Why does evolution select against atheists?

I use my own words , but I try to not use my opinion, to often.
Until you've read the article it doesn't matter WHAT words you use.
You might as well answer "fish" because UNTIL you've read it (or similar documents) you have nothing to use your own words about.
Or are you of the opinion that you're allowed to give your opinion on topics you haven't looked at?
Silly me, your posting history suggests exactly that, doesn't it?

If I did I would be the same as almost everyone else.
A clear demonstration of your utter cluelessness.

The reality is that man is not capable, to have a good opinions.
Well you're one man that fits the description.

Thus we have wars, since the first deviation from God.
Repeating the same rubbish again?

Man on his own is a failure.
Well at least one is... :rolleyes:
Coward. Answer the question please ?

If you believe that strongly you should have no problem answering and should be proud of it.
The original purpose was for man to, live forever and fill the earth with people and a paradise earth. Even today with people that don't believe in a God, when it comes to death, they try to prolong life, try to keep as healthy as they can, and when you are 18 , you feel invincible. The last thing you think of is getting old. Some freeze themselves hoping that science will bring them to life in the future. Most people want a nice home on a lake or ocean or on a mountain etc. People will spend big money to see the world and the beautiful places. This is built into us. That was the original purpose.
This evolving is an assumption, based on what science says . But there are no facts, or evidence that anything evolved. The talents and the thinking of man, is evidence that we are meant for a purpose other than just living and dieing. Man's actions tell you that.

So lets leave evolution out of it.

Please be specific in defining what was so much better thousands of years ago then now ?
The original purpose was for man to, live forever and fill the earth with people and a paradise earth. Even today with people that don't believe in a God, when it comes to death, they try to prolong life, try to keep as healthy as they can, and when you are 18 , you feel invincible. The last thing you think of is getting old. Some freeze themselves hoping that science will bring them to life in the future. Most people want a nice home on a lake or ocean or on a mountain etc. People will spend big more to see the world and the beautiful places. This is built into us. That was the original purpose.

That's a pretty story, likely invented at a time when the world seemed out of control with diseases we couldn't understand, citizens with no rights or social mobility, natural phenomenon like lightning and birth no one understood...
The original purpose was for man to, live forever and fill the earth with people and a paradise earth. Even today with people that don't believe in a God, when it comes to death, they try to prolong life, try to keep as healthy as they can, and when you are 18 , you feel invincible. The last thing you think of is getting old. Some freeze themselves hoping that science will bring them to life in the future. Most people want a nice home on a lake or ocean or on a mountain etc. People will spend big money to see the world and the beautiful places. This is built into us. That was the original purpose.

So. What's your point with this.

People want to live. Of course.

This doesn't answer what god or religion is the correct one. This was your statement " false religions"

So what is the real religion ?
Please be specific in defining what was so much better thousands of years ago then now ?
The big difference now is that people's misuse of things and their life style are bringing the earth to destruction. No one can hide from it, no matter where you live.
The original purpose was for man to, live forever and fill the earth with people and a paradise earth. Even today with people that don't believe in a God, when it comes to death, they try to prolong life, try to keep as healthy as they can, and when you are 18 , you feel invincible. The last thing you think of is getting old. Some freeze themselves hoping that science will bring them to life in the future. Most people want a nice home on a lake or ocean or on a mountain etc. People will spend big money to see the world and the beautiful places. This is built into us. That was the original purpose.
That's right.
And using exactly the same reasoning we were all meant to be rich.
And have a fast car.
And/ or a yacht.
And maybe be famous rock stars.
Every single one of us.

Do you have anything other than supposition?
That's a pretty story, likely invented at a time when the world seemed out of control with diseases we couldn't understand, citizens with no rights or social mobility, natural phenomenon like lightning and birth no one understood...
A couple of things here. I mentioned this before. The immune systems of man were much better than they are now. The weather was much different than it is now. The earth was much more stable than it is now. I know you guys probably don't believe in the flood account. But all that water , putting pressure on the earth caused it to buckle somewhat, causing a instability, in the earths crust, and weather changes. Creation actually answer all of these types of questions.
But I guess it is more fun to go around in circles, science stuck with no idea how life happened, or evolution that has no evidence to support it.
This idea that is being discussed about a gene causing man to believe in a God, support creation.
The immune systems of man were much better than they are now.
Supposition, and probably the exact opposite of reality.

