Why does the government hide UFO's?

Other than the one already mentioned, there are no serious books about UFO's...Plenty of reputable scientific opinions though on how people really are just of that ilk of "I want to believe!"nonsense, and total gullibility.
But we have had all this out before, and I have given many logical reasons why UFO's although certainly valid [Why even I have seen one!]cannot be automatically construed as being of Alien origin.

I see; there are no serious books other than what what you have read . Which about the Bermuda triangle.

So now you are informed about all UFO phenomenon. Don't be silly pad.
I see; there are no serious books other than what what you have read . Which about the Bermuda triangle.

So now you are informed about all UFO phenomenon. Don't be silly pad.
You're the one with the silly unsupported beliefs river........You're the one that "needs to believe" river.
You're the one with the silly unsupported beliefs river........You're the one that "needs to believe" river.

You are behind the times pad. The denial of the information and/or evidence is long past.

The government doesn't need to validate any UFO evidence ; the people have done this already.

The people just haven't grasped this yet. They will.
You are behind the times pad. The denial of the information and/or evidence is long past.

The government doesn't need to validate any UFO evidence ; the people have done this already.

The people just haven't grasped this yet. They will.
Sure river!
I'm sure as well.
Sure you're sure! .....That's because your posts reflect a picture that is essentially and obviously deluded and you always totally ignore the obvious and the science, in favour of your unsupported personal agenda and nonsense.
Sure you're sure! .....That's because your posts reflect a picture that is essentially and obviously deluded and you always totally ignore the obvious and the science, in favour of your unsupported personal agenda and nonsense.

Hmmmm. ...I see ; but I think of you in the same way. Expect that I'm not deluded but you pad are.
Sure you're sure! .....That's because your posts reflect a picture that is essentially and obviously deluded and you always totally ignore the obvious and the science, in favour of your unsupported personal agenda and nonsense.

Hmmmm. ...I see ; but I think of you in the same way. Expect that I'm not deluded but you pad are.
Hmmmm. ...I see ; but I think of you in the same way. Expect that I'm not deluded but you pad are.
Most delusionary states are the exception rather than the rule:
I'm with most mainstream academia and science in general: You're the one with the bee in your bonnet, no matter how many times you chose to deny it.
We'll let your peers on this forum decide who is delusional, shall we?
Most delusionary states are the exception rather than the rule:
I'm with most mainstream academia and science in general: You're the one with the bee in your bonnet, no matter how many times you chose to deny it.
We'll let your peers on this forum decide who is delusional, shall we?

There are no peers .
Mrs. Clinton has vowed that barring any threats to national security, she would open up government files on the subject [of UFOs], a shift from President Obama, who typically dismisses the topic as a joke. Her position has elated U.F.O. enthusiasts, who have declared Mrs. Clinton the first “E.T. candidate.” ...

That didn't surprise me but this did:

“I think we may have been” visited already, she said in the interview. “We don’t know for sure.”

I went back and watched her interview with Kimmel, Bill's interview on Kimmel some years ago, her previous interview with The Daily Sun, and also a few interviews with John Podesta, who has been outspoken on this subject for some time. Between her reaction to Kimmel's question about whether anything was found when Bill had an investigation done, and Podesta's answers at the end of this interview, it is starting to sound like they know something! They both seem to be strongly hinting as much. Podesta says the people should make up their own minds based on the evidence [Hillary expects to have released].

It is rather amazing when you think about it. A former Senator, former Secretary of State, former First Lady for eight years, and likely the next President, thinks we may have been visited by aliens - "we don't know for sure".

A few Presidents - Carter, Reagan, and I think one other, maybe Nixon - have reported UFO sightings, but this takes things to a new level.
I've always enjoyed the thrill of the paranormal. I personally think there is most likely life on other planets most likely more intelligent than ourselves. I also think, assuming there is most likely life in the universe, that we have probably been visited. In a way its really fun to think this way.

However, I also acknowledge there is no hard evidence that holds up to scrutiny. The burden of proof is on us to prove aliens exist and have visited, specifically in each of these "well documented" cases. There is literally 0.

Everything MR has posted is weak. It doesnt prove the UFOs are outside of the mundane. He just chooses to believe that they are beyond mundane, and in true MR fashion refuses to acknowlege that, and stubbornly argues and purposfully misrepresents other peoples positions. He is the true epitome of irrational.

