Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

even mundane society requires that punishment be institutionalized

Your God is no better than mundane society then? He could not find a better way than endless torture.

Are you saying that Guantanamo should remain open and indeed be expanded to be closer to God's ideas?

Yes the church uses Sunday school to make sure that th imaginary concepts that children have of monsters is transferred to the ultimate monster, Satan. Get em young while their reasoning skills are not developed yet and feed em the fairy tale! Nothing more than exploitation if you ask me! Mo believers, mo money, mo churches and business is booming.

If only it was only the children but---

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.

i didn't watch your videos.

what better way? aren't you the one who's so thankful to A&E for enlightenment?

Aren't you?

Would you give up your moral sense?

Or would you prefer eternal life as a dumb cow?
Oops, if that sound too much like what you are doing then please forgive.

If only it was only the children but---

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can.


You just need to take your logic on step further. Belief in anything (like god) without evidence is a harmful practice. When you can accept such absurd things on faith, there is no end to what you will accept. This is what leads to superstition and accusations of witchcraft.
I'm Jewish and as far as I know Judaism has no concept of hell.

That sort of disproves hell. If Jesus was Jewish then he would not have believed in hell nor Satan. Which as far as I know, every single one of Jesus's encounters with Satan or hell has been when he was alone.

If he were alone then how in the world did the writers, whom wrote the gospels years after his death know what happened?

By opinion was that Jesus did not believe in hell, that hell was created by the writers and the church to scare everyone into converting.

That's also one of the reasons the Jews don't really like Christianity. Christians tout around Jesus as the hero that saved us all from a firery torment in hell. But to Jews hell never has and never will exist, and at best it did not exist before christ. So from that perspective Jesus was a fraud that saved people from something that never actually existed.

Jews have always, from what I can see, been brighter than Christians.
Why do you think they have always hated Jews. Hell, they even stole your scriptures as their own without giving you the credit for writing them.
I have always found it strange that Christianity decided to read literally the Jewish doctrines that they themselves, as the original writers, did not.

How stupid is that?

Shame and everlasting contempt which is in the old testament is not a physical place, though.

if you have to die to get there, and you have no physical body when you do, does it even matter if it's a physical place? i don't know. whatever it is and wherever it is, i see it as the environments that would result from an extrapolation of good and evil.
Aren't you?

Would you give up your moral sense?

Or would you prefer eternal life as a dumb cow?
Oops, if that sound too much like what you are doing then please forgive.


well if you don't have a problem with the way then what are you complaining about?
So hell is not a concept from the old testament? Wow news to me!

This is fairly well known. I am surprised you were not aware of it.

To them, man also sins against man and that is where he must go for forgiveness and repenting. God does not get involved between the two at all.

Murder is the only place, if I remember correctly, where the Jewish religious hierarchy got involved for punishing.

You just need to take your logic on step further. Belief in anything (like god) without evidence is a harmful practice. When you can accept such absurd things on faith, there is no end to what you will accept. This is what leads to superstition and accusations of witchcraft.

I thought that I had that covered with my---- "Belief in fantasy is evil."

Perhaps I should expand on that thought.

well if you don't have a problem with the way then what are you complaining about?

I have a problem only with the fact that Christianity has turned our elevation to a fall and distorted the story so that woman is forever forced into submission to men.

Be a nice little help meat now.

Did the idea of our fall, the same one you push, hurt women?
When did they finally get to vote.
See the damage your ilk and beliefs produces?
