Why do some people dislike/hate/oppose Christianity.

to do with the whole reading into the bible thing to justify its crap english and morally hazardous and crazy ideas,
in the bible it doesnt say how long a day was...its open to specualtion
how the hell can you speculate the length of a day? a day is a day, because the bible doesn't implicitly say a day is 24 hours it is working off the fact that no-one questions how long a day is (back in the day they probably didn't even have the idea of 24 hours), they accept that it is when the sun comes up till when it goes down- not, "oh the universe can't be 6000 years old so we'll just ignore the fact that a day is a day so we don't have to deal with the possibility that the bible is fundamentally wrong." it is this way christians annoy me because people can't just interpret things to suit their need for secure thought- a day is a day, if christians are so desparate to question this standard they may aswell question the rest of their illogical belief.
i dislike/hate/oppose christianity.....
because it is dark and evil... it is founded on lies and promotes deception and more lies... its among the worst of all religions for encouraging fear, and fear is the tool of the real devil. it invokes something very dangerous about the human mind. it's anti-human.... its a nasty poison hidden a spoonfull of sugar.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
1 Corinthians 4:5
"Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."

That day is now.

Know ye not that the saints shall judge the earth..? (1 Cor. 6:2)

Hey everyone, look... another idiot proclaiming it's the end of the world!!!!

How many EONS have people been saying that!

Hey, maybe you'll luck out and be the one in 10 gazillion that is right eh?
*rant on*
It's pathetic that you would say such nonsense. You suck. If you thought that was true, wouldn't you do everything you could to stop it from being true? Don't you have a responsibility to your goddamn (pun intended) species to try to make sure we don't all die? You think your silly fucking book is the way to do that??????????? THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!!!

It is people like you who frighten me as much as anyone ever does.. .because you're stupidity would lead you to damage our species to justify what you think your stupid fucking scripture says in the "end of days" or whatever. BE A HUMAN. Join us in celebrating LIFE you JACKASS. You preach nothing but death. If what YOU represent is SALVATION, then DAMN ME YOU STUPID FUCK. AAARRRRRGHHHHHHH.

I apoligize, but your bullshit is very frustrating. You are a doomy gloomy bastard. You should live in the light brother. Those who do don't cling to false prophets and thing the ONLY truth is through their stupid book. Those who live in the light simply have a lot of LOVE and RESPECT for their breathren. You seem to have nothign but false judgement and disdain for your fellow man. If that's all you have, do the planet a favor and off yourself. At least go live in a cave or something so the rest of us aren't subject to your dementia. Oh wait, even better... join the rest of us in being human :bugeye:

*rant off*

Sorry about that. It was momentary insanity I swear. Doomsayers just drive me absolutely batty. Pardon.
My Reasoning