But despite all the lack of evidence its still super fun to think about and examine some of the evidence despite how weak it is. And hopefully its true!
I personally think there is most likely life on other planets most likely more intelligent than ourselves.
I say the existence of life off the Earth is almost certain. Advanced lifeforms are also most likely to have occurred somewhere, sometime, based on the simple facts of the near infinite extent and content of the Universe and the stuff of life being everywhere we have looked.
If it so happened that it could be shown that we were the only cradle of life, It would raise far many more questions than if we ran into ET tomorrow.
Our religious friends would have a field day:
I also think, assuming there is most likely life in the universe, that we have probably been visited. In a way its really fun to think this way.
Agreed again: but sadly, no convincing evidence exists to support that scenario. Time and distance are great barriers to any supposed contact.
However, I also acknowledge there is no hard evidence that holds up to scrutiny. The burden of proof is on us to prove aliens exist and have visited, specifically in each of these "well documented" cases. There is literally 0.

Everything MR has posted is weak. It doesnt prove the UFOs are outside of the mundane. He just chooses to believe that they are beyond mundane, and in true MR fashion refuses to acknowlege that, and stubbornly argues and purposfully misrepresents other peoples positions. He is the true epitome of irrational.

But despite all the lack of evidence its still super fun to think about and examine some of the evidence despite how weak it is. And hopefully its true!
Agreed again: but sadly, no convincing evidence exists to support that scenario. Time and distance are great barriers to any supposed contact.
I disagree that we have "probably" been visited.
I do agree that there is almost certainly life elsewhere in the universe, even limiting it to our visible universe. It's a big place. Heck, I'd probably go so far as to say it is likely to exist elsewhere in our galaxy.

But why would that mean that we have "probably" been visited - I.e. More likely than not?

I do agree that time and distance are great barriers to such a visit:

If we restrict travel to light-speed then we have only been broadcasting artificially for the best part of 100 years or so, so that would limit the range of any species detecting us and visiting us today at c.50 light years distant maximum.
But galaxy is some 100,000 light-years in diameter, so to the vast majority of our galaxy we are simply another planet orbiting another star. So limiting travel to c would suggest that even if life does exist, we are extremely unlikely to have been visited.
Assuming that life is within that range (and we have det cited nothing to suggest that it is the case) it would then require the species to be willing to travel that distance, if indeed it could even achieve close to c.
If they could travel faster than light-speed somehow... then this would push the radius of us becoming an interesting target to 100 light years... Still not exactly a massive sphere. To anything outside that range, we are still an uninteresting ball of rock rotating around an uninteresting ball of gas.
And that is if they got to us today.
The first major event, Roswell, was only some 20 years after em transmissions were strong enough to be detected outside our atmosphere, unless of course they just happened to be nearby at the time.

Now, once our inquisitive aliens get to us, would they really exhibit the behaviour associated with the countless phenomena ascribed to them? They transmit no em waves in our orbit that we can detect. We've detected no artificial em from anywhere but our own planet, certainly nothing in our solar-system (so no craft-to-craft comms), we detect nothing visibly other than a few anecdotal anomalies that suggests rather reckless behaviour of otherwise highly intelligent sentient creatures when buzzing around our atmosphere. Do we only attract joyriders? The jocks of the ET community?

I would say it is possible, but highly unlikely, that we have been visited.
Certainly not "probable".

But as a self-confessed sci-if geek I would genuinely love it to be true.
I would say it is possible, but highly unlikely, that we have been visited.
Certainly not "probable".

But as a self-confessed sci-if geek I would genuinely love it to be true.
That's what I actually meant: Sorry for not making that as clear as it should have been....I was in somewhat of a hurry as the Mrs was calling me for dinner which was roast Pork and baked vegies. You can't stand between a man and his gut! ;)
A few Presidents - Carter, Reagan, and I think one other, maybe Nixon - have reported UFO sightings, but this takes things to a new level.
No it doesn't. It just confirms that intelligent people can have unfounded beliefs. Many smart people believe in one of the several God that have been invented over the ages for instance.
That's what I actually meant: Sorry for not making that as clear as it should have been....I was in somewhat of a hurry as the Mrs was calling me for dinner which was roast Pork and baked vegies. You can't stand between a man and his gut! ;)
Given that it was roast pork, I fully understand! I trust the pig skin was suitably crackled? :D
Let us hope Sarkus is as forgiving where our curly-tailed brethren are concerned!