Why does the government hide UFO's?

No it doesn't. It just confirms that intelligent people can have unfounded beliefs. Many smart people believe in one of the several God that have been invented over the ages for instance.

The question is, does she believe this because of information she has received as a high-ranking government official?

You don't know but her and Podesta both imply that they know something. Either way, no one at this level in the US government has ever made such a statement. So yes, it takes things to a new level. That is self evident.

Podesta clearly states that there are files being kept secret that should be released.
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Just to provide continuity, Podesta is the one who was tasked with investigating this subject under then President Bill Clinton. And Podesta and Hillary are working together on this. He says he's been advising her.
Bear in mind that unless you are absolutely certain that it is impossible aliens have visited, then any chance above absolute zero would result in a "may", possibly all the way up to deeming it more likely than not.

For example, I don't exclude the possibility but I think it so remote that it's not worth seriously considering. But if asked I would probably say that "they may have, who knows for sure", especially if playing it somewhat tongue in cheek which I can more than imagine Hillary Clinton doing.
The question is, does she believe this because of information she has received as a high-ranking government official?

You don't know but her and Podesta both imply that they know something. Either way, no one at this level in the US government has ever made such a statement. So yes, it takes things to a new level. That is self evident.

Podesta clearly states that there are files being kept secret that should be released.
I see, so you think they are publicly speaking about top secret documents and nobody in the goverment gives a shit. This has got to be the worst conspiracy of all time.

I think maybe the aliens are testing us by having Trump run for president. In that case I guess we have failed the test and this 'earth of ours will be reduced to a burn-out cinder', appologies to The Day the Earth Stood Still [the good one].

Living in a fantasy world is an interesting way to live.
I see, so you think they are publicly speaking about top secret documents and nobody in the goverment gives a shit. This has got to be the worst conspiracy of all time.

They have both been tip toeing about this.You can reference the existence of documents without violating a classification. In fact, that is how most of the government files have been released. Someone knew the document exists and makes a FOIA request.

I think maybe the aliens are testing us by having Trump run for president. In that case I guess we have failed the test and this 'earth of ours will be reduced to a burn-out cinder', appologies to The Day the Earth Stood Still [the good one].

Living in a fantasy world is an interesting way to live.

We have true believers who are irrational, and debunkers who are often just as irrational. Are you capable of having a discussion or not?

Please give me an idea of your age. Are you a teenager?
Are any so-called skeptics capable of having a discussion that doesn't involve personal insults? After my many years of moderating a forum, my personal inclination is to think that skepticism is often used to mask anti-social behavior. It is used as an excuse to be abusive.

It's funny really. I have said for almost 20 years that I don't have any definitive opinion on this matter. I don't know what to think. I have only presented the facts. But that never mattered to the debunkers. I usually spent most of my time arguing about what I didn't say! :confused: I often got the impression that I'm the only one discussing this who hasn't already arrived at a belief. And the real irony is that I know much more about this than most people do.
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Are any so-called skeptics capable of having a discussion that doesn't involve personal insults? After my many years of moderating a forum, my personal inclination is to think that skepticism is often used to mask anti-social behavior. It is used as an excuse to be abusive.

It's funny really. I have said for almost 20 years that I don't have any definitive opinion on this matter. I don't know what to think. I have only presented the facts. But that never mattered to the debunkers. I usually spent most of my time arguing about what I didn't say! :confused: I often got the impression that I'm the only one discussing this who hasn't already arrived at a belief. And the real irony is that I know much more about this than most people do.

The problem you are running into is that after months (years now?) of a certain subset of this forum saying whatever crazy claims they wanted without requisite evidence to back them, and then simply ignoring evidence that contradicts their pet theory... many of the more scientifically minded members are simply, one could say, "Tired of their shit" and have basically given up even attempting to be civil as all they get in return when they tried was smokescreens, chaff, and insults... to be honest, I can't blame them.
They have both been tip toeing about this.You can reference the existence of documents without violating a classification. In fact, that is how most of the government files have been released. Someone knew the document exists and makes a FOIA request.
Well then we can only hope that Mulder can get to the bottom of this.
We have true believers who are irrational, and debunkers who are often just as irrational. Are you capable of having a discussion or not?
No, I don't think so, it is just to silly. I guess I will move along.
Please give me an idea of your age. Are you a teenager?
Almost. How about you?
Are any so-called skeptics capable of having a discussion that doesn't involve personal insults? After my many years of moderating a forum, my personal inclination is to think that skepticism is often used to mask anti-social behavior. It is used as an excuse to be abusive.

