Why do some people dislike/hate/oppose Christianity.

The Bible can be a bit contradictory on that subject at times and the subject needs to be re- assessed by Christians before they decide to trample over other peoples lives.

The Bible is contradictory on practically every subject.


Find yourself a nice athiest chick and get over this last girl. Water under the bridge, water under the bridge.
Lol, perhaps your right. But if I cross paths with that Christian youth camp she went to, I shant be taking prisoners..... :D
Take me with you, when you do. I do not like christian prisoners either. We shall make them do such things of which they for surely won't get into their heaven and then kill:D

I pretty much know how you are feeling. My wife is a born-again Christian. I was going with her for about 4-5 yrs then she started going to this Pentecostal church. As she started getting deep into this religion our relationship took a nose dive. She actually told me that I was going to Hell!!!! It got to the point where I didn't even want to look at her anymore, like she was a completely different person. It was crazy. This made me study and research the Bible. To make a long story short, the way she was about her religion made me the person I am today. I am very different then I used to be. I look to the Universe to find "God". I research as much as I can and know what I am talking about on certain subject, specially Christianity. Needless to say, she is still very defensive about her religion and pretty much always gets offended when the topic comes up. But we did beat it. I wouldn't let her religion come between us.

We have know been together for 8 yrs and been married for 6 months.

Sorry to hear about you and that girl. It is pretty pathedic how some people can be so smart yet they can be completely brainwashed within a few days.

Let's just say I dislike hypocrites. The sad truth is that many Christians are hypocritical in some form or another. In fact, with all the biblical contradictions, one might argue that *all* Christians are hypocrites by definition. But I won't go there...

Instead I'll define the a hypocrite as somone who goes against the beliefs they personally profess to follow. Here's a few examples, off the top of my head:

Christians who shoot doctors because abortion is murder.
Priests that rape little boys
Christians who preach "Love thy neighbor", while firebombing the gay couple that lives across the street.
All the various Christian sects across the world that murder, beat, and dehumanize eachother over who is interpreting the bible properly.
Parents who preach love and forgiveness, then kick their children to the street (or worse) when they "sin".

Christians for the most part also seem to forget that their path is only one of many - they have this sort of built-in "you're all wrong" mentality that makes it very difficult to deal with them in day to day matters. Let's take for example the student that gets expelled for wearing a pentagram necklace while her peers wear crosses without penalty. Witchcraft is a legal religion in this country (USA), and the pentagram has long been associated with BOTH Withcraft and Christianity.

I have the right to believe what I want to believe, yet Christians are bound and determined to shove their belief down my throat in any way shape or form they can. They don't care if they offend, they don't care to be tactful or respectful, and they aren't open to any sort of discussion.

Then again, there are the rare exceptions. I don't dislike people automatically because they're wearing a cross - I have several Christians, Catholics and Baptists in my family that I think the world of. But I have a hard time relating to the average Christian on a personal basis - thinking about it I realize none of my friends are Christian, at least not anymore. This wasn't deliberate on my part, it just sort of worked out that way. Most Christians decline to party with me when they are forced to accept that many of my friends are Pagans, Buddhists and atheists; gay, lesbian, bisexual, partner-swappers and swingers, in just about any combination. (Not all are that interesting, some are just your average noncomittal Joe) I will not tolerate bigotry of any flavor around me, so they have the choice - to party and associate with "sinners" who don't think they're doing anything wrong, or to leave. Most choose to leave. *shrugs* Free will, and all that.

