Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

I usually dont read g i am threads 'cause i cant make out the op.

I usually don't feel like going through all the video links.

This thread, though, does address an important issue. The Problem of Hell. I wish I could post links. There material on this issue everywhere. Refutations, too.
This thread, though, does address an important issue. The Problem of Hell. I wish I could post links. There material on this issue everywhere. Refutations, too.

I cant watch the links, no audio card. Probably the same youtube BS...same turd different wrapper. I dont dwell on hell though.
I have a problem only with the fact that Christianity has turned our elevation to a fall and distorted the story so that woman is forever forced into submission to men.

Be a nice little help meat now.

Did the idea of our fall, the same one you push, hurt women?
When did they finally get to vote.
See the damage your ilk and beliefs produces?


distorted the story how? eve was one who told adam to eat. i think it's pretty clear that the introduction of sin into the human race has hurt everyone in lots of different ways; no need to discriminate.
I usually don't feel like going through all the video links.

This thread, though, does address an important issue. The Problem of Hell. I wish I could post links. There material on this issue everywhere. Refutations, too.

Why can you not post links?

Hardware or software?

distorted the story how? eve was one who told adam to eat. i think it's pretty clear that the introduction of sin into the human race has hurt everyone in lots of different ways; no need to discriminate.

Good grief. Do you have attention deficit?
Speak to the last post or go away.

This is fairly well known. I am surprised you were not aware of it.

To them, man also sins against man and that is where he must go for forgiveness and repenting. God does not get involved between the two at all.

Murder is the only place, if I remember correctly, where the Jewish religious hierarchy got involved for punishing.


Yes your are right, I should have for one I was raised Protestant, but tended tto read Psalms and The Sermon on the Mount mostly because hell did not interest me.Secondly, I always had my doubts regarding preachers and their message. Lastly, even though I dated a Jewish man for 3 years, he was an athiest and we did not discuss religion. I remember he used to get a laugh when Christians would witness to him in order to save his soul, he use to say to me " those Christians think they will get bigger crowns in heaven if they save a Jew."
Yes your are right, I should have for one I was raised Protestant, but tended tto read Psalms and The Sermon on the Mount mostly because hell did not interest me.Secondly, I always had my doubts regarding preachers and their message. Lastly, even though I dated a Jewish man for 3 years, he was an athiest and we did not discuss religion. I remember he used to get a laugh when Christians would witness to him in order to save his soul, he use to say to me " those Christians think they will get bigger crowns in heaven if they save a Jew."

Yes. The Christian Jewish relationship has always been a bit strange. I have read that at one time Christians would covertly baptize Jews and that once done, that was reason enough reason for Christians to confiscate the children and have them adopted out to Christian families. Lot's of strange stuff went on back when.
