why do unbelievers...

My thoughts on the shinto religion, is quite similar to my thoughts on hinduism.
Does it have merit?
Yes, for those who use it.
Do I think it's a good belief system?
No I don't. Because it is a materially based system.
If I visits Japan, I will respect their culture and customs as much as I can, and see no harm in presenting an offering to their god, goddess, or ancestor out of respect. As long as it does not contradict my belief system, and culteral representation.

You are a monotheists correct? It seems from the word GO Shinto religion will contradict your belief system.

Or do you mean other things, like, don't covet your neighbors wife (or perhaps God should have said? don't covet your neighbors wives - they were polygamists after all), well, I think those sorts of cultural aspects are universal.

What good points has he made?

In particular, that theists rarely scrutinize other theists with the same fervor they do atheists.

Your fear is totally unjustified.

Not upon reviewing your posts.

Why do you think I am a christian, what to speak of intolerent?
It is polite to converse with someone before you designate them, or accuse them of intolerence.

The history of theistic intolerance is well known.

Prove that God was created in the image of man.

Actually, the onus of 'proof' fall to you, who supports an unfounded idea.
But simply for the sake of argument, it's quite simply really: the concept 'god' does not predate man.

But simply for the sake of argument, it's quite simply really: the concept 'god' does not predate man.

If we accept the Big Bang theory, the Evolution theory, science and history (as you imply to), then those concepts "don't predate man" either - in the sense that there were no concepts of "science", "evolution", "history", "universe", "space", "chemistry", "physics" that "predate man"... Unless of course you think that early bacteria had invented those concepts and made use of them ...
...have a problem with relating to God as "he" or "him", preferring in most cases to use the terms "it", or "she"?


Two reasons. Referring to God with a specific gender implies we have decided something about your God, and we haven't, we don't believe in it, so we haven't assigned a gender, or even if the concept of gender should apply. It's still up in the air.

Second reason, it's a load of patriarchal bullshit.
Two reasons. Referring to God with a specific gender implies we have decided something about your God, and we haven't, we don't believe in it, so we haven't assigned a gender, or even if the concept of gender should apply. It's still up in the air.

Second reason, it's a load of patriarchal bullshit.

So basically you are making a statement?

So basically you are making a statement?


Jan, try and comprehend. NO WE ARE NOT MAKING ANY STATEMENT.

We are being non-committal, hence our reluctance to assign gender.

What the fuck is it with theists, that NOT doing one thing, becomes DOING something else? Why can't you simply understand the concept of NOT.
What the fuck is it with theists, that NOT doing one thing, becomes DOING something else? Why can't you simply understand the concept of NOT.

It is a common sense concept that one either does one thing or another,
one cannot not do something, not even for a second.

We have verbs and other words to describe what we do every second of the day: e.g. we sleep, we eat, we drink, we do, we avoid, ... We always do something, even if it's just sitting around and waiting.
one cannot not do something, not even for a second..

What a load of crap. I'm not walking, right now, and I have been not walking for about an hour now. That 'something' I'm not doing, is walking.

I think you mean it is impossible to not do _anything_

Language is important, use it carefully.

I reiterate, not doing one thing, does not in any way, imply doing something else.