Why do some people dislike/hate/oppose Christianity.

It is a truth that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

There is no evidence for the existence of gods, but that doesn’t mean that gods do not exist.

But how long do we wait to decide that there really are no gods?

Humans have been making claims for gods for thousands of years and in all that time no one has seen or detected one. Isn’t it reasonable to conclude that after all this time there should have been at least a tiny scrap of evidence that shows that a god might exist? But there isn’t anything.

But think where did the idea of gods come from? It wasn’t from observation but from false explanations of unknown phenomena. E.g. why does the sun rise every day – it must be the act of a god, etc, etc. These superstitions have prevailed or evolved to this day and the ideas that gods must exist have become so entrenched into our culture that it is difficult for many to come to terms with the conclusion that gods are just imaginative human fantasies and have no connection with reality.

So with any imaginative fantasies like fairies, leprechauns, unicorns, etc., gods simply come under the exact same category. In the same way we accept that fairies do not exist then we should accept on an equal basis that gods do not exist. Claims for their existence simply defy credibility.

So it is not so much that I hate Christianity but more the whole irrational process that gives rise to all religions. Christianity is only an issue for me because it is pushed in my face so much.

So I am eager to see the end to all religions and especially Christianity, so we can move on and create a more rational and useful set of cultures.

Supernatural gods of any type have never been shown to exist, are the creations purely of human fantasies and I choose to believe and run my life accepting that they do not exist. So Christianity is a pure waste of time.

that will never happen (never say never) Cris .
as long as people will want to live life with less worries and easely there will always be some divine being(s) who can help them;) Crowd always wants to do it easy way.
for instance christianity is the easy way. you hide from truth and live in your little world and "God is up there and you have n-thing to worry about":(
People have to change first.
and not 1 or 1 000 000 , but 99%

me too, but I try to be realistic also.
consider people to cange in somewhere/time in deep future

I'm hoping that through technology and/or genetics we will be able to enhance our intelligence by several orders of magnitude. But even a small increase (say 50%) should be enough for everyone who has been enhanced to see the irrelevancy of religion.

I know some tht would commit a mass suicide messes singing if they were told I(we) was going to "enchance";) them.:D
You're forgetting Capitalism


Not to be a completely pessimistic voice, but you're forgetting Capitalism:
I'm hoping that through technology and/or genetics we will be able to enhance our intelligence by several orders of magnitude. But even a small increase (say 50%) should be enough for everyone who has been enhanced to see the irrelevancy of religion.
I'm quite sure that when the technology becomes available to the mass market, it will be scaled-down and customized; packages will include those that reinforce religious sentiments and hardwire presuppositions to the essential thought process. If they don't, it won't sell. And if it won't sell bazillions, what is the point of inventing it? Well, you and I see past that abstraction, but what about the people underwriting the research?

I mean, look at the useless but expensive junk Scientology offers. People will buy anything if it appeals to them. But a logic chip that helps a Christian get past his faith? Might as well suggest pharmaceutical therapy. Or electroshock.

At least, from a consumer standpoint.

Tiassa :cool:
Avatar, tiassa,

But once people see the benefits then they will want one. They won't be marketed as religion killers, that will just be a natural beneficial side-effect.

People often buy things because someone else has one. And if they see people with enhanced brains becoming more wealthy, then hey the snowball will start rolling.

Present most Christians with a superior lifestyle and they'll jump just like everyone else. Most will refuse to equate themselves with low intelligence making them religious. Once some become enhanced and the number of religious followers start to dwindle then most of the rest will follow at an inreasing rate. All that will be left will be the fanatics, and we should be able to outthink them by that time.


Cris, (and anyone else I guess :))

I agree that religion will not be eradicated from human thought until genetic science alters brain structure. I read in a reader's digest (har!) that neurologists have been conducting research on how the brain and spirituality are tied together. It seems that during "spiritual revelation', blood flow to the orientation association area of the brain (the part that identifies the physical self from the observed nature of reality) decreases, thus creating the feeling of some kind of supernatural sensation.