I do not Hate Christianity. I simply disagree with it's teachings. Not Because it doesn't fit with my lifestyle, or because I feel imposed upon it, but simply because it doesn't make any sense. The Bible has a habbit of saying what is sin, and what is not sin. Yet acording to the Bible, God Him/Herself breaks at least one of the commandments. I gues you could say, that i have not forgiven the Chrstian God for the thousands he has had Killed. not with Crusades, but with his Angels. True, the people he had killed weren't the most holy of souls, however, I do not believe that any life, no matter how tainted deserves death. The other problems stem from the Bible thumpers who will quote scriptures and condemn me for folling a different religious practice. The way I see it, I lead a sin free life. I am honest in all aspects. You will never hear me lie. I do things for others without hope for reward. I do acts of good simply because they need to be done. yet because I do not believe in the Christian God I am told I am condemned. I know people who partake of the seven deadly sins, and break the ten comandments who claim they are Christian, and that I am hellbent for being Wiccan. I am sorry, but if those people are getting into heaven because they are Christian, I would rather go to Hell than live for eternity with them. The saddest part of this is a priest would side with them over me based on my beliefs. Therfore, i disagree with the religion as a whole. It seems it turns a blind eye to the people who claim they are Christian, and they assume those who aren't are full of lies, trickery, and deceit. I am sick of people not seeing thier own wrongs trying to pass judgement upon my soul, but even in the Bible it says Judge not lest ye be judged. Explain to me how even priests will not be condemned for taking up the mantle of God and passing judgement upon every man, woman, and child that steps into thier temple. I cannot say that they are any closer to God than the rest of us based on the fact that each one of them (that I have met, seen, or heard about) are living lifes filled with sin. To be close to God is to be without sin. So How can someone living a life of sin, truely know what righteousness is? If They do not see thier own sin, they cannot see Mine. I hope this adds an insightful perspection to the "Hatred of Chrstianity".
Their is different between the judgment your talking about and the judgment priests may give. The judgment your talking about is kind of like hypocracy. They condemn everyone yet never say anything about their own faults.
According to the bible you are leading a very sinful life because either your worshiping objects other than GOd, or your commiting witchcraft etc.
No offense but it sounds to me like your those people who you critisize, because you say you never tell lies, you lead a sinfree life.
God didnt kill thousands, his mistaken followers did. God gave humans the law to obey. You may think that God broke the commandments, but he was the ones who gave them to humans. God is also like a judge, and he punishes the wicked for their wickedness, and rewards the good with goodness.The law states that you are not to kill, however, police officers may kill if they need too help others or to stop evil. You dont know the full details, you may have morals,but you arent omnipotent,omniescente, and perfect like God. We do not know as much as God does, and therefore our judgments are inferior to God's.
Unfortunatley, we christians are not ideal and we dont set a good example to other peoples. We have butchered killled robbed, we lie we are wicked and we break God's commandments. I break God's commandments. God doesnt want us to be perfect, God knows whats best for us and thats why it
s the best thing to follow God. But he's not forcing us too, and God warns of the consequences if you dont follow him.
Agent Smith,

God didnt kill thousands

I beg to differ. God killed many, to name one example- those during The Flood.

God is also like a judge, and he punishes the wicked for their wickedness, and rewards the good with goodness

What about those who were innocent in the Bible that he killed?

The law states that you are not to kill, however, police officers may kill if they need too help others or to stop evil.

There are many examples of "god" killing innocent victims, namely children and babies. As stated above one of those examples is The Flood. What on earth could those children and babies have done in order to warrant being killed? Maybe you are satisfied with the lame excuse of "God knows more than we do so I'm sure it was okay", but I'm not. Not only did "god" kill them, he chose the method of drowning. The thought of this story makes me cringe to think of all those innocent babies and children fighting for their last breath while "god" stood in the background doing nothing.

Another example of "god's" brutal thirst for blood is found in Isaiah 13:16
"Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished."

This is totally cruel and brutal, but christians will defend it with lame excuses. An "all-loving" god has a need to kill children and babies - the thought of it is sick.
Ugh. You all amaze me. I can never stand to read the bible for long enough to study it like you all do.

I either fall asleep or start retching and puking.

I've never quite had that bad of an experience with Xtianity, since I lived in predominantly Buddhist neighborhoods. Everyone was so sensible there, I noticed, about religious matters.

So it's all good.

Except for some minor things. Like Christian fundies coming to Buddhist temples and abusing them, ruining cultural treasures by scratching giant crosses on them.

Yes, believe it or not, Asia is also becoming gradually polluted by the fundies. More and more of them are popping up, they're being a nuisance, they're breaking apart time-honored traditions, they're sparking fights during ceremonies (where you honor your ancestors), they're going around telling everyone that only their path is real and the rest of us are going to hell, and they're generally being very annoying.

The Christian fundies argue that the Alabama monument should stay there "because it's a part of our history". Well, over here, they're completely disrespecting our history.

Right now, they're just dicks, since everyone is predominantly Buddhist. They're merely sitting still because they're still enormously outnumbered. I shudder to think of my home country (SoKo) 500 years from now. They will undermine all the basic Buddhist common sense that is barely holding our savage (yes, we're such a nasty bunch of people, SoKo people) people together.

Soon they will become a menace.

They rival only the Muslims in their cruelty, insensitivity, militantism, and lack of common sense. Actions do speak volumes; look at the bloodthirsty conquests and "conversions" they tried out. Yes, they came to Asia to "save the primitive cultures and raise them into the light of truth". They came with the basic assumption that they were superior.
The difference is that Christians are the bigger threat, because they hold many positions of power in the world. Along with the Jews. I am talking about the superpowered US. They use the powerful goverment to try and raise American christian sentiment to provide themselves with extra ammunition to go slaughter or convert non Christians.