Basically, I'd like Christianity a lot better if it would just keep it's hands and feet to itself, just like I was taught to do back on that rug in Kindergarten.
Unfortunate Dracula's Guest

(I apologize if this thread is long dormant, i read a post on the second page by Dracula's Guest and immediately recognized the similarities to my own experiences)

I have always harbored some degree of dislike for christianity for its exclusive claims, but recentley my feelings toward it have become even more negative. All last year i was in a relationship with a great girl, i knew her to have a religious background but i thought it was mostly just peripheral. In the late spring, at the urging of her mother she began training to participate in a youth leader work program at a christian youth group camp about 90 minutes into the mountains. She told me very little about what she did there and so i ignored it for the most part, hoping that she would disilike the experience.
So, she left very early in may and i was not to see for the entire summer, i soon hatched the idea to go up to visit her. Upon arrival at the location, i found her smiling amongst a group of fervent youths, singing, swaying, and raising their arms to feel gods power. I was repulsed for sure, but my feelings of missing the girl managed to push that out of the way until the long drive home. The next day, as i flew out to California, the plane i was in flew directly over the camp i had visisted the night before, leaving a long ride to wonder what she was doing there. In subsequent letters i explained to her my abhorrence for the youth group and particulary "young life" scene, and she reacted with venemous letters that christianity was an integral part of her and something that she loved. It was a wrenching shock, believing i knew someone and then realizing that they have fanatical roots deep within. To me it invalidated the entire year, she enver was able to understand that. Fortunately this girl soon departed for Europe after returning from the jesus camp, her experiences there awakened her to the realities and pleasures of the free world.
Regardless, that one person can become so emotionally transformed by the exclusive sect of christianity is frightening, i thought this girl to be a critical thinker and self aware. She caved to the identity that youth group provides, the image of a pious young woman, spiritually pure and full of virtue, excited about hanging out with other christians and excited about jesus. It was revolting.
The reasons for my "hate" aren't clear above but i will state them briefly: 1. Christian doctrine nullifies humanity, it seeks to make us feel bad for what makes us human and is everpresent. 2. Christianity preaches love but it is so rarely found, and 3. It angers me when people are nice to me or listen to me because they feel that i must be saved, that i am a step below them because they have discovered what is true.
Dracula's Guest, if you are still around, what a tale of woe which is so hard to forget. THis summer i plan on heading up to the camp and engaging in a medley of petty destruction. ANd of course, no prisoners.
okay i want yall to listen. christians have commited crimes in the past. the catholic church has done horrible acts. but guess what. their human. and humans make error and wrong judgement. those christians did not look at the bible adn think about what they were doing. the bible tell's us not to kill, or enforce christianity on others under the the swoard. and guess, what , they disobeyed. just like isreal, they disobeyed god, so did christians.

the church may have limited some science research, but they also contributed to it. they made the first colleges in europe. monks studied mathematics and science in the semniary's and at churches even. through gregor mendel, you have all this stuff about genetics.

the dark ages followed the collapse of the roman empire. barbarians still roamed gaul and germania. there were very few christians in the dark ages.
I can only speak for myself when I say...

I litterally F*cking HATE christianity.
It has been and still is in the act of destroying the planet earth. Every environmental problem stems from the bible.
I am very serious this isn't "thinking its stupid" or anything like that, I honestly think it is the most evil invention in history.

Also, If I found out the bible's "god" was real when I died, I wouldn't say "oh dear god forgive me, I knew not what I was doing", on the contrary, I would punch him in the throat and spit on his face and say "send me to hell you sick bastard" because I wouldn't want to sit near the creator of nervous sytems and paralysis, or the choreographer of the combination of those 2 things.
I know he didn't make those things though, the earth did and for some reason when earth does it, its beautiful.
Double standard? no, planets don't claim to be anything, they treat us like what we are, organisms living off their body, bible authors on the other hand claims we are gods creations and he is disappointed in our flaws, asshole! and apparently he "invented" pain from scratch, good one!
Unlike earth who merely deciphered through trial and error that pain was the most effective way to make organisms value their own lives, acceptable! reasonable! understandable!

