Why did we stop inventing gods?

Why did we stop inventing gods?
Has this got something to do with missionaries of old? When the western world 'found' and claimed new land, the locals of that land were 'kindly' asked to change their gods.
Something like that.
I gospel work of salvation is the work of God and not the work of man.

So is the condemnation that comes before the salvation.

Shall we talk of your immoral view of the salvation you seek?

Please allow me to begin.

First. This Bishop has word for you.

Now if you think you have any moral arguments left, let me begin a debate with you.

Human sacrifice is evil and God demanding one and accepting one is evil.

Those trying to profit from that evil are evil. Do just a bit of thinking and you will agree.

Imagine you have two children. One of your children does something wrong – say it curses, or throws a temper tantrum, or something like that. In fact, say it does this on a regular basis, and you continually forgive your child, but it never seems to change.

Now suppose one day you’ve had enough, you need to do something different. You still wish to forgive your child, but nothing has worked. Do you go to your second child, your good child, and punish it to atone for the sins of the first?

In fact, if you ever saw a parent on the street punish one of their children for the actions of their other child, how would you react? Would you support their decision, or would you be offended? Because God punished Jesus -- his good child -- for the sins of his other children.

Interestingly, some historical royal families would beat their slaves when their own children did wrong – you should not, after all, ever beat a prince. The question is: what kind of lesson does that teach the child who actually did the harm?

Does it teach them to be a better person, to stop doing harm, or does it teach them both that they won't themselves be punished, and also that punishing other people is normal? I know that's not a lesson I would want to teach my children, and I suspect it's not a lesson most Christians would want to teach theirs. So why does God?

For me, that’s at least one significant reason I find Jesus’ atonement of our sin to be morally repugnant – of course, that’s assuming Jesus ever existed; that original sin actually exists; that God actually exists; etc.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

Do you agree?

If not, please show how it is morally and legally good to punish the innocent instead of the guilty, bearing in mind that all legal systems think that punishing the guilty is what is justice.

Why did we stop inventing gods?
Has this got something to do with missionaries of old? When the western world 'found' and claimed new land, the locals of that land were 'kindly' asked to change their gods.
Something like that.

Not really but you make a good point in recognizing that the mainstream religions, Christianity and Islam, both grew their religions by the sword and not good deeds and conversion.

So is the condemnation that comes before the salvation.

Shall we talk of your immoral view of the salvation you seek?

Please allow me to begin.

First. This Bishop has word for you.

Now if you think you have any moral arguments left, let me begin a debate with you.

Human sacrifice is evil and God demanding one and accepting one is evil.

Those trying to profit from that evil are evil. Do just a bit of thinking and you will agree.

Imagine you have two children. One of your children does something wrong – say it curses, or throws a temper tantrum, or something like that. In fact, say it does this on a regular basis, and you continually forgive your child, but it never seems to change.

Now suppose one day you’ve had enough, you need to do something different. You still wish to forgive your child, but nothing has worked. Do you go to your second child, your good child, and punish it to atone for the sins of the first?

In fact, if you ever saw a parent on the street punish one of their children for the actions of their other child, how would you react? Would you support their decision, or would you be offended? Because God punished Jesus -- his good child -- for the sins of his other children.

Interestingly, some historical royal families would beat their slaves when their own children did wrong – you should not, after all, ever beat a prince. The question is: what kind of lesson does that teach the child who actually did the harm?

Does it teach them to be a better person, to stop doing harm, or does it teach them both that they won't themselves be punished, and also that punishing other people is normal? I know that's not a lesson I would want to teach my children, and I suspect it's not a lesson most Christians would want to teach theirs. So why does God?

For me, that’s at least one significant reason I find Jesus’ atonement of our sin to be morally repugnant – of course, that’s assuming Jesus ever existed; that original sin actually exists; that God actually exists; etc.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, --- is immoral.

Do you agree?

If not, please show how it is morally and legally good to punish the innocent instead of the guilty, bearing in mind that all legal systems think that punishing the guilty is what is justice.

