Why do you need for there to be a hell and Satan?

if someone knocks you out to steal your money instead of earning it, is that merit? no.

if someone abuses a child to feel better about themselves, is that merit? no.

that's someone who is actually lowering the bar by choosing not to improve themselves but taking the easy way by bringing another down.

pure competition can mean anything and there are people who do use any means they can get away with. in these type of instances, the reasons for their actions may not motivated by their strength, it's actually their weaknesses. therefore, they are propagating them. there are many instances of that in society.

not all competition is based on merit. it can 'appear' to be.

An assault isnt a competition.
An assault isnt a competition.

according to nature it is. the person could be viewing that as getting rid of competition or damaging the competition. but that has nothing to do with the level of quality as the outcome. nature is just objective and if those who are greater in number are more degenerate it doesn't matter.

nevermind..it's not going to go anywhere with you.
according to nature it is. the person could be viewing that as getting rid of competition or damaging the competition. but that has nothing to do with the level of quality as the outcome. nature is just objective and if those who are greater in number are more degenerate it doesn't matter.

nevermind..it's not going to go anywhere with you.

The two are so interconnected as to be in-extractable. I dont understand why you think competition is so bad and after all what do you call what you are doing right now? Is this not competition? Hypocritical...:shrug:

I do no such thing. I argue that society has contributed to what he is and should own up to it.

This does not speak to not hold a person responsible for what they do. they must bear the largest burden of guilt but society has a share of it as it has helped to produce the criminal.


Even when the criminal has owned up to their crime by jail time and/or fine, this is not enuf, we then as a society make it difficult for
the convicted criminal to be a full citizen, so the punishment in a sense is continual.(hell)

The justice system in this country is a business. Money to be had for everyone at the expense of many(mostly poor0 who made one bad decision and who will now be red-lettered for life.

Specifically to my last point, a young man who is 18 and got arrested for 1 gram of cocaine was sentenced to 30 years in Butts County, Ga.. This was his first offense! In speaking w/ a lawyer from Atlanta, he said this is business as usual because there is profit to be had. Who are the real criminals here?

The two are so interconnected as to be in-extractable. I dont understand why you think competition is so bad and after all what do you call what you are doing right now? Is this not competition? Hypocritical...:shrug:

you just said that assault was not competition, now you say it basically is.

i said that according to nature it is but it's not exactly how we define merit. nature doesn't care if you are motivated by weakness or strength.

for instance, students are not allowed to cheat on tests because it does not promote merit.

i even showed you examples that is not inextractable and you choose to continually ignore it.
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you just said that assault was not competition, now you say it basically is.

i said that according to nature it is but it's not exactly how we define merit. nature doesn't care if you are motivated by weakness or strength.

for instance, students are not allowed to cheat on tests because it does not promote merit.

i even showed you examples that is not inextractable and you choose to continually ignore it.

Have you been building model airplanes today?:confused:
Specifically to my last point, a young man who is 18 and got arrested for 1 gram of cocaine was sentenced to 30 years in Butts County, Ga.. This was his first offense! In speaking w/ a lawyer from Atlanta, he said this is business as usual because there is profit to be had. Who are the real criminals here?

that is just awful. the law can be so arbitrary and unfair.

this is not justice. that is not worth anywhere near thirty years, this is a travesty of justice. they have stolen this boy's life.

this is one of the reasons why i said that society is full of deception. society tends to think that all the people outside of prison are the 'innocent' ones and all the people inside are the most 'guilty'. it's just a convenient illusion to pat themselves on the back. it's just not always true. in fact, there are plenty of worse criminals who have no record at all. some people do really believe that you are only guilty if you are caught. that's really no different than saying something did not occur unless another is aware of it. it's just bullshit but a lie can become the truth so to speak, when other people believe it and it becomes perpetuating..
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that is just awful. the law can be so arbitrary and unfair.

this is not justice. that is not worth anywhere near thirty years, this is a travesty of justice. they have stolen this boy's life.

Yes they have, and this is the norm in Butts County, Ga.! The Atlanta lawyer said that it is like going back to the 1950's when entering the courtroom, the judges still use term" boy". when talking to african-americans.

For those that break the law in Butts County there is a hell and a Satan!
Even when the criminal has owned up to their crime by jail time and/or fine, this is not enuf, we then as a society make it difficult for
the convicted criminal to be a full citizen, so the punishment in a sense is continual.(hell)

The justice system in this country is a business. Money to be had for everyone at the expense of many(mostly poor0 who made one bad decision and who will now be red-lettered for life.

Specifically to my last point, a young man who is 18 and got arrested for 1 gram of cocaine was sentenced to 30 years in Butts County, Ga.. This was his first offense! In speaking w/ a lawyer from Atlanta, he said this is business as usual because there is profit to be had. Who are the real criminals here?


To my way of thinking, many Governments are in collusion with the drug underworld if they are not the king pins themselves.

Note how pot has been California's largest cash crop for thirty years while many Mexican's die at U S hands for trying to grab a share of that protected market.

If the world knew the truth, I think it would revolt.

We criticize religions that try to tell us what to wear and consume while allowing Governments to do it with impunity and even worse as you pointed out, while damaging individuals. for life.

We criticize religions that try to tell us what to wear and consume while allowing Governments to do it with impunity and even worse as you pointed out, while damaging individuals. for life.


uh no dear, it's that this is a religion subforum on the internet and not the politics subforum. of course people complain or raise issues about the government and the people involved too.