Why does the government hide UFO's?

If that's really one of the best, why did you wait until now to reveal it? Why wasn't this the very first anecdote you posted?
I can't help but notice you've not responded to my previous point, either. So that's two things your either unwilling or unable to address. "LOL!" indeed.

Ah, yes. The trusty old violin picture, for when you have no actual response to being exposed as a fraud.
Ah, yes. The trusty old violin picture, for when you have no actual response to being exposed as a fraud.

When did THAT happen? It certainly wasn't due to any of the insulting one-liners you posted in between my like 16 compelling cases for the reality of the UFO phenomenon. The case for UFOS as intelligently operated nonhuman craft remains one of the most extraordinary facts of the 20th century. Civilizations far hence will look back on this time as the dawning of a new reality for the human race. Contact is real and has been proceeding clearly for more than a hundred years now. The disengenous attempts of pseudoskeptics to cover it up notwithstanding.
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When did THAT happen? It certainly wasn't due to any of the insulting one-liners you posted in between my like 16 compelling cases for the reality of the UFO phenomenon. The case for UFOS as intelligently operated nonhuman craft remains one of the most extraordinary facts of the 20th century. Civilizations far hence will look back on this time as the dawning of a new reality for the human race. Contact is real and has been proceeding clearly for more than a hundred years now. The disengenous attempts of pseudoskeptics to cover it up notwithstanding.

Last time I looked, they were still just plain old vanilla UFO's...nothing more, nothing less.....But you are entitled to your dreams.
It's quite simple, either ALL [specific manifestation of phenomena X] are otherworldly craft, or they're not - i.e. some of the manifestations have mundane explanations.

If they all are, then you should have evidence that ALL [specific manifestation of phenomena X] are otherworldly craft.

If they're not, then you should have evidence that [specific manifestation of phenomena X] wasn't one of the mundanely-explained examples of that phenomenon.
When did THAT happen? It certainly wasn't due to any of the insulting one-liners you posted in between my like 16 compelling cases for the reality of the UFO phenomenon. The case for UFOS as intelligently operated nonhuman craft remains one of the most extraordinary facts of the 20th century. Civilizations far hence will look back on this time as the dawning of a new reality for the human race. Contact is real and has been proceeding clearly for more than a hundred years now. The disengenous attempts of pseudoskeptics to cover it up notwithstanding.

So that is the issue here. Are you trying to convince everyone else that you're right or defending your logic for your belief?

I've always thought a big part of the problem is the lack of middle ground. On one hand, there are plenty of very strange and intriguing cases. I don't think anyone who is intellectually honest can deny this IF they take the time to learn about the subject. But leaping to belief is probably unjustified for most of us. Unless you have experienced something directly, we don't have smoking gun proof. Without proof there is room for doubt. And for such an extraordinary proposition - the so called ET Hypothesis - any room for doubt generally leads to non belief. Anything more would be a faith statement. Conversely, it is ridiculous to deny that there is a core of fascinating cases, many of which seem to defy prosaic explanations.

So you have the true believers and the true non-believers. Personally, I don't have any definitive opinion. I don't need to artificially select truth. "I don't know" works just fine.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Blurry photos, low quality videos, and second/third-hand anecdotes are nowhere near extraordinary enough to be evidence for something as extraordinary as flying saucers. (Or ghosts, or bigfoot...)

Magical Realist doesn't like that, so he pretends that it doesn't apply to what he wants to believe in.
So you have the true believers and the true non-believers. Personally, I don't have any definitive opinion. I don't need to artificially select truth. "I don't know" works just fine.

Everyone's free to make their own decision on this issue, and in fact will probably do so in accord with what they want to be the case. I personally have concluded ufos are real and are being operated by nonhuman intelligences for some as yet unknown purpose. That's what the evidence shows after examining hundreds of these cases. Alot of people aren't ready to accept that, and that's fine. As long as they are being honest with themselves, that's good enough for me.
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And what percentage of those cases have you dismissed as NOT being otherworldly craft?
I'm sure there was a thread in here somewhere asking why the government hides UFOs? Has anyone seen it? The thread, I mean, not the UFOs. All we seem to have now is an excuse for someone to post videos of each and every UFO case they can think of. Which is much like every other thread about UFOs. Hence the struggle to find the actual thread I'm looking for.

Damn! I know it was in here somewhere!

[hums "one of these things is not like the others"]

It's not over here, either. :(
I'm sure there was a thread in here somewhere asking why the government hides UFOs? Has anyone seen it? The thread, I mean, not the UFOs. All we seem to have now is an excuse for someone to post videos of each and every UFO case they can think of. Which is much like every other thread about UFOs. Hence the struggle to find the actual thread I'm looking for.

Damn! I know it was in here somewhere!

[hums "one of these things is not like the others"]

It's not over here, either. :(

If you recall the conversation quickly turned into a debate over whether ufos even exist or not and how we can decide if they do. There were like about 10 pages of that, for which I periodically supplied evidence in response to the standard complaint that there is nothing but blurry pictures and questionable anecdotes. I'm simply continuing that fine tradition of evidencing my claims now. If you don't want to look at the evidence, that's your right. But what I post is entirely consistently with the vein of this thread.
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