It's what the weak-minded do when confronted with evidence they can't refute. Juvenile insults, snarky wisecracks, and flaming ridicule. They are really too emotional to discuss the issue rationally. After awhile you just learn to ignore it all and keep presenting the evidence despite their childish attempts to censor and derail the conversation.
It's what the weak-minded do when confronted with evidence they can't refute. Juvenile insults, snarky wisecracks, and flaming ridicule. They are really too emotional to discuss the issue rationally. After awhile you just learn to ignore it all and keep presenting the evidence despite their childish attempts to censor and derail the conversation.

You just described yourself and you dont even know it.
It's what the weak-minded do when confronted with evidence they can't refute. Juvenile insults, snarky wisecracks, and flaming ridicule. They are really too emotional to discuss the issue rationally. After awhile you just learn to ignore it all and keep presenting the evidence despite their childish attempts to censor and derail the conversation.
You should rename yourself the "King of Irony".
It's what the weak-minded do when confronted with evidence they can't refute. Juvenile insults, snarky wisecracks, and flaming ridicule. They are really too emotional to discuss the issue rationally. After awhile you just learn to ignore it all and keep presenting the evidence despite their childish attempts to censor and derail the conversation.
It is said that anorexic people can't "see themselves" when they look in a mirror. Their particular dysfunction prevents them from seeing a skin-and-bones person who is wasting away, and rather see a fat person who needs to lose more weight. They then act on this image and continue to diet/purge.

I imagine when you look in the mirror you see a unconventional, brilliant, out of the box thinker rather than the self-portrait you so accurately depicted above. And so you continue to post.
It is said that anorexic people can't "see themselves" when they look in a mirror. Their particular dysfunction prevents them from seeing a skin-and-bones person who is wasting away, and rather see a fat person who needs to lose more weight. They then act on this image and continue to diet/purge.

I imagine when you look in the mirror you see a unconventional, brilliant, out of the box thinker rather than the self-portrait you so accurately depicted above. And so you continue to post.

Yes...in the void of actually knowing a thing about me you imagine all sorts of things about me don't you? You rather obsess about that don't you? That's part of your emotional hangup here of always making it vindictively personal when you have no argument to make. You've been reported for comparing me to an anorexic person btw. Thanks for proving my point for me. Have a nice day! :)
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Yes...in the void of actually knowing a thing about me you imagine all sorts of things about me don't you. That's part of your emotional hangup here of always making it vindictively personal when you have no argument to make. You've been reported for comparing me to an anorexic person btw. Thanks for proving my point for me. Have a nice day! :)

They have made points that you can't seem to understand. But your lack of understanding is not equal to the points not being valid.

⇖Killer click⇗

Ivan Seeking said:
Are any so-called skeptics capable of having a discussion that doesn't involve personal insults? After my many years of moderating a forum, my personal inclination is to think that skepticism is often used to mask anti-social behavior. It is used as an excuse to be abusive.

There does appear to be such an antisocial subset. The interesting thing is that many of those skeptics are fallacious insofar as their skepticism only pertains to the object of their skepticism, and the principles and methods of their skepticism are not―cannot be, as some of them advise―applicable to anything else. And in such cases that this happens, we also tend to witness a redefinition of the object of skepticism, a transformation into an object of scorn for the sake of ephemeral self-empowerment; it's a very human behavior.

It occurs to me that I've never had occasion to go to the ballot box in order to cast a vote against the tyranny of ufology or the mythobestiary.

Unicorns? Look, you can't prove to me there absolutely never was such a thing, and if by some quirk of history it turns out they really did exist then I would like to know why they're gone, because as awesome as Uncle Shelby is that poem seems rather quite insufficient. So does the notion that Tim Curry killed them all in an effort to challenge God. That we drove them extinct hoping to get boners might make sense, and would seem tragically human. But in the end I've seen nothing to indicate the unicorn of fantasy and legend ever existed.

