why do unbelievers...

I think he's a part of something like "The Justice League"...like from the comic books...with all the other deities. :)

Yes! I wonder what his name was there...? Wouldn't it be funny if he was the weak link in that group? Like, whenever he came in, everyone else was like "Sigh...here comes Yahweh again...sheesh. Can't we get rid of this guy?"
I think he's a part of something like "The Justice League"...like from the comic books...with all the other deities. :)

Yes! I wonder what his name was there...? Wouldn't it be funny if he was the weak link in that group? Like, whenever he came in, everyone else was like "Sigh...here comes Yahweh again...sheesh. Can't we get rid of this guy?"

lol :D

Goddesses play a different role in universal affairs, to Gods.
yeah, so?


So basically you use it to attack the theists sensibilities?
"attack" their "sensibilities" ... hardly. It's to try to get theists to think about the FACT that other culttrue represent the main God as woman. THAT in and of itself should get theists to thinking about just why we made up Gods. Obviously in a culture where women were revered for their ability to bring life into the world, they represented the main God as a woman.

If you lived in ancient Athens you'd be worshiping a Goddess. Athena. That's a FACT Jan. And if you met your contemporary self, you'd condemn yourself to death for atheism - denial of the Gods and Goddesses.

So, yeah, when I write Xenu, or She or It, I am trying to get theists to see their own religious biases from a different angle. That's NOT attacking your sensibility, its offering your a different perspective.
Tell me Jan, what are your thoughts on the Japanese Shinto religion?

Does it have merit? Do you think it is a good belief system? If you to visit Japan, will you give offerings to their Gods and Goddesses?



So what makes God a male?

What makes Superman a he?

Because it's never explained.

So what?

But in other necks of the woods, dominance would be considered a female trait.

I doubt that very much.
A matriarchal society, if such things exist, most probably run by women because they are respected as mother, not because they are dominant.

When did I say I wouldn't be?

This question is a little assumptive don't you think.

I've already won.

Even when you lose, you win, how convenient.

You maintain that God is male, and even tried to argue why he was male, then failed, and now you're falling back on this "scriptural definition" BS because you know you can't support it.

I maintain that God is described as male in all major scriptures.
Some people can't bring themselves to calling God "he" or "him", choosing instead to refer to him as "it", or "she".
In case you hadn't noticed, God is the point of scriptures, so I fail to see how using scriptoral definitions to understand that "he" is regarded as a "he", not a "it" or a "she", puts me in a losing position.

But in doing so, you've just demonstrated that you're an unthinking, unquestioning lemming.

Why? Because I refer to God as "he", and "him"?
What is so unquestioning, and lemming like about that?
Or are you referring to my theistic notions? :)

That's NOT attacking your sensibility, its offering your a different perspective.


Although no theist myself, I must say you've made a number of good points. It's refreshing to see someone herein making use of reason.
However, I'm afraid that you will find Jan to be quite intolerant of both sensibility and perspective.

An intolerant Christian, imagine that....

God was created in the image of man.

A truer statement was never said.

yeah, so?

What do you mean "yeah, so?".

"attack" their "sensibilities" ... hardly. It's to try to get theists to think about the FACT that other culttrue represent the main God as woman.

You mean their main 'god', or in this case 'goddess'?
What's your point here?
They don't believe in God.

THAT in and of itself should get theists to thinking about just why we made up Gods. Obviously in a culture where women were revered for their ability to bring life into the world, they represented the main God as a woman.

This is irrelevant to the topic.

So, yeah, when I write Xenu, or She or It, I am trying to get theists to see their own religious biases from a different angle. That's NOT attacking your sensibility, its offering your a different perspective.

Most theists here are muslim, or christian. Most arguments here are aimed at christianity, then islam. Most attention is paid to the personality of God, in the bible, and then, in the qur'an. The personality of God in both scriptures are described as male.
So despite your benevolent attempts, why can't you accept that these personalities, despite you belief status, are classified as male and refer to them thusly.

If i refer to you as "it" or "she" (if you are male), wouldn't you be curious as to my reasoning?
Or, if I referred to your mother as "it" and "he", wouldn't you be curious as to why?


Although no theist myself, I must say you've made a number of good points. It's refreshing to see someone herein making use of reason.

What good points has he made?
The shinto religion does not believe in God.
Amaterasu, the goddess in question, is not regarded as a supreme being.
Some hindus worship goddesses and gods, its nothing new, nor does it contradict the worship of a supreme being.
Where is his reasoning relevant, why you admire it so much?

However, I'm afraid that you will find Jan to be quite intolerant of both sensibility and perspective.

Your fear is totally unjustified.

An intolerant Christian, imagine that....

Why do you think I am a christian, what to speak of intolerent?
It is polite to converse with someone before you designate them, or accuse them of intolerence.

A truer statement was never said.

Prove that God was created in the image of man.

What makes Superman a he?

For starters it's Superman. Especially relevant since there's also a Superwoman.

"kind of costume and let's give him a big S on his chest, and a cape, make him as colorful as we can and as distinctive as we can." ~Jerry Siegel.

In case you're wondering...
Jerome "Jerry" Siegel (October 17, 1914 – January 28, 1996), who also used pseudonyms including Joe Carter,[1] Jerry Ess,[1] and Herbert S. Fine, was the American co-creator of Superman (along with Joe Shuster), the first of the great comic book superheroes and one of the most recognizable fictional characters of the 20th century.

And finally, the first page of the first superman action comic ever, behold:


Notice the very first sentence of the very first picture. It says:
"As a distant planet was destroyed by old age, a scientist placed his infant son within a hastily devised space-ship, launching it toward Earth !"

You see I can provide this kind of proof because Superman is a fictional character.
The ONLY way you can provide such evidence is if either you declare God a fictional character, or if God ITself comes down here and provides the proof.

I am going to ask you one more time and one more time only !

Are you sure superman is a he ?