Why does evolution select against atheists?

Evidence that we are entering an era of increasing violence ?

The change in developing societies adopting the norms of developed ones, where the vast majority of human beings are just uncivilised collateral damages who get in the way of the more civilised ones who know better what the world [and mostly, they] "deserve".
SAM said:
Evidence that we are entering an era of increasing violence ?

The change in developing societies adopting the norms of developed ones, where the vast majority of human beings are just uncivilised collateral damages who get in the way of the more civilised ones who know better what the world [and mostly, they] "deserve".
So where is the evidence that this has led to increasing violence?

The trend is otherwise, especially in those developing countries that actually have adopted more of the norms of the developed ones.
So where is the evidence that this has led to increasing violence?

The trend is otherwise, especially in those developing countries that actually have adopted more of the norms of the developed ones.

Is this what the media tells you? Or did you arrive at this conclusion all by yourself?
SAM said:
Is this what the media tells you? Or did you arrive at this conclusion all by yourself?

You have not supplied evidence for your assertion - perhaps you have some?
Well in my own personal experience of the changes I see in the Indian context, we are now poised to adopt the principle of a military solution to every problem we face. This includes those Indians who don't get with the new program

Hence you can, if you follow the newspapers, see the Indian military in close consultation with Americans and Israelis, learning the advanced techniques of tackling terrorism. And the effects of these on various "terrorist elements" around the country.
Don't follow the logic.....

So If I create a robot, does that require I amputate my arm and put it as one of the arms of the robot?

There is no reason to believe God would put a 'God gene'- first of all how can such a gene exist when God is not made from the created things (i.e gene) - as he is the CREATOR of those genes!

Peace be unto you ;)

If God exists why would he need to create a God-gene?
this is so common though that it is the rule and not the exception. i attribute this to information overload.
SAM said:
Well in my own personal experience of the changes I see in the Indian context, we are now poised to adopt the principle of a military solution to every problem we face. This includes those Indians who don't get with the new program
So maybe some day the trend toward decreased violence will reverse in the area, due to India still further adopting the norms of the developed countries? Is that speculation your evidence?
Which part is the speculation? The CRPF torturing the civilians in the Jharkand or the Indian army torturing civilians in the North?
If God made genes, then there is not reason to believe he would not have inserted a God gene. More specifically it is clear that most every culture has some semblance of religious ritual in it (theistic or otherwise). It is so universal a human trait that one can well imagine it being at least somewhat hardwired into us. (That said, there is a vague--but I think incorrect--sense we all have that our minds exist separately from our bodies. I think that is the root of why it's easy to feel that any genetic influence on our minds is in a sense "tampering.")

It makes sense that primitive societies could have been benefitted by such a religiuous sense, as it would have promoted intra-group cohesion to have had a common set of religious prescriptions. Better, the belief in a religion can direct individuals to stay within the rules agreed to by the group in situations where no other group member could deterct a breach. (Because the spirits or Jesus or whomever would know that you violated the rules.)

There is the old question about whether natural selection can favor such rules on the level of a group, rather than purely based on the individual, but it is hard to see how most any "social" trait of a social species like mankind could develop if natural selsection could not select for enhanced group dynamics.

In general I have to agree though that natural selection is not working "against" atheism. It has selected for religiosity in the past, imo, because of the social benefits that common social and ethical norms instill within a group. In a religious society, atheists are the ones who reject at least some of those norms. As natural selection starts favoring the religious types, they start ostracising the non-religious ones for that failure to conform, and the process accelerates.

The more interesting question for me, if whether religiosity has started to be maladaptive in the post-hunter/gatherer world that we now live in. In early human societies, we had small leaderless groups. Agriculture brought permanent settlements and hierarchical social controls...and religion was co-opted by the leaders within that hierarchy. It's at that time also that we start to see more clear signs of theism. Prior to then there were certainly religious sites, but less evidence that there were hierarchies of celestial power with some spirits being the boss of others.
If God exists why would he need to create a God gene?
Being insecure and overly anxious are things that are not that beneficial to survival. I think that's why higher animals sometimes need to take little leaps of faith (in themselves) in order to function.
Perhaps in humans this might be experienced as an outside force that looks out for you i.e. God/higher force. Just speculating of course.
The prediction of increasing violence, associated with the further adoption of developed country norms.

Don't know if you've noticed, but we're running out of far off places to support the weapons industry.
SAM said:
The prediction of increasing violence, associated with the further adoption of developed country norms.

Don't know if you've noticed, but we're running out of far off places to support the weapons industry.
They will need upgrades, maintenance, etc.

It's like selling a guy a toupee - you've got a customer for life.
If God exists why would he need to create a God-gene?
It is this need in people , that can bring people together, a unifying force. The ideal is that everyone should believe and put their trust in one God. So that every one in the world has a unified knowledge and purpose.
Today people put that trust and need into other things. Like money, power, governments, science, and false religions. The result is what we see today. The end result is destruction, and just of people but the earth too.
It's only a predisposition towards spirituality, not towards theism in particular.
Actually it is towards theism , but many people have lost faith, so they turn to other things, to try to fulfill that need. This really points to a creator rather than evolution as a cause to everything . It's just that people don't understand or don't want the responsibility, there comes with a God. They just want to be free to do want they want. The result is this world as it is now.
Actually it is towards theism
Actually it isn't.
Read the article.
Understand it.
THEN post.

This really points to a creator rather than evolution as a cause to everything
Only if you're predisposed to interpret it that way. In other words no it doesn't.

It's just that people don't understand or don't want the responsibility, there comes with a God. They just want to be free to do want they want. The result is this world as it is now.
Yeah, waffle and nonsense.