There was a time when a person could make atonement for anther. Have the words noble righteousness ever occurred to you? You are not good enough to atone for your own sins and you will surely die in them without faith in Christ..
Seems to me that we have replaced gods with scientific models capable of doing the same things through the mathematical function, I could make a defensible argument that the *inherent mathematical functions of the universe* seemed *intentional* to the uneducated, but we know now these *constants* are required to fill the mathematical functional evolution spacetime fabric itself, a mathematical geometry which gives an illusion of purposeful design. But it's just the mathematical function in a dynamic spacetime geometric. God cannot do more than what the mathematics allow, a confirmed concession by a spiritual institution which for some 2000 years have believed in a Magician with a Magic Wand.
That seems to underestimate the nature of what mathematics allows, in the way of universes and their complexities, relative to what human beings can perceive and comprehend. I doubt your scientific models will be any more capable of replacing the key functions of spiritual acknowledgment in human relationship with those complexities in the future, than they have been so far.

The denier of the spiritual realm altogether (as opposed to the debunker of some common pattern of religious belief, say) must deal with more than the simplistic versions mistaken in ignorance.
There was a time when a person could make atonement for anther. Have the words noble righteousness ever occurred to you? You are not good enough to atone for your own sins and you will surely die in them without faith in Christ..

A good set of lies while ignoring that the guilty should pay for their own mistakes.

There was also a time when human sacrifice was common and it seems that you belong to that time instead of here.

This says that I am good enough to pay my own way so you might wonder why you are so deficient.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

You can continue to promote the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty but do not expect respect for your immoral position.

Keep ridding your scapegoat. Ignore that Jesus said you should pick up your cross and follow him as you place your burden on an innocent victim of your immorality.

That seems to underestimate the nature of what mathematics allows, in the way of universes and their complexities, relative to what human beings can perceive and comprehend. I doubt your scientific models will be any more capable of replacing the key functions of spiritual acknowledgment in human relationship with those complexities in the future, than they have been so far.

The denier of the spiritual realm altogether (as opposed to the debunker of some common pattern of religious belief, say) must deal with more than the simplistic versions mistaken in ignorance.

Of course some people deserve punishment here on earth but not in heaven.

Gnostic Christians are Universalists and. like a supernatural god, look at reality and see that evil people are not born evil, unless insane, and that they are products of all those they have interacted with.

We need to protect ourselves from criminals and evil here, but that need is non-existent in any heaven I can imagin.

You'r on the right track wit you'r morals an heads above the vast majority... cause you seem to understand that people are nuthin more than products of ther environment/genes... however... just because we choose to incarcerate certan people for the protection of others... we shoud realize that people on earth dont deserve punishment any more than they woud in heaven;;; they shoud receive compassion.!!!

Oh... an just to be clear... evil (as in a separate entity that can invade a human) is just more superstition.!!!


My church is "New Age Christan Atheist"... an all are welcome to join.!!!
You'r on the right track wit you'r morals an heads above the vast majority... cause you seem to understand that people are nuthin more than products of ther environment/genes... however... just because we choose to incarcerate certan people for the protection of others... we shoud realize that people on earth dont deserve punishment any more than they woud in heaven;;; they shoud receive compassion.!!!

Oh... an just to be clear... evil (as in a separate entity that can invade a human) is just more superstition.!!!


My church is "New Age Christan Atheist"... an all are welcome to join.!!!

Thanks for the kudos.

I will pas on your church though because I think Gnostic Christianity is superior to yours in the sense that, as esoteric ecumenists, we allow others to have a hope for a god without having faith in a god pop it's ugly head.

In short, we say we do not know if a god exists but hope there is for those who hope there is.

In reality, if any Gnostic Christian would find a supernatural god, we would try to kill it as we do not believe in the slavery and human stagnation that would follow such a discovery.

"Oh... an just to be clear... evil (as in a separate entity that can invade a human) is just more superstition.!!!"

I agree but evil, as a concept, is within all of us just as good is.

In fact, we create evil concepts in our minds the moment we create good. We have to use both concepts as we evolve.

Our evolution is based on our cooperating and competing. When we cooperate, we can see this as good as it does not create a victim/loser which is the case when we compete. We cannot help but compete and thus all do evil. To not do so would likely mean extinction.

Perhaps Martin Luther knew this and said what I said this way.

“Be a sinner and sin strongly, but more strongly have faith and rejoice in Christ.”
Martin Luther

Maybe we haven't stopped. Who knows maybe 1000 years from now the predominant religion will be the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Maybe this is how religions start.
Thanks for the kudos.

You welcome.!!!

I will pas on your church though because I think Gnostic Christianity is superior to yours in the sense that, as esoteric ecumenists, we allow others to have a hope for a god without having faith in a god pop it's ugly head.