I'm sorry but I can't seem to find that issue so I can't give you the publication details, but if you are curious about this kind of thing I highly suggest trying to find it, I believe the article was called "A new look at God and your brain." You might also want to do a search on neurotheology.

I actually have that issue. Very interesting I might add. I thought it was called "Hardwired for God" or something like that. I will try to find it.

Re: Re: Why do some people dislike/hate/oppose Christianity.

Originally posted by Markx

So you want to exclude two reasons why people hate christianity?
By the way when you used word hate, I think it is pretty strong word. I am not sure what you are trying to pull but its not that people hate christianity itself, but it goes beyond that. I think it is also depends on a country as well. Religion can be just an excuse. Just to mention that Christianity hates other religions as well.
Oh and btw Why did you change name and come here with different name. If I am not mistaking you are KALVINB. Anyways it is none of my bussines thou. But still its funny.

I don't mean to exclude only two reasons for disliking Christianity, but to exclude any examples that can be attributed to any powerful human institution. Think Communism and cigarettes. Many people have been killed by these two things, and while not under the same circumstances as Christianity, not entirely under much different circumstances judging by the methods and results.

Originally posted by supernova_smash
I found Hitchen's work quite interesting.

I have learned that most generalizations are dangerous, and while you have many good points, they are mainly based on anecdotal evidence which is in my opinion weak support for any argument. If someone found one Christian that goes against most of the criteria you have set, almost your entire argument would be compromised.

I will agree that the experiences you describe are not at all becoming to Christianity, and it is understandable how you arrive at your conclusions. I simply do not share your opinion because I have had different experiences with Christians.

This post will be elaborated on later, but I am deathly tired at the moment, please forgive :D .

I agree, but thank Tiassa for sharing some very personal experiences with us.

Originally posted by Hoth
I dislike Christianity mainly just because it's the dominant religion where I live. I feel it's not in my best interests for a religion to dominate like that... there would be less danger if there were a large number of religions with roughly equal membership rather than one dominant religion. In other words, with christians dominant there aren't any checks and balances to stop them from forcing their views and their ways of doing things onto everyone.

I also hold this opinion, Hoth, because I believe that my fellow christians should be humbled, rather than in postions of power over the masses. I do believe that more faithful and more developed christians should hold some influence over younger, more inexperienced christians, but not over non-christians.

Originally posted by Teg
It's like a salvo nuclear missiles. You can't put your finger on exactly why you dislike it. You just know that it has the potential wreak havok on the world.

You need to be more specific. Are we talking about every religious zealot I have heard speak. Those relentless Jehovah's Witness', our current president, televangilists, and any otherwise reasonable person when the conversation shifts to religion. Is it a coincidence that religion molds people into stammering idiots? What else would you expect from those taught not to question? What about those who would murder abortionist in the name of saving unborn fertus'? People who claim to be compassionate murder and harrass people due to sexual preference. And what about Bush. Let's destroy the planet in the name of the lord.

You're right. I should have been more specific in stating what type of christian institution this topic is directed towards. I also think that along with any other institution, its members are all different, with some similarities. duh. :)
I have been taught to question my faith, and every time I do, it strenghthens my faith. I wouldn't apply this example to my own situation.

Okay, those that murder abortionists are wrong in my opinion. Those that have abortions are also wrong in my eyes. Also, these people that claim to be compassionate, but then murder and harass other people due to sexual preference, don't usually claim to be compassionate. When they do, one must examine their actions in addition to their words. Christians need this kind of evaluation anyway, in my opinion.
And president Bush? The issue, to me, is not whether or not he should be doing this, but how should he go about doing it?
I do believe that president Bush is taken the situation out of hand, and getting somewhat sloppy when it comes to dealing with Afghani civilians, but I also believe that some course of direct action is necessary for our defense. He wants to show his authority and power to the world, and I don't think that is a fault of Christianity. Nobody is perfect, and if anyone thinks they can do a better job than Bush as president, then please try. We can always use a president that is better at the job than the current one. :)

Oh, and I am not KALVINB or whatever. I am a different Ben. Sorry for the confusion.
Because they teach God created the heavens and the earth, and that all men and women came from Adam and Eve, and after all of that say"well if you are not Christian you are going to hell" it's an oxymoron
*Originally posted by Cris
Aye I know, but I am an eternal optimist.