Muslim maniacs and Christian fundies are of the same blood, and deserve the same fate.

Being thrown back into the stinking pit from whence they crawled.
I apoligize, but your bullshit is very frustrating. You are a doomy gloomy bastard. You should live in the light brother. Those who do don't cling to false prophets and thing the ONLY truth is through their stupid book. Those who live in the light simply have a lot of LOVE and RESPECT for their breathren. You seem to have nothign but false judgement and disdain for your fellow man. If that's all you have, do the planet a favor and off yourself. At least go live in a cave or something so the rest of us aren't subject to your dementia. Oh wait, even better... join the rest of us in being human

wesmorris, What do you mean by living in the Light?

I Generally Refrain from Posting about Christianity and Religion. The Subject itself is Touchey because its People Being "Human" who Declare what the Bibles intent was, or Is. I Have Found Most People to be Fraught with Gross Differences regarding what type of CAR to Drive, or Football Team to support, or Even if Meat will send anyone to Hell. The Bible to me is a Book of History that had its Foundation Laid in the Same Region as Mohammed's Islamic Faith, the same place where they Still cut off Hands and Stone People for Infidelity. The Many Books of the Bible are written by different Hands, Interpeted by Different Minds, and Passed Down through the Ages. The most Interesting Aspects of it are Genesis, When God made Adam and Eve, and God Walked with Them, and they sinned, he no longer could look upon them, he told them to go Forth and "RE-Plenish" The Earth, meaning, there were People on Earth Before and Perhap Eden Was Not on Earth or Of the Earth? When Jesus Was Born, the Wise men Followed a Star, a UFO? Was Jesus a Test Tube Baby? When Jesus Decended in a Cloud, A UFO? Ezekials Wheel, Where He Obviously wittnessed a UFO, Daniels Dreams, When He Was Visited By a Angel, Revelations, When the New Jeruselum Decends From the Heavens, A City With Streets of Gold, Decked all around it with Precious Stones, That Shined? Landing Lights? How about a Huge UFO Mothership? All through the Bible there are the mention of Angels from the Heavens, some People Don't Believe in UFOs, perhaps they Don't Believe in God then? There is Soo Much Religious artwork that Depicts UFOs hovering in the Background, and it is there for all to see, yet many Preachers get Upset if you mention Angels as ET, or God as Being a Consortum of Angels. I think of God as the Truth of All Matters and things, What if all the works in the Bible are not of God? Perhaps they were Renegade Angels, UFOs? The BiBle Speaks of Wars in the Heavens.. Lucifer, also Known as the Devil, Was once a Heavenly Angel, before he was Cast to the Earth. Perhaps He is Denied Re-Entrance to the Heavens?

I'm not Saying I believe all the Above..It is a Projection of Sorts, So don't go to Raggin me as a Nut. Those are Thoughts that I Dare think about. To some People I am Going to Hell For Thinking out of the Box. I am Thinker that sometimes paints a mental picture of Theories, things that are Plausible, not meaning they are True. I just find it Interesting to Note the Corellation between the Bible, that was interpeted by Man, in his own meanings, and The ongoing UFO Phenomena. It is said there will be Believers and Unbelievers, Well, that is true!
..I Do think that the Ten Commandments are a working set of Rules for us to live By, Perhaps they were Written and Cut from Stone by a Laser, of Which we now are Familiar with. Soo many Miricles of the Bible are Now Feasible to us.