There will be no repenting on MY deathbed. I am very confident with my beliefs.
how does every environmental problem stem from the bible. and as i said before, god is merciful and wants you to spend eternity in heaven with him. we each have to carry our crosses, but if you have faith, and live by his commandments you will have an eternity of bliss. besides what good does it to scorn god? it is satan who causes problems.

we each have to carry our crosses

i thought you weren't supposed to carry tokens or worship idols?

they made the first colleges in europe. monks studied mathematics and science in the semniary's and at churches even. through gregor mendel, you have all this stuff about genetics

why shoot yourself in the foot?

i have had some very bad experiences with religion, everytime i was burned by people who were supposed to be nice and good, that and (i can't say any other religions because i have mainly only been exposed to one) christianity is not relevant to today, it was a nice moral code 150 years ago, but it is to contradictory and makes people hurt people (like myself) and has done so for a LONG time.
but guess what. their human. and humans make error and wrong judgement. those christians did not look at the bible adn think about what they were doing.

Indeed all those christians who have led the rest of us to dislike them are just human. BUt christianity gives them reason to believe that they have found the way and that they will live forever, as if they are a level above. They are just humans, though the operated as if they held some powerful knowledge over all others given to them by the 'benevolent' christianity
when wen say carry our crosses its figurativley speaking... also the thing about chrsitians...in the bible it tells us to be humble. they are not exalting them selves by saying they will go to heaven. it is NOT through good deeds that we save our selves but the grace of the lord. so if you know christians who exalt them selves, then they are wrong. also, the bible tell's us NOT to enforce the teachings of chrsit but to simply move on. Here im not trying to enforce christianity, but trying to defend it. if some christians hurt you...i am sorry. but those people dont represent every chrsistian.
Originally posted by edgar
it is NOT through good deeds that we save
our selves but the grace of the lord.
By faith alone? Don't you have to have both faith and works?
For the christian that hurt me, it wasn't that she actively tried to change me. It was that i was invested in someone who so easily surrendered herself to the flow of amiable youth leaders and contagious feeling within a setting of vibrant youth. SHe defended it staunchly when she was part of it, but when she left she said it was only the atmosphere that caused her to do so.
you do have to preform deeds, but there is a common mistake when people think you can be saved by doing good stuff. you need the grace of god to get saved. u still need to preform good deeds and live by gods commandments too.
Originally posted by edgar
you do have to preform deeds, but there is a common mistake when people think you can be saved by doing good stuff. you need the grace of god to get saved. u still need to preform good deeds and live by gods commandments too.
So the only way to be saved is to suckup to god? I see now :rolleyes:
to edgar:

if some christians hurt you...i am sorry. but those people dont represent every chrsistian

thanks, i know that it was but a few who did what they did and for a long while messed me up, those feelings turned to hate at what they had done, but now, those feelings have subsided. i don't know why i'm drawn so to this subject now, but partly i think its me trying to find out why people would do such things. (we're not talking physical violence here, but a more vile kind that includes talking advantage of a young persons vulnerable mind)

A day to God is as a thousand years and Adam died at the age
of 930. If these statements are true - wouldn't that make Adam
930, 000 years old at the time of his death?
EvilPoet said:
A day to God is as a thousand years and Adam died at the age
of 930. If these statements are true - wouldn't that make Adam
930, 000 years old at the time of his death?


Buy a calculator EvilPoet.....
(Or better yet, go to..... Start/Programs/Accessories/Calculator)
Adam lived not a full day, which to God is as a thousand years.
The scriptures were fulfilled in this.
Heaven is a dimension faster than this, you are quickened by The Holy Ghost to "see" it.

What you are trying to say is not going to come out to 930,000 years.................
No, it's millions of years.
Thats the amount of time a man will spend in hell paying for a life of sin lived against God.
The Word also says "and a thousand years is as a day.
Lets don't take Adam and his 930 years because he doesn't go to hell, he was a son of God.

Lets take you.....if you live 75 years.
What if one day lived in sin here,........is required a thousand years to pay in hell........a slower dimension.

1000 x 365 = 365,000 years.....for one year.
365,000 x 75 years = 27,375,000 years in hell.
Twenty seven million years...

Think about that a little bit.... the next time you start to mock a child of God, standing the persecution of this evil day for thier love of the Lord.
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