Given your statements thus far, "eternal" doesn't apply to you, unless ashes can be optimistic.

*But even a small increase (say 50%) should be enough for everyone who has been enhanced to see the irrelevancy of religion.*

Seeing as you're essentially the sciforums poster boy for the "irrelevancy" of religion, I'd say only TM and a few kicks to the head via karate class would suffice.
Although, I'm not sure how you figure getting kicked in the head increased your intelligence 50%.
Usually that kind of head trauma reduces a person's intelligence.

*But once people see the benefits then they will want one. They won't be marketed as religion killers, that will just be a natural beneficial side-effect. *

I'm not sure people will want to be repeatedly kicked in the head for any kind of "side-effect."

*And if they see people with enhanced brains becoming more wealthy, then hey the snowball will start rolling.*

The snowball is rolling the other way.
Thus far, many Christians have fallen for the "poor, but pious" routine thanks to the Catholic church.
That's not winning a lot of converts anymore, so only the unfortunately deluded are sticking to it.

That, of course, is why God says...

But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
(Deuteronomy 8:18, KJV).

*Present most Christians with a superior lifestyle and they'll jump just like everyone else.*

You're right about that.
That's why I like to quote stuff like...

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
(Psalms 35:27, KJV).

*All that will be left will be the fanatics, and we should be able to outthink them by that time.*

There is some slim chance that you might be able to outthink me at some point in time, but you'll have much less money while doing it.
Of course, it'll be that much more difficult to make your point, but you'll always have your powerful thinking to fall back on, especially while you go hungry.

*Originally posted by Living Sacrifice
I also hold this opinion, Hoth, because I believe that my fellow christians should be humbled, rather than in postions of power over the masses.

You're merely in total disagreement with God.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
(Proverbs 29:2, KJV).

A lot of mourning went on and still goes on in Communist and formerly Communist countries.

*Originally posted by justagirl
after all of that say"well if you are not Christian you are going to hell" it's an oxymoron

Also, it's not true.
Everyone goes to hell, since hell is just the grave.
That, of course, is why God says...

But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
(Deuteronomy 8:18, KJV).

*Present most Christians with a superior lifestyle and they'll jump just like everyone else.*

You're right about that.
That's why I like to quote stuff like...

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
(Psalms 35:27, KJV).

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
(Proverbs 29:2, KJV).

A lot of mourning went on and still goes on in Communist and formerly Communist countries
Matthew 19 21 "If you want to be perfect, go sell your possesions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
Matthew 19 23
I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven...blwh blah and it's easier for a camel to go through an eye of needle for a rich man to enter heaven.

WEll Toni this is saying those Russian "starving" have a better chance of getting to heaven than an arrogant christian
*Originally posted by justagirl
Matthew 19 21 "If you want to be perfect, go sell your possesions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
Matthew 19 23
I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven...blwh blah and it's easier for a camel to go through an eye of needle for a rich man to enter heaven.

WEll Toni this is saying those Russian "starving" have a better chance of getting to heaven than an arrogant christian

That sounds very religious and all, but you seem to think that after selling all one's possessions and giving to the poor that one will never have any possessions ever again.
I'd like to see the Bible verses for THAT concept.

Besides, you're missing something with the camel thing, like the verse following...

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
(Matthew 19:26, KJV).