EBE's? Honestly, I don't doubt there's life out there; I am rather quite convinced the basic phenomenon exists elsewhere in the neighborhood. Intelligent life? Statistically speaking, that's almost guaranteed; the only questions are whether or not they can get here and if so have they.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the lights we saw in Nevada, in how many videos circa the late 1990s, are drones and, quite frankly, some really awesome technology. But I can't prove it. All I can say is that it's the far more likely option than alien spaceships or human technology derived therefrom. And while it would seem to me a simple principle, observed by reflecting on such phenomna through history―specifically, that aside from flying, in the old days, or flying in really bizarre, unbelievable ways today―that descriptions of ufos barely escape the technology of their time, I honestly can't absolutely promise anyone there is no extraterrestrial intelligence lurking about the sector.

I can virtually promise you there is life in the Jovian and Callistan systems; I'm expecting thermophilic microorganisms, but neither can I rule out more complex structures. Give me a transparent eel-like something or other with strange minerals for teeth more properly described as filters to collect methane-loving flagella, and I will be prepared to argue that intelligent life comparable to or exceeding humanity absolutely exists elsewhere in the Universe. But I still won't be able to promise you they're here. I accept that we're not alone; I look forward to finding out how it feels to know it true. But I can't make you any promises about little gray dudes raping and murdering cattle.

And until there are gangs of uforics running around threatening and attacking infidels, I'm hard-pressed to worry about them. Hell, I count witches and even New Agers among my friends and community; my family includes trickle-downers, Christians, and a rash of Einsteinian insanity. And, hell, I'm gay, so furry and puppy play might seem funny to me but they're not weird or scary. Unicorns and basilisks and Smurfs, oh, my! Out of all that list I've only ever had to defend myself against trickle-down, Christianity, and Einsteinian insanity.

Hell, some of it's actually fun. You know, there's a game called Scruples that has been around for decades; apparently a bunch of adults are supposed to gather for wine and fondue and then ask each other compromising or dirty questions. Honestly? Learn to read tarot; it's a lot more fun, and you learn a lot more about your friends when they slip into a shade of belief long enough to talk about important stuff instead of lying in order to pretend the dirtiest thing she ever did was give her husband a hand job in the car after the Speedwagon show while on their honeymoon in Vegas, and oh, how naughty is she to even say so because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. If nothing else, tarot cards are good for that.

Sciforums isn't really a place for discussing fantastic ideas like whether we killed all the unicorns because they festered with venereal disease or ... er ... ah .. right. Wrong example.

Oh, hey: So, what about the home condition of the gray aliens does their appearance tell us? Seriously, what kind of planet would such a creature evolve on? Sciforums isn't really a place for such notions; they violate canon by presuming for the sake of argument too sympathetically with the great evil of believing intelligent extraterrestrial life has already arrived at Earth.

I can't wait until I have to actually vote in a real election about this stuff; I'm betting it won't be uforic tyranny driving the ballot question.

Er ... right. What am I on about? Actually, I couldn't tell you; these are just a few reflections having read your post; not sure what else goes here other than maybe to reiterate that yes, sometimes the appearance of skeptical behavior is in fact a mask for antisocial behavior and calculation.

Edit note: You'd think I would have learned to type by now. (17 May 2016 16.50 PDT)
You're the one that doesn't refute the evidence. I'm the one that presents it. Got it now?
Allow me to rephrase: NOBODY refutes evidence. Evidence is not something that can be refuted.

Yes, you do produce evidence and you also draw conclusions from it. Others refute your conclusions, not your evidence.
Allow me to rephrase: NOBODY refutes evidence. Evidence is not something that can be refuted.

Yes, you do produce evidence and you also draw conclusions from it. Others refute your conclusions, not your evidence.

When people here spend 10 pages of the thread trying to prove that my evidence isn't evidence, I'd call that trying to refute the evidence. Maybe you should remind them such is impossible.
When people here spend 10 pages of the thread trying to prove that my evidence isn't evidence, I'd call that trying to refute the evidence. Maybe you should remind them such is impossible.
Well, you're the one who doesn't seem to understand. Lights, etc. are evidence. Concluding "space aliens" from that evidence is a non sequitur.