I was Raised in Church, my Granpaw was a Preacher. He and My Granmother Worked most of their Life For the "Lord" He Believed that when we passed on, or died a physiscal Death, We asended to Heaven and Became Stars, to wait for the day of Judgement, those who Deny God and do the works of the Devil are Cast into the Lake of Fire, The Sun Perhaps? SOHO, the Sun Camera, Records Constant "Torpedos" and "Sun Crusiers" Blasting the Sun and Constant Activity of "Sword" and "Staff" looking Craft, Miles long, Orbiting the Sun. Thy Sword and Thy Staff, they Comfort thee? Perhaps Much of the Bible is True, But Humans in their Ignorance have Consistantly Misinterpeted it to their own liking. If You Believe in Jesus, you Believe in the Afterlife, Simple! If you wish to preserve Humanity and do the Works Accordingly, Seek the Truth, and it Shall Set you Free, you are preserving the Thoughts of God and Jesus. You need not be a Bilble Thumper to believe in God or Jesus. I think many Religions Cloud the "Truth Of". Restraining Mankinds ability to percieve the Truth of the Universe. I was told to Believe in Gods Existance, and that Jesus Was a Man that Did Walk this Earth. I Do! A persons ability to think with Scales of Justice in Regard to Himself and Fellow Humans is Terribly Tarnished in a Group/Selfish Way With ALL Religions, Not Just Chritianity! Yet I Try not To Mock any of them. Perhaps they all share some of the Truth, in that there is a Supreme Power Above Us All. Call it What you Want, But I have No Wish to be a Party to Missleading people. To be a Preacher of any Religion is an Awesome Responsibility that I cannot or Will not Partake of. What if I'm Wrong? I think I'll set back and wait and Think, Seek the Truth, and Ponder with an Open mind.
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zero, it's horrible that people can get away with that. your example is another reason i dislike christianity. their pursuit of a world wide mono-culture is disturbingly like genocide without the killing. it shouldn't be allowed, i can't believe those missionaries don't feel sick at the stomach because of what they're doing. and western civilisation wonders why the rest of the the world hates them, it's christianities fault.
"I meant out from under the shadow of doom and gloom"

Well, I Just Be Go To Heck! Flipp me a fish, I knew That!
Originally posted by slim
"I meant out from under the shadow of doom and gloom"

Well, I Just Be Go To Heck! Flipp me a fish, I knew That!


Always glad to remind people of stuff they already know! :D
damn i wrote a beautiful long careful answer to this and the bloody forum lost it whjen it kicked me off and demande dmy re identity because of the time involved. So I will do a rough job now answering first post as quicklya s i can.

me humanistic existentialist jain buddhist tendencies.

christianity faults- indoctrination of children and others, giving help in poor countriesd on basis of conversion, role in war with god claimed by two opposing religious sides, the political part of the social organisation of church membership etc, the support for the upperclasses by enforcing behaviour of poor in older times, sometimes hypocrisy of memebers, church; people decidingt hey are better than me because they atrtend church once a week

beter go quickly.
Oh also i see no reasont o beleiev in a creator god.

similarities to christian. believe in being good kind loving compassionate fauithful to the truth, respectful of the miracle of life as it happenedd to come about by chance so beautifullya nd conveniently for us to eb what we are, anti abortion absolutely, believe in soul and some kind of continued existence after death, believe in inner strength and love to be found in self and nature.
How do you Figure?

God never killed? I assumed since you were defending the bible you would have at least read some parts of it. What about Sodom and Grimore, let alone the floods . . .Killing the first-born children? Any of this ring a bell? What about the plagues he suffered humanity through which cause thousands to die? True he Had Angels do his killings for him, but they all acted on his notions. Plus you claim God is all knowing, yet in the beginning of the Bible at the time of Adam, Eve, and Kain and Able. After God denied Kains Sacrifice of Vegetables Favoring Ables slaughter of His Sheep, he couldn't figure out why Kain was Wroth. Look at this Book you hold so much stock in, I believe the proverbial wool has been pulled over your eyes.
xians take the bible so literally. they don't go even further, question the scriptures and see what it really meant. Jesus was a cool man but he failed to explain his teachings in a understandable way; he used a lot of metaphors which is fine but people took it literally and that is why Christiamnity isn't really that great. more later...
Re: My Reasoning

