why do unbelievers...

Jan, what are your thoughts on the Japanese Shinto religion?

Does it have merit? Do you think it is a good belief system? If you to visit Japan, will you give offerings to their Gods and Goddesses?

My thoughts on the shinto religion, is quite similar to my thoughts on hinduism.
Does it have merit?
Yes, for those who use it.
Do I think it's a good belief system?
No I don't. Because it is a materially based system.
If I visits Japan, I will respect their culture and customs as much as I can, and see no harm in presenting an offering to their god, goddess, or ancestor out of respect. As long as it does not contradict my belief system, and culteral representation.


What do you mean by molecules and atoms?

It's not just about the body.

Humans can't understand God, regardless of our efforts. That's why humans aren't supposed to question God.

Humans can understand God up to a point, otherwise there is no need of God.
It makes no sense to question God, to do so, you are putting yourself on the same level, which indicates a laps of understanding (ignorance).
If we want to question God, then we can have life times of such pursuit., until we begin to understand who and what God is, in relation to ourselves.
Sigh.. that's a blow off. Ok, very well.

No it's not a blow-off.
The nature of the answer is in relation to the nature of the question.
You pose the question, already knowing that there is not an answer that is not based in speculation. It is a poor, trick question.

No it's not a blow-off.
The nature of the answer is in relation to the nature of the question.
You pose the question, already knowing that there is not an answer that is not based in speculation. It is a poor, trick question.


What ? I wanted to know who 'the others' were according to the bible. In stead of reading the bible from cover to cover I figured I'd ask someone that might know..
It's not a trick question at all.
If you don't know, just say so.
What ? I wanted to know who 'the others' were according to the bible. In stead of reading the bible from cover to cover I figured I'd ask someone that might know..
It's not a trick question at all.
If you don't know, just say so.

In that case you have your answer.
Accept it and be done with it.

So you don't know.. (?)
That's fine Jan..
Why are you being so defensive ?

I have given you an answer which stands to reason.
Accept it, as it answers your question. If you dis-agree with my answer, then please state why.
As you are not being offensive, I have no reason to be defensive.


It's not just about the body.

Humans can understand God up to a point, otherwise there is no need of God.
It makes no sense to question God, to do so, you are putting yourself on the same level, which indicates a laps of understanding (ignorance).
If we want to question God, then we can have life times of such pursuit., until we begin to understand who and what God is, in relation to ourselves.

How can I question god? I have never heard his opinion on anything.

It makes no sense to question God, to do so, you are putting yourself on the same level, which indicates a laps of understanding (ignorance).
If we want to question God, then we can have life times of such pursuit., until we begin to understand who and what God is, in relation to ourselves.

In one way, I agree with this. There can indeed be no direct communication between two beings that are usually purported to be so different as God and man are.

But on the other hand, I do not agree with what you are saying.
Nowadays when we are afraid and confused and there are so many people and texts who claim to speak the truth about God - what are we supposed to do?
Of course it then seems feasible to seek to go straight to God. When His messengers become evidently suspicious (such as eating meat, engaging in illicit sex and condoning it, quarreling with eachother), this diminishes the faith people have in the disciplic succession and genuineness of their message about God.

And then there is of course the fear that God might be evil, and what this would imply for us.

But on the other hand, I do not agree with what you are saying.
Nowadays when we are afraid and confused and there are so many people and texts who claim to speak the truth about God - what are we supposed to do?

The question is; what are we actually looking for?
Do we want to accept God on our own terms?
When I read the uttering of Jesus, Muhammad, Prahalad Maharaj, I see the same essential message. Of course they may appear different due to time, place, and circumstance, but the essence remains the same.

Of course it then seems feasible to seek to go straight to God.
When His messengers become evidently suspicious (such as eating meat, engaging in illicit sex and condoning it, quarreling with eachother), this diminishes the faith people have in the disciplic succession and genuineness of their message about God.

This is the time we are living in.

And then there is of course the fear that God might be evil, and what this would imply for us.

God is, period.
There can be no point worrying whether God is evil or not.
What are you going to do, not believe in him?

The question is; what are we actually looking for?

True happiness.

God is, period.
There can be no point worrying whether God is evil or not.
What are you going to do, not believe in him?

Imagine an evil god getting a kick out of playing a game of carrot on a stick on us forever - "You want true happiness, yes? There, there's the carrot, go, run! Can't catch it? Oh, too bad! Try again!"

That is a left over from when proto-Jews, pre-Jews, etc... believed in more than one God. They only worshiped one of the Gods, that's where they were a bit different.


That is a left over from when proto-Jews, pre-Jews, etc... believed in more than one God. They only worshiped one of the Gods, that's where they were a bit different.


Ah, thanks Michael :)
Are these other gods known ?

That is a left over from when proto-Jews, pre-Jews, etc... believed in more than one God. They only worshiped one of the Gods, that's where they were a bit different.


At 1 time they worshipped more than 1 god.
I suspect different parts of the OT were about different gods but they were blended together into 1 as it was compiled, translated & mistranslated.