But all that water , putting pressure on the earth caused it to buckle somewhat, causing a instability, in the earths crust, and weather changes.
There was no flood, hence no buckling...

science stuck with no idea how life happened, or evolution that has no evidence to support it.
You keep harping back to these two points, a fine example of your utter dishonesty.
The ONLY reason you claim there's no evidence to support evolution is because you refuse to look at the presented information.

This idea that is being discussed about a gene causing man to believe in a God, support creation.
No it doesn't.
The big difference now is that people's misuse of things and their life style are bringing the earth to destruction. No one can hide from it, no matter where you live.

You can thank people like yourself for that.
So what is the real religion ?
That is something you are going to have to find yourself.
God says he knows who his people are. That really comes down to attitude, and then accurate knowledge. So I maybe I can get you to thinking about this, but if you really want to find the answers, then it is up to you. But don't worry, God won't miss any, that are deserving.
Was the climate more stable or more instable in biblical times? The bible does tell of climate change, flooding, natural disasters, desertification, the same kind of things that happen now.

Where did all that water go? Where is the record of the flood in any sedimentary rock or mud cores from oceans and rivers? (Hint: it's just not there).

I don't mind if you call the bible a guide to living morally, but please do not insult our intelligence and say it's an accurate guide to any scientific truth, because it's not.
You can thank people like yourself for that.
Unless you live in a hut in Africa or some where like that, we are part of the problem. Even if you try to live that way here, usually you have to make money or drive a car , so we are part of the problem. Besides there really has to be leadership to make it work. But people won't vote for someone unless they get some benefit form it. Governments can't do it.
Unless you live in a hut in Africa or some where like that, we are part of the problem. Even if you try to live that way here, usually you have to make money or drive a car , so we are part of the problem. Besides there really has to be leadership to make it work. But people won't vote for someone unless they get some benefit form it. Governments can't do it.

You complain about the state of the world? You theists have been controlling it for centuries, no one to blame but yourselves. And, if you are an example of those who have been controlling the world, it's little wonder it's fucked up.
Was the climate more stable or more instable in biblical times? The bible does tell of climate change, flooding, natural disasters, desertification, the same kind of things that happen now.

Where did all that water go? Where is the record of the flood in any sedimentary rock or mud cores from oceans and rivers? (Hint: it's just not there).

I don't mind if you call the bible a guide to living morally, but please do not insult our intelligence and say it's an accurate guide to any scientific truth, because it's not.
Yes it was more stable, until the flood, after that things changed. Actually there was no mention of rain before the flood. It was said that man got his water from rivers and lakes and from a heavy dew on the ground.
Actually, there are evidence of a global flood. Thee have been piles of bones washed in area, that could only have happened from a flood, also large rocks washed in different direction coming from the same area, this also was caused by floods. The trouble is that any time some ones publishes anything like this science get it knickers in a knot , and tries to kill it. Or say they were poor scientist. And yet scientists will believe in evolution with nothing to support.
But like I said before this is the misinformation age.
You complain about the state of the world? You theists have been controlling it for centuries, no one to blame but yourselves. And, if you are an example of those who have been controlling the world, it's little wonder it's fucked up.
This is a true statement , well at least mostly. Worldly governments are just as bad.
But as I said before, this world is full of false religions, and ones that don't live up to the standards and are hypocritical in their beliefs.
This world is one of misinformation and misdirection.
misinformation age?
When was the information age?
Missed it...80's? 1700? 1DC? 1BC? 1BS?

apparently u changed the word 'age' with 'misdirection' and u made it 'world of misinformation and misdircetion'
Ok then
When the world was informative and directive?
That is something you are going to have to find yourself.
God says he knows who his people are. That really comes down to attitude, and then accurate knowledge. So I maybe I can get you to thinking about this, but if you really want to find the answers, then it is up to you. But don't worry, God won't miss any, that are deserving.

You belief is obviously very weak since you are afraid to let me know.