Originally posted by Fallen_angel1000
I do not Hate Christianity. I simply disagree with it's teachings. Not Because it doesn't fit with my lifestyle, or because I feel imposed upon it, but simply because it doesn't make any sense.
(And a very warm welcome to you, Fall. I really liked your post because it is so true. Xianity doesn't make any sense, and the meanings change at will to perpetuate the cover up.)
The Bible has a habbit of saying what is sin, and what is not sin. Yet acording to the Bible, God Him/Herself breaks at least one of the commandments.
(Now, I really like your perception of God as being him/her! My perception of God is that it is a pure spirit of BOTH male and female spirit. Maybe I tend to see God as more of a female (creative spirit) than male (malevil spirit), but I think you've got the right idea.)
I gues you could say, that i have not forgiven the Chrstian God for the thousands he has had Killed. not with Crusades, but with his Angels. True, the people he had killed weren't the most holy of souls, however, I do not believe that any life, no matter how tainted deserves death.
(All these murders in the name of God were of human doings. They really didn't know or understand God in their lives, because they were too blinded by the myth of Xianity.)
The other problems stem from the Bible thumpers who will quote scriptures and condemn me for folling a different religious practice.
(That's because they are being controlled by false doctrine, and they want everybody else to be under that same control. For example, misery doesn't just love company, misery loves 'miserable' company.)
The way I see it, I lead a sin free life. I am honest in all aspects. You will never hear me lie. I do things for others without hope for reward. I do acts of good simply because they need to be done. yet because I do not believe in the Christian God I am told I am condemned. I know people who partake of the seven deadly sins, and break the ten comandments who claim they are Christian, and that I am hellbent for being Wiccan.
(God is everyone's God, he's not restricted just to the Xians (but don't tell them that!) In fact, Xians don't really know God because they are so caught up in the mythological promises of Saul/Paul's promised savior. He created the fictional Jesus out of his desire to cash in on his story. What good writer wouldn't want to do that?)
I am sorry, but if those people are getting into heaven because they are Christian, I would rather go to Hell than live for eternity with them.
(First of all, Xians aren't getting into the heaven they have learned. "Heaven" and "Hell" are right here and now. It's what we make of the life God has given us. As I see it, Xians believe in a "Heaven" hereafter simply because they believe Jesus died for them and they are "saved." Now, I ask you. Why would God create a heaven just for a few? He wouldn't. I'll explain a little further about my concept of God. I think you will understand.)
The saddest part of this is a priest would side with them over me based on my beliefs. Therfore, i disagree with the religion as a whole. It seems it turns a blind eye to the people who claim they are Christian, and they assume those who aren't are full of lies, trickery, and deceit.
(First of all, stay away from Xian priests! This is not a sad thing! Why would you be worried whom a priest sided with? This is so totally immaterial!)
I am sick of people not seeing thier own wrongs trying to pass judgement upon my soul, but even in the Bible it says Judge not lest ye be judged. Explain to me how even priests will not be condemned for taking up the mantle of God and passing judgement upon every man, woman, and child that steps into thier temple. I cannot say that they are any closer to God than the rest of us based on the fact that each one of them (that I have met, seen, or heard about) are living lifes filled with sin. To be close to God is to be without sin. So How can someone living a life of sin, truely know what righteousness is? If They do not see thier own sin, they cannot see Mine. I hope this adds an insightful perspection to the "Hatred of Chrstianity".
(Don't compare yourself or your beliefs with Xians! There is NO comparison! Apples and oranges. Truth and lies. Right away I see that you are closer to nature and, therefore, to God--regardless of what you call your God. What's in a name? Even though I don't know you, I already have a good idea that you are intimate with your Creator, and you allow the Spirit of your creator to guide your life. Who cares if they 'pass judgment' on you and others who don't believe what they believe? It's their loss. Please remember this, Xians are lost souls. Xians are not living close to God...they pretend to live close to Jesus. Unfortunately, even if Jesus existed, he did not die for anyone. Xians do not see their own sins. After all, because they believe in Jesus, they believe they can sin right up to the time they take their last breath, and they'll still end up in heaven. Not true! Their idea of heaven is not what heaven is. Their idea of sin is based purely on their mythological savior (if he even existed). You are so far more advanced spiritually than Xians, you needn't concern yourself on comparing yourself with them. No comparison!)
(You, and every human being created by God (or whatever name you call your Creator) was brought to life to contain the One Spirit of God on the face of the Earth. That is our only mission. Sometimes we let our own lives get in the way, but being the created vehicle to carry the spirit of God to all humanity is the only reason we're here. There is only one God, and we are our own savior. Otherwise, why would God have created the human race? Our mission is a Godly mission, and you are on the right track. Your goodwill to others shows me that you are One with God. Keep up the good work, and know that the Spirit of God lives in and works through you.)

