Why did we stop inventing gods?

I'm still not seeing any argument or evidence in support of the notion that human beings have stopped inventing gods.

And there are some arenas and populations in which an apparent need for some kind of spiritual recognition and even formal worship - however organized and named etc - is becoming obvious. Agriculture and power production in Western societies, for example, badly need formalization of the "should" aspects of what they "could" do.
but gods is not a spiritual thing , to Humanity.

Sure I understand how counter intuitive this may seem . We have had god(s) for thousands of years ; back to the Sumerians .

What we Humans have lost or really forgotten is our own Spirituality ; Human Spirituality .
I'm still not seeing any argument or evidence in support of the notion that human beings have stopped inventing gods.

And there are some arenas and populations in which an apparent need for some kind of spiritual recognition and even formal worship - however organized and named etc - is becoming obvious. Agriculture and power production in Western societies, for example, badly need formalization of the "should" aspects of what they "could" do.

As the O.P. indicated, I was sort of referring to a human god. It has been a lot of years since a moral man was introduced to us by the media as someone worth following.

I will agree that we are creating and glorifying a lot of idols but none of the spiritual or religious types.

As to your last, I agree. Not just for agriculture, but for all of the natural systems that we seem to be overtaxing.

No one is speaking for Mother Earth.

but gods is not a spiritual thing , to Humanity.

Sure I understand how counter intuitive this may seem . We have had god(s) for thousands of years ; back to the Sumerians .

What we Humans have lost or really forgotten is our own Spirituality ; Human Spirituality .

Gnostic Christians have not forgotten.

Our god is I am and yes, we do mean us when we use that term.

When and if Gnostic Christianity becomes mainstream, world peace will soon follow.

I see Gnostic Christianity as the only theology/philosophy that can tolerate and embrace all faiths.

That may be a part of why Christianity decimated us as well as all free thinking cults the moment they gained political power.

There was a time when a person could make atonement for anther. Have the words noble righteousness ever occurred to you? You are not good enough to atone for your own sins and you will surely die in them without faith in Christ..
And then we would hire a sin-eater to purge the dying criminal of his sins.
There was a time when a person could make atonement for anther. Have the words noble righteousness ever occurred to you? You are not good enough to atone for your own sins and you will surely die in them without faith in Christ..

As Ingersoll said; 'no man would be fit for heaven who would consent that an innocent person should suffer for his sin.'

but will stick to calling myself a Gnostic Christian.
In what sense are you using the word Christian here?... “Gnostic Christian”. By using that word your seeking attention, is that right? There's a lot of baggage with using a god connected word. Are you one of those that like to talk on and on about gods and such things? And that word is your hook?
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In what sense are you using the word Christian here?... “Gnostic Christian”. By using that word your seeking attention, is that right? There's a lot of baggage with using a god connected word. Are you one of those that like to talk on and on about gods and such things? And that word is your hook?

There are Gnostic of all religions. All who are free thinkers, and not idol worshipers, who question their own theology, can be said to be Gnostic. My birth was in a Catholic/Christian tradition and that makes me a Gnostic Christian.

I am in a discussion and debate forum. Of course I seek attention.

I actually try never to talk of gods existence.
I prefer to focus on morals as that is what is important about a theology or philosophy and not the source, be it a god or a man.

I see both Christianity and Islam as immoral creeds and they give me lots of ammo to fight their ideologies.

They also argue so poorly that they cannot deal with most of what I put so it seems that I am correct in disrespecting the religions I named.

There are Gnostic of all religions. All who are free thinkers, and not idol worshipers, who question their own theology, can be said to be Gnostic.
Free thinkers?? And yet, these ''free thinkers'' like to be in a religion?
Why not break that manacle and become just a plain humanist?

My birth was in a Catholic/Christian tradition and that makes me a Gnostic Christian.
Get rid of the religious baggage, you can still ''fight their ideologies''. See above.

I am in a discussion and debate forum. Of course I seek attention.
Yes, and you like to trail your christian tag as you do that. What's wrong with plain old humanism?
I prefer to focus on morals as that is what is important about a theology or philosophy and not the source, be it a god or a man.
Yes, and you need the christian tag for that??? humanism.
All who are free thinkers, and not idol worshipers, who question their own theology, can be said to be Gnostic.
Uh, what?
Wiki: A common characteristic of some of these groups was the instruction that the realisation of Gnosis (esoteric or intuitive knowledge) is the way to salvation of the soul from the material world.
Plus associated other crap including the belief in a "supreme monadic divinity" and lots of divinitylets.
Right so, according to you all free-thinkers go for "intuitive knowledge" (in itself an oxymoron) and are trying to save their souls (WTF is a soul?).
If that's not what you're referring to then consider that, for example, a "gnostic theist" is one who claims that "god" is knowable/ that they know for certain.
If someone knows for sure they what exactly are they questioning?