Why did we stop inventing gods?

It's all fantasy. Also beside the point. Also maybe your religious is about morality, but they don't all have to be.

So to you, religions are not supposed to focus on morality. I do not agree as morality is what they try to sell when selling their immoral creeds and tenets.

I do agree that many follow immoral gods without caring at all that he is more like a Satan than a god.

The reason humans stopped inventing Gods is they came to the truth. It was sort of like doing R&D, with respect to a novel out of the box concept. Religion is unique to humans, therefore religion was way outside the box, with respect to animal instinct. The lion cannot hunt if he hallucinates. The founders begin their research by trying many things, until they finally discovered that which fits the bill. After the research was complete, the task became development; expand upon main religions.

My approach towards religion and God is different from most. I walk a line between science and religion that treats both with credibility. If you study collective human symbolism and human psychology, it is well documented that the human brain can spontaneously generate symbols, such as in dreams. Many of these spontaneously generated symbols will be the same for all humans, regardless of culture. These collective symbols appear to be connected to human nature; human DNA, and not to cultural knowledge. They are innate to the human psyche. For example, most religions have a mother and/or father analogy. Although superficially different, as to who this may be, at the core all of these, it symbolizes a natural connection between the individual and the parent(s), which commands respect, love and trust, based on the configuration.

Collective human symbolism, if you delve deeper, since it is common to all humans, will also define a hierarchy of symbolism, that essentially maps out the human psyche. Religions project this map. Once the natural maps were completed, after centuries of R&D, there was no real need to make new maps, since human nature has not changed in that time. These maps are not concerned with manmade, but with the natural terrain. Atheism is more about manmade maps; personal and cultural collective, which tend to change.

In terms of mapping the human psyche, the center of the unconscious mind is what is called the inner self. The inner self is often the projection factor that is personified by the central God. The inner self is natural therefore it is morally neutral. It is not easy to explore the psyche that deep down, because there are many hazards and pitfalls. Religions allow one a way to tweak the operating system, down to the inner self, through a bridge which has been constructed. The proper attitude is necessary; faith, since the proper feeling is important to human nature; to make use of the commands lines. The natural command lines is why religion is often scary to atheism. Religion does not need drugs to get altered states of the psyche. It is done naturally.

The inner self runs the personality firmware connected to our human nature, from which the symbols appear. The religions of polytheism mapped the psyche as deep as the firmware. Monotheism got the map deeper, all the way to the inner self. Christianity is unique in that the one God; inner self, was replaced by a trinity; father, son and Holy Spirit. The implication is either new natural firmware evolved, or the inner self set point was elevated, or both.

True and thus Christianity made god a guy in the sky instead of the reality that you are the only god you can ever find.

I do not agree with your---
"The inner self is natural therefore it is morally neutral."

The inner self, our instincts, defaults to the moral good and not to an amoral or neutral position.

From what I read on the subject of the switch from female to male gods, it had to do with the switch to agriculture.

I can see where some might think that but The Bronze Age is viewed by most that I have read on this, and the creations of weapons powerful enough to use man against mans as the deciding force in wanting the gods of war. Only at that time did we start to built fortified cities. Grain storage may have been just one more contributing factor.


Do you believe that some people deserve punishment.???

Absolutely, but with the caveat of knowing that the evil ones are as they are because all those around them helped in their creation. Murderers are made. They are not born that way.

An eye for an eye is overkill.

Absolutely, but with the caveat of knowing that the evil ones are as they are because all those around them helped in their creation. Murderers are made. They are not born that way.

An eye for an eye is overkill.
YOu'r on the right track that eye for an eye is overkill... but God created humans to behave exactly the way they do so nobody deserves punishment... an i humbly tell you that my moral beliefs leave you'rs in the dust.!!!

Why does "ignoring the poor morals of most gods, like Yahweh and Allah" deserve punishment of a ride in hell.???
..."and god created man in god's own image" and man
wholly incapable of understand or comprehending god
created gods in man's own image.
(as some sort of approximation?)
"I believe... I, Believe." My mind says this about life. Theres life in faith.

And Know the fallen. Both my creation.
YOu'r on the right track that eye for an eye is overkill... but God created humans to behave exactly the way they do so nobody deserves punishment... an i humbly tell you that my moral beliefs leave you'rs in the dust.!!!

Why does "ignoring the poor morals of most gods, like Yahweh and Allah" deserve punishment of a ride in hell.???

There is no such thing as hell. So says my favority Bishop.

You are correct that a good god would not punish us for being and doing what he as a creator god would have put into us.

That supernatural god, of course, does not exist. Nature is our creator and not some guy in the sky.

I am please that you se you morals as superior to mine as I have a hard time getting believers to talk of morals. They are not good at it and that is why they follow immoral gods like Yahweh and Allah.

Which particular moral tenet of mine do you find inferior to yours?

Who is your god?

Regarding the OP: is there any reason to think "we" have stopped inventing Gods?

Yes there is.

Humanity has been stagnating with their immoral demiurges for a long time now and I do not see any new gods stepping up to challenge the old ones.

Except for Gnostic Christians of course as that is what we do.

..."and god created man in god's own image" and man
wholly incapable of understand or comprehending god
created gods in man's own image.
(as some sort of approximation?)

If a god created man, he did less of a job than nature does.

It is demonstrable that nature creates for the best possible end yet god does not as he says that most of us will end on the wide road to hell instead of the narrow path to heaven.

God, if he were to exist, would have to be seen as incompetent as well as immoral.

If a god created man, he did less of a job than nature does.

It is demonstrable that nature creates for the best possible end yet god does not as he says that most of us will end on the wide road to hell instead of the narrow path to heaven.

God, if he were to exist, would have to be seen as incompetent as well as immoral.


I do not find it inconceivable that nature is a part of god.
(and, we don't really understand all of nature yet)
(important step?)