is the Arthur C Clarke quote re any sufficiently advanced civilisation would appear as magic may hold to some extent, but certainly not as is often mentioned, as per our own relationship as to ants on an ant hill for example.
I also believe that any sufficiently advanced species that are able to overcome the time and distance barrier, would not be aggressive as Stephen Hawking implied.
Well, after they leave their government positions, they can spill the beans. Anyone here seen this? What do you think?

I think it's probably crap. But I don't watch YouTube videos on principle. If you have a point to make, then make it yourself, in words, on the forum.
The literally thousands and thousands of Alien origin UFO reports sightings/kidnappings/medical procedures, in itself speaks volumes.

[1] Why only always single individuals or small groups of people that are witnessed to such events?
[2] Why most in out of the way places?
[3] why never ever any hard evidence? you know, bodies, excrement, other unearthly artifacts.
[4] Such Alien beings would be far in advanced of us and certainly not fearfull of us, so why the general "secret"type of visitations?
[5] Considering [4] why after so many thousands of sightings, have they not made their visitations official? [you know, appearing in front of the White House or Sydney Harbor Opera House forecourts]
[6]Why all the flittering in then flittering out again without any further contact?
[7] Considering [6] these beings have obviously travelled many light years, so again, why just flitter in then flitter out again, until the next so called visitation, when again, they flitter in and flitter out again.
[8]Why all reported Aliens are of the usual "Hollywood style"body shape and colour? You know, big head with big eyes, grey colour etc
That's just off the top of my head.....yeah certainly one great big fat yawn!:cool::rolleyes:

That's why I like my time-traveler speculation.

Assuming, totally hypothetically, simply for the sake of argument, simply for purposes of speculation, that the countless ufo reports really are caused by an unknown phenomenon that behaves in the ways you find unbelieveable, their being time-travelers would provide us with simple (albeit totally speculative) "explanations" why.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 might be "explained" by the familiar time-travel paradoxes. As every science-fiction reader knows, time travelers traveling into the past must be very careful not to change the past. If the past is changed so that something happens that didn't happen in their own past, then history might unfold in a different way so that they and their civilization never exist. (There are countless science-fiction stories written with that theme.)

Imagine that the time-travelers look at their own histories of our period and observe that many ufos were observed and reported in our years. They might conclude that as long as they conform to the ufo pattern, they won't change our history or their own. So we get a nice little time loop where they are safe if their visits behave like our ufos, precisely because their visits are what created our ufo phenomenon, which is simply the record of their time-visits.

If they announce themselves to our governments or leave future-artifacts behind, they will endanger their own existence. But if they "flitter" around as you say, they can observe us all they want and still conform to what their history tells them they did in our time.

#8 would be "explained" by ufo occupants being our own remote biological descendants, either naturally evolved or genetically engineered so as to look a little different but still be humanoid bipeds that can breathe Earth's atmosphere and survive in our environment.
That's why I like my time-traveler speculation.
Assuming, totally hypothetically, simply for the sake of argument, simply for purposes of speculation,.
BINGO!!!!! :D
Yes it's speculative and many other speculative scenarios also abound.
And that is all anyone is ever saying about those few UFO's that remain unexplained.
Hence the term UFO.
As usual, for any firm declaration as to their nature, if that nature is extraordinary, then the usual rule applies: Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence.
BINGO!!!!! :D
Yes it's speculative and many other speculative scenarios also abound.
And that is all anyone is ever saying about those few UFO's that remain unexplained.
Hence the term UFO.
As usual, for any firm declaration as to their nature, if that nature is extraordinary, then the usual rule applies: Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence.

The extraordinary evidence exists ; it just takes some people time to explore ( investigate for themselves ) the extraordinary claims that shows the extraordinary evidence .
The extraordinary evidence exists ; it just takes some people time to explore ( investigate for themselves ) the extraordinary claims that shows the extraordinary evidence .
If it were extraordinary evidence, it would not need exploration to find.
If it were extraordinary evidence, it would not need exploration to find.

But it does because many don't have any interest in facts .

When I mean exploration , I mean the willingness to delve into the information that is out there. And there is much out there .
The extraordinary evidence exists ; it just takes some people time to explore ( investigate for themselves ) the extraordinary claims that shows the extraordinary evidence .
Only in the minds of the impressionable and gullible.
No extraordinary evidence exists in actual fact for anything that you have claimed exists, including ghosts, goblins, giants, Bigfoot, anal probing Aliens, or anything that I may have missed.
Only in the minds of the impressionable and gullible.
No extraordinary evidence exists in actual fact for anything that you have claimed exists, including ghosts, goblins, giants, Bigfoot, anal probing Aliens, or anything that I may have missed.

So you say ; but you have read no books .

So you are manipulated by your ignorance .
So you say ; but you have read no books .
I've read plenty of books, including a few by cranks and quacks to get an idea how they operate: Let me list them.
The BB Never Happened: Eric J Lerner:
Chariots of the Gods: Eric Von-Danikan
The Burmuda Triangle: Charles Shultz.
All those authors btw, have been shown to be fraudsters.
So you are manipulated by your ignorance .
I'm certainly not manipulated by the quacks and cranks in this world, as you obviously are.
I think you mean Charles Berlitz, not Charles Schultz. Unless that was the lost episode where Snoopy got lost flying thru the Bermuda Triangle.