Why does the government hide UFO's?

Well, you're the one who doesn't seem to understand. Lights, etc. are evidence. Concluding "space aliens" from that evidence is a non sequitur.

Never concluded space aliens. I'm more interested in the phenomenon itself and what we can infer from its characteristics. Take for instance this account of ufo sightings by journalist John Keel. This was when he and other people sat out in the woods near Point Pleasant W Virginia on successive nights and witnessed all sorts of strange objects in the sky:

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Ah yes, the old "non human and extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional doesn't mean ALIEN" tactic.
Ghosts, Bigfoot, that "UFOs" are alien spaceships, the Loch Ness monster, and so on...
Ghosts, Bigfoot, that "UFOs" are alien spaceships, the Loch Ness monster, and so on...

There is so much evidence for UFO's it's overwhelming.

The thing is though we LOOK to the governments APPROVAL before the general populus; ACCEPTS; the reality of UFO's. Never mind where they come from ; here and/or ; out there.

We are locked into this " government " is reality mindset.

There's lots of evidence that UFOs are unidentified flying objects, but there's NO evidence that UFOs are alien spaceships.
The thing is though we LOOK to the governments APPROVAL before the general populus; ACCEPTS; the reality of UFO's. Never mind where they come from ; here and/or ; out there.
We are locked into this " government " is reality mindset.
What does the government have to do with our own critical thinking?
My government keeps the trains running and the dogs on their leashes.
Does your idea of a government tell you what you think?
There is so much evidence for UFO's it's overwhelming.

The thing is though we LOOK to the governments APPROVAL before the general populus; ACCEPTS; the reality of UFO's. Never mind where they come from ; here and/or ; out there.

We are locked into this " government " is reality mindset.

You're the one discussing the government.
Of course ; what is the title of this thread , Daecon ?
Yup. And on the very first page of the thread, it was pointed out that the thread subject is, itself, a logical fallacy - it contains the conclusion in its premise.

It is a question of the same form as that which I now ask you, river:

"Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Yes or no."

Yup. And on the very first page of the thread, it was pointed out that the thread subject is, itself, a logical fallacy - it contains the conclusion in its premise.

It is a question of the same form as that which I now ask you, river:

"Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Yes or no."

Who has told you that this thread is a logical fallacy ?
The government hides the facts on UFOs because they think that populous can't handle the truth ; but more importantly ; they ; the government ; are arrogant.
Yeah, you're no fool. You know a trap when you see it.

You recognize that the question of when you stopped beating youre wife is unanswerable, because it includes the hidden assumption that you beat your wife.

The government hides the facts on UFOs because they think that populous can't handle the truth ; but more importantly ; they ; the government ; are arrogant.
It has not been established that they hide anything. So the why is moot.