In short, we say we do not know if a god exists but hope there is for those who hope there is. In reality, if any Gnostic Christian would find a supernatural god, we would try to kill it as we do not believe in the slavery and human stagnation that would follow such a discovery.

Not terribly diferent... we respectfully allow all faiths/beleifs... an among those are people like me who dont know if a "God" exists or not... but if "God" did exist i woud set about wit a plan to destroy it like i woud for any monster who preys on humans.!!!

...evil, as a concept, is within all of us just as good is.

In fact, we create evil concepts in our minds the moment we create good. We have to use both concepts as we evolve.

Our evolution is based on our cooperating and competing. When we cooperate, we can see this as good as it does not create a victim/loser which is the case when we compete. We cannot help but compete and thus all do evil. To not do so would likely mean extinction.

Dog eat dog evolution is as monstrous as "God"... an my heaven excludes "evil" in that... all life as we know it is always in heaven (a hologram... if you like)... an no actual harm/evil ever occurs... period... so in that reguard alone... i thank New Age Christan Atheist has the superior beleifs.!!!
You welcome.!!!

Not terribly diferent... we respectfully allow all faiths/beleifs... an among those are people like me who dont know if a "God" exists or not... but if "God" did exist i woud set about wit a plan to destroy it like i woud for any monster who preys on humans.!!!

Dog eat dog evolution is as monstrous as "God"... an my heaven excludes "evil" in that... all life as we know it is always in heaven (a hologram... if you like)... an no actual harm/evil ever occurs... period... so in that reguard alone... i thank New Age Christan Atheist has the superior beleifs.!!!

If what I read on Philip K. Dick and Hollywood and holographic universes is to be believed, that thinking was born in Gnostic Christian circles.

Seems your superior belief came from those of my ilk. Your New Age thinking is Old Age thinking.

"we respectfully allow all faiths/beliefs"

This is where we differ. When we see something in a faith that we think is evil, we feel it our duty to point it out. That is why we call Yahweh and Allah vile demiurges as they and their followers just seem good at following poor moral tenets and that is apparent as all they mostly seem to produce is intolerant homophobic and misogynous people.

For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.

We do not respect theologies that do not deserve it.

If what I read on Philip K. Dick and Hollywood and holographic universes is to be believed, that thinking was born in Gnostic Christian circles.

Seems your superior belief came from those of my ilk. Your New Age thinking is Old Age thinking.

I created my church over 16 years ago... i dont know Philip Dick an i dont study other peoples religions... an you'r most welcom to see my beleifs as Old Age thankin... but as i always say... soomer or later everbody will come to love the truth.!!!

"we respectfully allow all faiths/beliefs"

This is where we differ. When we see something in a faith that we think is evil, we feel it our duty to point it out. That is why we call Yahweh and Allah vile demiurges as they and their followers just seem good at following poor moral tenets and that is apparent as all they mostly seem to produce is intolerant homophobic and misogynous people.

For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.

We do not respect theologies that do not deserve it.

We respectfuly allow all people... along wit ther beleifs to join our church whare we can lead by example (not exclusion)... whare all people can learn the truth wit-out it bein "ponted out to 'em"... lol... an you are obvously still hung up on "evil"... which is understandable... but all-in-all you'r still way ahead of most... an as always... you are always welcome to join our churgh NACA.!!!


Eventualy everbody will realize the truth... but in the meantime its not abnormal for people to be quite sensetive about ther beleifs... but i see grate potential in you.!!!
I created my church over 16 years ago... i dont know Philip Dick an i dont study other peoples religions... an you'r most welcom to see my beleifs as Old Age thankin... but as i always say... soomer or later everbody will come to love the truth.!!!

We respectfuly allow all people... along wit ther beleifs to join our church whare we can lead by example (not exclusion)... whare all people can learn the truth wit-out it bein "ponted out to 'em"... lol... an you are obvously still hung up on "evil"... which is understandable... but all-in-all you'r still way ahead of most... an as always... you are always welcome to join our churgh NACA.!!!


Eventualy everbody will realize the truth... but in the meantime its not abnormal for people to be quite sensetive about ther beleifs... but i see grate potential in you.!!!

Thanks again.

I just hope I have what it takes to move the yardstick of present beliefs and faiths. Time will tell.
