Why does evolution select against atheists?

It is this need in people , that can bring people together, a unifying force. The ideal is that everyone should believe and put their trust in one God. So that every one in the world has a unified knowledge and purpose.
Today people put that trust and need into other things. Like money, power, governments, science, and false religions. The result is what we see today. The end result is destruction, and just of people but the earth too.

What are the false religions ?
Hay you,

Actually it is towards theism , but many people have lost faith, so they turn to other things, to try to fulfill that need. This really points to a creator rather than evolution as a cause to everything

This doesn't even make sense. None at all.

The result is this world as it is now.

As opposed to the way it was ?

Think about it. When do you think the suffering started ?
When did we start warfare ?
When did we let people starve ?

Do you really think things are worse now than say 3000 years ago, or 5000.

If so, tell me what you think specifically is worse now than then.

Originally Posted by hay_you
Actually it is towards theism

Actually it isn't.
Read the article.
Understand it.
THEN post.
Well the article is some one else's opinion.

This really points to a creator rather than evolution as a cause to everything

Only if you're predisposed to interpret it that way. In other words no it doesn't.
Well you can be predisposed, the other way as well. There is no sense of a God in evolution. Science claims that morality and social attitudes comes from evolution, we evolved these traits , but that only makes sense with creation.

It's just that people don't understand or don't want the responsibility, there comes with a God. They just want to be free to do want they want. The result is this world as it is now.

Yeah, waffle and nonsense.
Don't you you think science does more of the waffling nonsense.
What are the false religions ?
It's sort of the same as disagreements in science. There is a correct answer, but people take up sides, and come to different conclusions. But there is still a correct answer.
Do you really think things are worse now than say 3000 years ago, or 5000.

If so, tell me what you think specifically is worse now than then.

I think the effort through scientific medical research during previous 200 years have changed mankind forever.

Some of the plagues issued by God, such as polio, typhus, small pox, tuberculosis and other diseases for the most part have been eradicated. So we are not worse off then previous generations because of the increase in knowledge that is replacing nonsense.
Well the article is some one else's opinion.
Based on reading the research results.
Which I doubt you have done.
So how are you qualified to have an opinion that's worth consideration?

Science claims that morality and social attitudes comes from evolution
Nearly right.

we evolved these traits , but that only makes sense with creation.
And then you get it wrong.

Don't you you think science does more of the waffling nonsense.

It's sort of the same as disagreements in science. There is a correct answer, but people take up sides, and come to different conclusions.
Of course, you can show where this happens?
Go ahead...
Hay you,

This doesn't even make sense. None at all.

As opposed to the way it was ?

Think about it. When do you think the suffering started ?
When did we start warfare ?
When did we let people starve ?

Do you really think things are worse now than say 3000 years ago, or 5000.

If so, tell me what you think specifically is worse now than then.
It make total sense. Warfare started as soon as man deviated , from the original purpose. That is what I meant as to the way it was. Before that deviation.
Each time had it's hardships.
There is no sense of a God in evolution. Science claims that morality and social attitudes comes from evolution, we evolved these traits , but that only makes sense with creation.

Don't you you think science does more of the waffling nonsense.

Please stop feeding this troll.
Some of the plagues issued by God, such as polio, typhus, small pox, tuberculosis and other diseases for the most part have been eradicated. So we are not worse off then previous generations because of the increase in knowledge that is replacing nonsense.
A couple of things here. Our immune systems, and conditions on the earth are not what they were originally , meant to be. Besides, man builds cities and crams people in very tight areas. Food is not processed as originally intended. There are so many things that people do that against Gods standards. Man brings many thing upon himself. Many famines are the result of wars, just neglect, or greed or selfishness.We also are fighting chemicals , from science that is in our food and in the air, and in the water. The ozone is deteriorating, we have garbage that lasts 1000,s of years etc. Man can clean up much this if he had the will to do it.Look at the time and money wasted in wars, for example. No one has to starve, no one has to go to war, no one has to build in flood area's.
A couple of things here. Our immune systems, and conditions on the earth are not what they were originally , meant to be. Besides, man builds cities and crams people in very tight areas. Food is not processed as originally intended.
Note the italicised words.
They are suppositions, based on nothing.
It make total sense. Warfare started as soon as man deviated , from the original purpose. That is what I meant as to the way it was. Before that deviation.
Each time had it's hardships.

So, early man, you know the ones that we evolved from, never fought in battle ?

Every once in a while someone gets killed by a bear, usually some idiot who climbed into a cage at the zoo.

But that was a much more frequent issue for our ancestors, lions, tigers and bears had a very reality based meaning to them.

People died of all sorts of things that would be simple fixes now.

You need to think through what you are suggesting because you are completely wrong about your assertion. Things are far better now than they ever have been, there was never a magical time for mankind that was without war, famine, hate, disease etc etc.

Get over it.
A couple of things here. Our immune systems, and conditions on the earth are not what they were originally , meant to be. Besides, man builds cities and crams people in very tight areas. Food is not processed as originally intended. There are so many things that people do that against Gods standards. Man brings many thing upon himself. Many famines are the result of wars, just neglect, or greed or selfishness.We also are fighting chemicals , from science that is in our food and in the air, and in the water. The ozone is deteriorating, we have garbage that lasts 1000,s of years etc. Man can clean up much this if he had the will to do it.Look at the time and money wasted in wars, for example. No one has to starve, no one has to go to war, no one has to build in flood area's.

So can we understand from your statement that man can create things (diseases, conditions, garbage, etc.) out of God's jurisdiction? Can you define the borders between "God do interfere" and "God do not interfere", and where do human beings stand? As far as I can deduce from your comment, we are the border officers.
Based on reading the research results.
Which I doubt you have done.
So how are you qualified to have an opinion that's worth consideration?
I use my own words , but I try to not use my opinion, to often. If I did I would be the same as almost everyone else. That is why the world is the way it is. The reality is that man is not capable, to have a good opinions. He really needs much direction. But the world thinks it can do it itself. Thus we have wars, since the first deviation from God. Man on his own is a failure.
A couple of things here. Our immune systems, and conditions on the earth are not what they were originally , meant to be. Besides, man builds cities and crams people in very tight areas. Food is not processed as originally intended. There are so many things that people do that against Gods standards. Man brings many thing upon himself. Many famines are the result of wars, just neglect, or greed or selfishness.We also are fighting chemicals , from science that is in our food and in the air, and in the water. The ozone is deteriorating, we have garbage that lasts 1000,s of years etc. Man can clean up much this if he had the will to do it.Look at the time and money wasted in wars, for example. No one has to starve, no one has to go to war, no one has to build in flood area's.

Ah, so you can clearly see the legacy left by theists and their insane mindsets.
So, early man, you know the ones that we evolved from, never fought in battle ?
This evolving is an assumption, based on what science says . But there are no facts, or evidence that anything evolved. The talents and the thinking of man, is evidence that we are meant for a purpose other than just living and dieing. Man's actions tell you that.
Actually it is towards theism , but many people have lost faith, so they turn to other things, to try to fulfill that need. This really points to a creator rather than evolution as a cause to everything . It's just that people don't understand or don't want the responsibility, there comes with a God. They just want to be free to do want they want. The result is this world as it is now.

Read the article, it does not say that theism in particular is the common denominator of humanity, only spiritual experiences. It's likely that people lost their faith in their own spirituality, and so created organized religion as a poor substitute. I guess people don't want to take responsibility for their own enlightenment, they just want spiritual wisdom to be dispensed freely at a convenient outlet, like a drive-thru.