With God it IS possible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
You just don't know how.
Im just gonna post my lil opinion:

I dont hate anyone, but some christians annoy me because I feel their religion has no backing or "proof". It relies too much on faith in the unprovable. Strong christians are often near-sighted, headstrong, and stubborn in their beliefs in my opinion...
I've got a very personal issue against Christianity. A while back i was in a deep relationship with a girl, it was quite a heavy relationship, and it had its ups and downs but generally we were happy together. She was a strong Christian, while I was more of an agnostic. Religion was never really an issue in our relationship, but I was quite open-minded about her beliefs and even willing to go to church with her from time to time.
Well eveything was fine and dandy until sometime last summer, when she went away for a week on some Christian youth camp thing. 'Nevermind' I thought to myself, she'll be back home in a few days and we'll be together again. How wrong I was!
On the day she was supposed to come back home, she rang me in the morning telling me we had to end the relationship, apparently Christians are forbidden from having relationships with non-christians, and apparently God came to her during this youth camp event and told her that she had to break off the relationship. She sent me messages saying how much more God means to her now and how she wants to please him. These sermons she had over those few days convinced her that breaking off our relationship was "the only way".
Of course I was furious at this, we were in a happy relationship until some complete stranger decided to convince her to break off our relationship simply because I wasnt a Christian. From what I can tell, she was made to feel guilty about the relationship, that it would somehow be displeasing to God. She's an intelligent girl, but its disturbing that she accepts something like this without question.

After this happened I decided to find out why Christians are apparently "forbidden" from having relationships with non-Christians and where the Bible supposedly supports this, except all I've found is a number of half baked arguments and a vague passage here and there which dont particularly say much at all. In fact I've found more passages in the Bible which actually SUPPORT relationships with Christians and Non-Christians, but because they dont fit in with Christian doctrine, they're overlooked or dismissed.

I've been knocking about various Christian and non-christian websites to assess various opinions on the religion, but the more I look, the more I find bigotry and self-righteous oafs.

In fact from reading the New testament and various websites, Jesus was actually a revolutionary rallying against corrupt religious authority (Check this site out http://elroy.net/ehr/fighttheright.html#whatwould). If Jesus was around today he'd be tearing down the vatican with his bare hands. Christianity has bugger all to do with Jesus.

I dont hate Christians themselves, but I hate the establishment and what it really represents. I think Jesus was a great person, but his reputation has been hi-jacked by buffoons who use his name to destroy other peoples lives.
I'm sorry, Dracula's Guest. I hope you've gotten over it, or mostly at least.

After this happened I decided to find out why Christians are apparently "forbidden" from having relationships with non-Christians and where the Bible supposedly supports this, except all I've found is a number of half baked arguments and a vague passage here and there which dont particularly say much at all. In fact I've found more passages in the Bible which actually SUPPORT relationships with Christians and Non-Christians, but because they dont fit in with Christian doctrine, they're overlooked or dismissed.

Titus 3:10-11 - but-

This is probably the one

2 John
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
1:11For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

These folks can probably help you better. http://pub5.ezboard.com/bsabdiscussionboard.

Or Tony1 knows his Bible....

I seem to remember somthing about not 'yoking believer to unbeliever'

Speaking of Tony

There is some slim chance that you might be able to outthink me at some point in time, but you'll have much less money while doing it.
Of course, it'll be that much more difficult to make your point, but you'll always have your powerful thinking to fall back on, especially while you go hungry.

Cris drives a M class and lives in a rather expensive part of Cali, I don't think he has to worry overmuch about going hungry.
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Yeah the one about being yoked with an un-believer is the one I usually come across but its not particulary specific which is why I have a problem with it. The things is St Paul sanctifies relationships between Christians and Non-Christians earlier on in Corinthians and there are other passages that give advice for people with non-christian partners. The advice is usually peaceful and attempts to preserve the relationship instead of tearing it apart.
The Bible can be a bit contradictory on that subject at times and the subject needs to be re-assessed by Christians before they decide to trample over other peoples lives.