Why did we stop inventing gods?

I did years ago .
No. You didn't.
You CLAIMED it but you didn't provide evidence.
You were given a link that showed they didn't over a year ago (and then, typically ignored it and simply didn't bring up the subject again in that thread), but you have never provided any links or support for a claim you've been making since at least 2013.
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I have no desire to back in my histroy of posts to prove my point
Because you can't prove your point - you didn't support the claim.

it would take to much time .
It didn't take me long to find all instances of you posting the word "Alexandria", nor did it take me long for me find where I and Fraggle showed that your claim is false.

But never mind looking through all your posts: just post a link to a source that does support you.
It didn't take me long to find all instances of you posting the word "Alexandria", nor did it take me long for me find where I and Fraggle showed that your claim is false.

But never mind looking through all your posts: just post a link to a source that does support you

well show me where my claim is false . By both of you .
well show me where my claim is false . By both of you .
Oh here we go...
You can't support your claim so you're resorting to "Prove me wrong".
(And I gave you the link to my post - which was followed by Fraggle's in post #122).
Oh here we go...
You can't support your claim so you're resorting to "Prove me wrong".
(And I gave you the link to my post - which was followed by Fraggle's in post #122).

hmmm.... well in post number 122 I see no link , to any of my posts .
you made a claim about me ; support it .
And now you're simply trolling.
I take it then that you can't in fact support your claim (although, no doubt, that inconvenient fact won't prevent you from making it again).
And now you're simply trolling.
I take it then that you can't in fact support your claim (although, no doubt, that inconvenient fact won't prevent you from making it again).

and now your simply trolling .

you have no support to your claim ; against me .

so buzz off dyw.
You've claimed this before.
Citation needed.
It appears that the great library of Alexandria was ransacked and/or burned several times. The following claims one of the *organized* destruction of the Library.
Paganism was made illegal by an edict of the Emperor Theodosius I in 391. The temples of Alexandria were closed by Patriarch Pope Theophilus of Alexandria in AD 391.
, but then also
As for the Museum, Mostafa El-Abbadi writes in Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria (1990):
The Mouseion, being at the same time a 'shrine of the Muses', enjoyed a degree of sanctity as long as other pagan temples remained unmolested. Synesius of Cyrene, who studied under
Hypatia at the end of the fourth century, saw the Mouseion and described the images of the philosophers in it. We have no later reference to its existence in the fifth century. As Theon, the distinguished mathematician and father of Hypatia, herself a renowned scholar, was the last recorded scholar-member (c. 380), it is likely that the Mouseion did not long survive the promulgation of Theodosius' decree in 391 to destroy all pagan temples in the city.
— El-Abbadi,
Mostafa (1990), The Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria

Apparently during those times there was also a lot of seismic activity and many earthquakes, some which may have been responsible for the destruction or sinking of great stone monuments. Thousands of historically valuable objects have been found submerged along the Alexandria shoreline. Some of the (apparent) building blocks may have been used as a seawall or an artificial harbor.
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It appears that the great library of Alexandria was ransacked and/or burned several times. The following claims one of the *organized* destruction of the Library. , but then also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_of_the_Library_of_Alexandria

Apparently during those times there was also a lot of seismic activity and many earthquakes, some which may have been responsible for the destruction or sinking of great stone monuments. Thousands of historically valuable objects have been found submerged along the Alexandria shoreline. Some of the (apparent) building blocks may have been used as a seawall or an artificial harbor.

I have no confidence in either site towards the truth .
Why did we stop inventing Gods?

Gods were not invented, but rather they appeared spontaneously as a natural output product of the brain. In primitive tribal cultures, which give us a hint of the past, it is often the dreams of the leaders and medicine man which become the stories of the gods. Some tribes use drugs to induce similar states of mind, while awake. We do not invent dreams or invent drug induced visions, but rather these are a natural output from the unconscious mind. These are not random, but are ways for the brain to release potential.

If left to itself, we will forget things. We need to reinforce the memory to keep it active. Memory creates fixed synaptic connections, while the natural movement of the brain is to remove memory, removes synapses; forward integrate memory. Dreams and visions reflect the reaction to fixed memory, that is being reinforced, that is causing a lingering potential in the brain.

Say the entire tribe is in a slump due to bad weather and poor hunting. They are collectively thinking, talking and reinforcing similar depressed memories. The key dream of the leader will reflect what is needed to help depotentiate the mind of the leader. Since the entire tribe is dwelling on the slump, what works in the mind of the leader will also work for the collective, since they are all reinforcing the same mind set. The symbolism that appears may become a new god, or a new behavior of an existing god, which when thought about by all, pushes the same unconscious buttons, allowing the tribe to erase and overcome.

This process has not changed. There are still gods appearing all the time.. The difference today is, the gods are not kept separate from the ego. Today the ego and the god projection tends to merge, to where many people begin to think our leaders are like mythological figures, who can bring about hope and change leading to heaven on earth. The ancient tribe are more objective, and were not fooled into attaching a dream symbol of the gods, to human people. The religion of atheism does not allow this level of objectivity.

The world religions are very unique in that the original output is so natural and fundamental; inspired, it applies to tribes of billions, regardless of time. These are not just for the present, but reflect the course of the future, which the unconscious mind can anticipate and help make manifest.
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