Why does evolution select against atheists?

Like the quarter million god fearing theists he didn't miss with that tsunami.

What a shot! Have you been thanking your god for that event?
Time and unforeseen things affect us all. The good and the bad. We all live in this same world.
The immune systems of man were much better than they are now

evidence please

The earth was much more stable than it is now

evidence please

And yet scientists will believe in evolution with nothing to support

Comedy, so you are making broad ignorant laden statements with no evidence to support it and then ignore the mountain of evidence that supports evolution.

Why do we have canine teeth ?
Why would a god who delivered us to this earth to live in this perfect paradise need canine teeth for ?
this world is full of false religions, and ones that don't live up to the standards and are hypocritical in their beliefs.
This world is one of misinformation and misdirection.

And, people who are as mentally unstable and deluded as you are at the helm. Your religion is just as false as any other. YOU are the propagator of misinformation and misdirection.
You belief is obviously very weak since you are afraid to let me know.
I knew you would, say that. :) But it is true. I can only get some to at least think about it. It's up to you what you do about it. My faith is strong, in that if you are deserving, you will find it. It will come to you. It is nothing mysterious or weird, or anything like that. It is based on knowledge. It's not an emotional display, or anything like most people think of when they think of God.
Why do we have canine teeth ?
Why would a god who delivered us to this earth to live in this perfect paradise need canine teeth for ?
ok m8,we all know that ur a vamp -,-

Btw,canine teeth is not need to prove evolution,our whole body,mind,our existance is the proof of evolution
And, people who are as mentally unstable and deluded as you are at the helm. Your religion is just as false as any other. YOU are the propagator of misinformation and misdirection.
Many people hate truth. Not many find it.
I knew you would, say that. :) But it is true. I can only get some to at least think about it. It's up to you what you do about it. My faith is strong, in that if you are deserving, you will find it. It will come to you. It is nothing mysterious or weird, or anything like that. It is based on knowledge. It's not an emotional display, or anything like most people think of when they think of God.

But since you claimed there are false religions I figured you know the correct one, so again, which is it, that is all I am asking.
btw hay_you ,u dindn't answered my post:
misinformation and misdirection age?
When was the information age?
Missed it...80's? 1700? 1DC? 1BC? 1BS?
Ok then
When exactly the world was informative and directive than today?
My historician buddies are dying to hear ur answer so they can fix the history book from all this misinformation they have received.
Please do answer,i wanna know the truth,i beg u,show me teh light.
If u give a good answer i'll become a theist and we will troll together about god so everyone gets sick and convert just to avoid trollin ,means that we will save the world and god will give us blonde chicks with huge boobs for eternity.Hurrah boobs..god,i meant god...soz...Hurrah god,there.
But since you claimed there are false religions I figured you know the correct one, so again, which is it, that is all I am asking.

I a ready answered that.
My historician buddies are dying to hear ur answer so they can fix the history book from all this misinformation they have received.
Please do answer,i wanna know the truth,i beg u,show me teh light.
If u give a good answer i'll become a theist and we will troll together about god so everyone gets sick and convert just to avoid trollin ,means that we will save the world and god will give us blonde chicks with huge boobs for eternity.Hurrah boobs..god,i meant god...soz...Hurrah god,there
Well I doubt that will happen , but you never know.:bugeye:

The answer is that we are the most informed people that has ever lived and we communicate more than ever before.. But we are also misdirected. Never has never been so much information and that is not really important, but cover up the most important information. It really has been the last 150 years or so this has happened. But it is in this time also where we are destroying our planet, we have as much distrust of others as ever we have had. People have to lock their doors for fear of others. We have people stealing our information over the internet and credit cards. People think there is no God, even though the evidence is there. Science has sets it's self up as the leader and most knowledgeable institution, says there is not God. And say it can solve mans problem with heath etc. The the world is falling apart not just socially but physically as well.
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OP: Why does evolution select against atheists?

Social insecurity selects against people adopting an atheist mentality. However, it seems to me, that humans are by nature skeptical. Once their social security is taken care of, then we find more and more atheists in society.

IMO Atheism is the default and Theism is more or less a response to insecurity. You can see this in early religions. People used Gods and Goddesses to explain nature. Over time these explanations became more and more elaborate until one day people actually started worshiping imaginary Aliens from Outer space.
Read the article, it does not say that theism in particular is the common denominator of humanity, only spiritual experiences. It's likely that people lost their faith in their own spirituality, and so created organized religion as a poor substitute. I guess people don't want to take responsibility for their own enlightenment, they just want spiritual wisdom to be dispensed freely at a convenient outlet, like a drive-thru.
What are spiritual experiences?

“ But since you claimed there are false religions I figured you know the correct one, so again, which is it, that is all I am asking. ”

I a ready answered that.

Never did. Show me where you told me what the only legitimate or correct religion is.
OP: Why does evolution select against atheists?

Social insecurity selects against people adopting an atheist mentality. However, it seems to me, that humans are by nature skeptical. Once their social security is taken care of, then we find more and more atheists in society.
What really happens is that even when people start from the truth, in time they start to deviate from it. They start to include their own thinking. And then in time things get totally corrupt. It took about 300 years after Jesus died for Christianity to do that.

IMO Atheism is the default and Theism is more or less a response to insecurity. You can see this in early religions. People used Gods and Goddesses to explain nature. Over time these explanations became more and more elaborate until one day people actually started worshiping imaginary Aliens from Outer space.
Yes I have heard said before that before. But really that is not true , Atheism is a choice just like theism or a belief in science. You chose, to believe that there is no God. A person that doesn't know, is not really an atheist. Just as a Christian is not a Christian just because his parents baptized him as a baby. It has to be a choice.
I told you what I am saying on this, if you are really interested, you too can find it.

Next time you are going to be unwilling to provide an answer don't make the comment that begs the question.

You answer is like being asked what your favorite color is and answering it's one of the colors out there.

Ok, thanks that clears it up.
IMO Atheism is the default and Theism is more or less a response to insecurity. You can see this in early religions. People used Gods and Goddesses to explain nature. Over time these explanations became more and more elaborate until one day people actually started worshiping imaginary Aliens from Outer space.

Who was it that was looking for Martians, and sent a lander there? This kind of thinking comes from not only , religion, but also science.
Next time you are going to be unwilling to provide an answer don't make the comment that begs the question.

You answer is like being asked what your favorite color is and answering it's one of the colors out there.

Ok, thanks that clears it up.
This topic is not about which religion is the correct one. If you are interested which one it is, look around if you are serious, about this , with the right attitude and motivation, you will find it.
Did I answer your question? Are you going to come and work with me?
What did your historian buddies say?