This brings back memories. Allow me to be your new punching-bag. I had a hatred for Christianity as great as anyone on this board, and used to revel in the opportunity to debate Christians on their caveman-like superstitions, their lack of intelligence and common sense...I really felt superior in a way...that for anyone to believe they had a cornerstone on the Truth was arrogance in its purest form.
I'm an extreme example of an about-face in beliefs...no, not a former deacon in the "Satanic Church" or homosexual- heroin-addict- turned -Christian, but definitely a very analytical, think-for-yourself type of person. One of the greatest obstacles I've overcome in my lifetime, and a crucial one to becoming a Christian, was that of total self-reliance. I know that we all like to think of ourselves as unmovable, un-influenced, self-sustaining "individuals", but that is hardly the case for anyone on this board (check your ego in at the door). That being said, I was as much that type of person as I perceive the rest of you to be.
I perceived all Christians to be "blind sheep" who were eager to believe what they were told...unable to accept hard truths. I also saw a group of people who were bent on telling others how worthless they were, how wrong they were, how "bad" they were...not to mention a complete political agenda to make society and the legal system flow according to their religious beliefs. In the shortest of terms, ARROGANT. That is not to say that I have abandoned these perceptions entirely about Christianity as a whole, as a "political force", etc. Christians are WRONG in many things that they do, just as much as atheists, Muslims...but these errors don't devalue the basic premise. I'm not here to tell you you're wrong and I'm right...I hope I never become that type of person...I'm just here to give you a different perspective on Christianity and Christians. They aren't all Jerry Falwell or (ugh) Robert Tilton (anyone remember him?). Since becoming a Christian, I have discovered an enitire group of people within my religion that I never knew existed, because the wackos and zealots receive all of the media coverage, skewing our view of what is real. By the same token, I don't believe that every Muslim is a carbon-copy of Osama Bin Laden, OK? Be careful with your generalizations, they are harmful to everyone and everything.
The most important thing I can tell you if you want to discover Truth (of course I'm speaking of the gospel of Jesus Christ) is to HUMBLE YOURSELF. The greatest wisdom is in realizing how much you DON'T KNOW. I don't claim to be able to answer every question to mine or your satisfaction; that is impossible for religion, science, whatever you want to name...nor am I telling you that as a result of this impossibility you should abandon your intellect, or throw away your questions. I certainly believe that God gave us a mind for good purpose, but our greatest clarity lies between the mind and intuition (the heart, if you will). BALANCE. Those who are searching for answers (or have given up on the possibility, for that matter) based on intellect alone are as arrogant and biased as those who accept Christianity (or any religion) just because they were raised in it, without ever having questioned.
I just wanted to present a different view for you. I know fully that this single post isn't going to change anyone's views...that would be laughably foolish. I consider it to be planting a seed...just letting you know that there is another point of view based on personal experience, without having quoted a single Bible-verse to make my point for me (not that that's always bad, I just want you to hear it straight from me). I wouldn't give a nickel to be my old self again. If any of you want to know some more intellectually-based Christian books or websites to check out, I would be happy to forward them to you...just let me know. Peace to all of you...whatever your beliefs. I'll put my bullet-proof vest on now...you know His name (yeah, I still like to joke around...I haven't found that to be a sin, yet).

Finally, someone speaks some sense around this board.

Thank you Jesus, for bringing this wise man to our board. Brandon's story of conversion has touched my soul and your servant asks that you bring him into the fold. Please Jesus, bless me and allow me your grace.



Are you there?


OH yeah - that dude died two thousand years ago!

I totally spaced!

Maybe I should get me a good psychological dependency so I can brain wash myself into thinking I can talk to dead people! Hmm... on second thought, PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DOING THAT SINCE PEOPLE HAVE EXISTED. Maybe I'll just try being a reasonable human and move on eh?


just a suggestion.