why do unbelievers...

A gendered God? lol I doubt that God cares whether we assign gender to him. I'm lazy though, and tend to follow the speech patterns of those who seem more well-read than I. Thus, I define God as he when it works just as well. I like referring to God as God and other gods as gods or by their name. YHWH is a pain to type, and I'm not jewish, so I don't use that. I think that the first ideas about God came about during a time when Paternal autocracies were beginning to form, thus they defined God as Father and Him. I could be wrong of course.
God is all things, if you insist on gendering God, you may find you have put him into your God box which is a strange place for an infinite being.
does he have testicles? does he have a Y chromossome?
what defines someone as a male?
can god have a vagina too?
can he have a dozen penii?
if it is not necessary for god to have a sex, why would he have a sex?
do you realize how silly this topic is?

According to the movie "Pinapple Express" about some super-weed of the same name...which..according to the movie was to supposed to have "Smelled like god's vagina, and smokes like killing a unicorn". I would assume that meant god was female. :)

And if god is male and has a penis...does he jack off?
1) they believe God is an imaginary being sometimes using the term "sky daddy" (male)
2) they regard God as a person when they believe that God is evil.

True, which means that their notion of God is not consistent or unified, but rather made up of several - even mutually exclusive - notions, sometimes impersonalist, sometimes not.

"Sky daddy" can simply be male for language reasons.

Evil is easiest to imagine when we imagine a person being evil - because for there to be evil, the common idea is that evil intention is necessary. We don't tend to think that volcanoes or bacteria are evil.

As for the "she", that would make more sense if it were made by women alone, with the exception of effeminate men.

Feminism is in some ways something many men support. Feminism after all implies a greater willingness of women to engage in casual sex - which is many men want.

Bogus. What character traits do you associate strictly with a male?

Where does the "strictly" come from?
Dominance is a trait asociated with maleness.

But you just said he wasn't a man? Is he a boy, then?

So to be male, means you have to be either man or boy, does it?


"Sky daddy" can simply be male for language reasons.

I think it is obvious that God is male, from the scriptoral point of view at least.

Feminism is in some ways something many men support. Feminism after all implies a greater willingness of women to engage in casual sex - which is many men want.

And casual sex isn't good for family life.

Jan-one christian to another-God's bigger than a breadbox. He invented time, and gender, why does God need to have a gender?
I think it is obvious that God is male, from the scriptoral point of view at least.

Yes. I think there also needs to be more clarity about what God's maleness is like.
Because if God is a male like many human males are like - puffed up, making empty promises, shying away from responsibility, a fat couch potato who views women as sexual objects, someone with poor regard for his hygiene, and so on - then we are really bad off.

And casual sex isn't good for family life.

Of course not.
A spiritual being like God can not be defined by human standards. If God exists outside of space and time, then God certainly exists outside of gender. We as humans just have a difficult time fathoming things that do not fit neatly into our realm of understanding, i.e. everything has a beginning and end, everything is either male or female. God has no gender. People shouldn't use pronouns when referring to the Christian God.