why do unbelievers...

Your book says Superman is a he.
Her book says God is a he.
My book says "I do not like them, Sam-I-am".
Your book says Superman is a he.
Her book says God is a he.
My book says "I do not like them, Sam-I-am".

Yea but the difference is that Superman is a fictional character. I can only prove Superman is a he because he indeed is a fictional character.
His creators said so.. and since they are the ones that created him.. well.. it almost seems to obvious, doesn't it ;)

You see I can provide this kind of proof because Superman is a fictional character.
The ONLY way you can provide such evidence is if either you declare God a fictional character, or if God ITself comes down here and provides the proof.
Are you sure superman is a he?

So are you accusing superman of being transgendered?

No I get it, you are pronoun challenged! Sorry, didn't realize you were "special."

Superman is portrayed as a male fictional character. For male characters the common usage is to select the pronoun "he." So yes, barring an unforeseen plot twist, everyone is sure superman is a he.

Now the ever popular fictional god is harder to pin down. In the myths he is portrayed as a guy, but theologians have trouble sexing a god and so they either neuter him or make him part female, the holy ghost is popular for this trick. Of course other religions sensibly make him a her, or hims and hers as needed.
So are you accusing superman of being transgendered?

No I get it, you are pronoun challenged! Sorry, didn't realize you were "special."

Superman is portrayed as a male fictional character. For male characters the common usage is to select the pronoun "he." So yes, barring an unforeseen plot twist, everyone is sure superman is a he.

Now your fictional god is harder to pin down. In the myths he is portrayed as a guy, but theologians have trouble sexing a god and so they either neuter him or make him part female, like the holy ghost is popular for this trick. Of course other religions sensibly make him a her, or hims and hers as needed.

Well IF all the theists were to decide that God is a fictional character, they can prove God is a he.. no problem ;)
Yea but the difference is that Superman is a fictional character. I can only prove Superman is a he because he indeed is a fictional character.
His creators said so.. and since they are the ones that created him.. well.. it almost seems to obvious, doesn't it ;)

I'm a little slow in my tired state right now.
I wish I was in REM state. :)

I still like my book better.
I'm a little slow in my tired state right now.
I wish I was in REM state. :)

I still like my book better.

What is your book actually ? You mean your view or an actual book ?
Sorry, I'm a bit slow as well.. down with the flue atm.
You should.
It's never too late, and you are certainly never too old.
And there really is some great wisdom and inspiration in some of them.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss

What makes Superman a he?

His penis.

It begs the question as to why he is defined as a man.

I doubt that very much.
A matriarchal society, if such things exist, most probably run by women because they are respected as mother, not because they are dominant.

And you base that on...what, exactly? A hunch? Certainly not any facts. Have you ever met a woman before?

This question is a little assumptive don't you think.

Says the one who just assumed that dominance is not ever mistaken as a female trait.

I maintain that God is described as male in all major scriptures.
Some people can't bring themselves to calling God "he" or "him", choosing instead to refer to him as "it", or "she".
In case you hadn't noticed, God is the point of scriptures, so I fail to see how using scriptoral definitions to understand that "he" is regarded as a "he", not a "it" or a "she", puts me in a losing position.

Because the question is "what makes him a male?" and though you've floundered about trying to come up with a reasonable answer, you haven't. If your answer is "it's scripture" then why the dance about "He's not a man," or "What makes Superman a man?" If I'm correct, all that was meant to serve as filler. It had no substance, because you didn't support it with anything.

Why? Because I refer to God as "he", and "him"?

What is so unquestioning, and lemming like about that?
Or are you referring to my theistic notions? :)


It's an aspect of your theistic notions that you wouldn't ever feel the need to question what makes God a male. You simply accept it. That's the sign of a weak mind.
And in what universe do you live? :eek:

I am not sure whether, for example, "infinitely merciful" or "infinitely powerful" are human notions, but they sure don't seem constraining to me.

The universe where humans have genders, perhaps I am under some illusion. If there is no such thing as gender and it is not a human standard then no one should complain if I were to put my son's hair in a ponytail tied with a bow, dress in a frilly Easter dress, and have him wear t-strap shoes (those are so cute, I used to wear them). :rolleyes:
And since humans cannot be infinitely merciful, (which God isn't, he's got a pretty short fuse, if you read the Old Testament) nor can they be infinitely powerful these ideas cannot be truly understood by humans, just like having no beginning cannot be fully understood by humans, we just accept it as something God understands and we do not.
I have no problem with calling God he if that's what he wants to be called, then so be it. It seems to me though that God would only do this for our benefit as lowly humans, so we can lump him into a box as humans tend to be fond of doing.

You got me wrong, I was just joking with Enmos.

"“ jpappl
Are you sure superman is a he? ”

So are you accusing superman of being transgendered?

No I get it, you are pronoun challenged! Sorry, didn't realize you were "special."

Enmos did such a complete and thorough job of proving that Superman was and is a he that I couldn't resist joking about it.

Enmos understood.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl

I am going to ask you one more time and one more time only !

Are you sure superman is a he ? ”

lol "