Why did we stop inventing gods?

Free thinkers?? And yet, these ''free thinkers'' like to be in a religion?
Why not break that manacle and become just a plain humanist?

Get rid of the religious baggage, you can still ''fight their ideologies''. See above.

Yes, and you like to trail your christian tag as you do that. What's wrong with plain old humanism?
Yes, and you need the christian tag for that??? humanism.

I can respect humanist values without taking on their label.

There are benefits to being in a free thinking religion. You forget that one of the main reasons that religions exist is fellowship.

That is one of the problems of being and atheist or agnostic. Little to no fellowship. Mind you, atheists seem to recognize that they will lose many of their children to religions because of fellowship and they are beginning to form atheist churches.

Call yourself what you prefer and allow me to d0 the same.

Uh, what?
Wiki: A common characteristic of some of these groups was the instruction that the realisation of Gnosis (esoteric or intuitive knowledge) is the way to salvation of the soul from the material world.
Plus associated other crap including the belief in a "supreme monadic divinity" and lots of divinitylets.
Right so, according to you all free-thinkers go for "intuitive knowledge" (in itself an oxymoron) and are trying to save their souls (WTF is a soul?).
If that's not what you're referring to then consider that, for example, a "gnostic theist" is one who claims that "god" is knowable/ that they know for certain.
If someone knows for sure they what exactly are they questioning?

Better to ask a Gnostic what he believes and not go by hearsay without the background.

"is the way to salvation of the soul from the material world."

To this nonsense, we say.

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.
If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.
Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.
But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

If we are in the best of all possible worlds, given all the conditions to date, and that is irrefutable, then why do we need saving from it?


"the realisation of Gnosis (esoteric or intuitive knowledge)"

This we do believe in but not for salvation from this heaven but possibly salvation from being less astute about reality.

Go within yourself and you will recognize that you are the only god you can ever know.

If that's not what you're referring to then consider that, for example, a "gnostic theist" is one who claims that "god" is knowable/ that they know for certain.
If someone knows for sure they what exactly are they questioning?

Are you knowable to yourself. Yes you are.

Will you be the same you tomorrow. No because you will evolve.

Being a Gnostic Christian means that the god you find within you, you set aside, raise the bar of your expectation and seek anew. Being a Gnostic Christian is to be a perpetual seeker so that we do not become idol worshipers of the god we have found.

Better to ask a Gnostic what he believes and not go by hearsay without the background.
Hmm, since the public definition apparently varies so much from "your" definition wouldn't it have been a good idea to say what you meant by it?

Go within yourself and you will recognize that you are the only god you can ever know.
My cat would - seriously - beg to differ.
You want to hear a *free-thinker*? Then listen to this.

He is speaking primarily about Christianity and I agree with him.

So did the ancient Gnostics who invented our myths to put against the much less intelligent Christian one.

We gave more respect to the Jewish thinking before Christianity usurped the Jewish myth.

For instance, Jews see man gaining a moral sense in Eden as our elevation while Christians call that great leap in education and wisdom a fall.

Gnostic Christians follow the Jewish line and reject the Christian line.

Which do you think is the best way to think of Eden.

Hmmmmmm, just could not find a definition of Eden. I did find the name *Gardens of Eden", but it gave no directions, how to get there.
Garden of Eden (Hebrew גַּן עֵדֶן, Gan ʿEḏen) is the biblical "garden of God", described most notably in the Book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3, and also in the Book of Ezekiel.[2][3] The "garden of God", not called Eden, is mentioned in Genesis 13, and the "trees of the garden" are mentioned in Ezekiel 31. The Book of Zechariah and the Book of Psalms also refer to trees and water in relation to the temple without explicitly mentioning Eden.

So what does Christianity have to do with this? I am confident that as atheist, I have lived a more ethical life than millions of self-proclaimed Christians. I built my own log-cabin and lived among the trees for 10 years. I must admit, those were the happiest years of my life.
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Hmm, since the public definition apparently varies so much from "your" definition wouldn't it have been a good idea to say what you meant by it?

My cat would - seriously - beg to differ.

Not really. His version of god, as the best example he can follow is his own Father Complex.

Jung and Freud's Father Complex is who or what you query when going inside to seek the best example of who you should follow.

As to my beliefs, they are too many to just arbitrarily pick one to talk up.

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Hmmmmmm, just could not find a definition of Eden. I did find the name *Gardens of Eden", but it gave no directions, how to get there.

So what does Christianity have to do with this? I am confident that as atheist, I have lived a more ethical life than millions of self-proclaimed Christians. I built my own log-cabin and lived among the trees for 10 years. I must admit, those were the happiest years of my life.

Christianity's homophobic and misogynous morality is not hard to best.

Most would beat it naturally if Christianity and other backward thinking religions stoped teaching that those immoral positions are good.

Christianity's homophobic and misogynous morality is not hard to best.

Most would beat it naturally if Christianity and other backward thinking religions stoped teaching that those immoral positions are good.

Unfortunately Religions do not use the word Theory, which in Science is amenable to new knowledge.

Religious Scripture is "Divine Truth" and not subject to revision. Though I must commend the Catholic Church for admitting that Evolution has been recognized by the church as fact. It took a couple of hundred years, but at least there was a little "give". Of course it was qualified that Evolution does not contradict Creationism?
Jung and Freud's Father Complex is who or what you query when going inside to seek the best example of who you should follow.
Why would I want to do that?

Strange that you do not denounce the misogynistic Christian view.
Uh, what?
You asked "Which do you think is the best way to think of Eden?".
I don't think there's a "best way to Eden" since don't have any belief in Eden, and, in addition, I'm unaware that there are any ways to get there.
That sorta makes deciding on the "best way" slightly problematic.

I guess that equality is something you do not care about.
Then you guessed wrong.
Unfortunately Religions do not use the word Theory, which in Science is amenable to new knowledge.

Religious Scripture is "Divine Truth" and not subject to revision. Though I must commend the Catholic Church for admitting that Evolution has been recognized by the church as fact. It took a couple of hundred years, but at least there was a little "give". Of course it was qualified that Evolution does not contradict Creationism?

Divine Truth while at the same time they say that God is unknowable.
That seems like a contradiction but that must be my poor thinking. It can't possibly be poor delusional Christian thinking. No way.

True that Christianity mostly accepts evolution. This allowed for a new term. God of the Gaps. Yahweh is getting smaller and smaller.

Why would I want to do that?

Uh, what?
You asked "Which do you think is the best way to think of Eden?".
I don't think there's a "best way to Eden" since don't have any belief in Eden, and, in addition, I'm unaware that there are any ways to get there.
That sorta makes deciding on the "best way" slightly problematic.

Then you guessed wrong.

Thanks for this.

There are benefits to being in a free thinking religion. You forget that one of the main reasons that religions exist is fellowship.
But isn't a religious ''fellowship'' built on a great many peoples' belief in a god.
You like the company of those Christians, and at the same time attempt to kick their god from under them.
Each to his own.
That is one of the problems of being and atheist or agnostic. Little to no fellowship.
Honest fellowship? I'm not saying the following is your position.
This reminds me of the clergy (there's some in most ranks of clergy), which like to say trendy things like '' well, you don't have to believe in God or Jesus to be a Christian. But, please keep donating because someone has to feed and house my family and I, and this great fellowship of God believers are very convenient for that purpose''.

You do know there are honest Humanism fellowships.
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Gnostic Christians have not forgotten.

Our god is I am and yes, we do mean us when we use that term.

When and if Gnostic Christianity becomes mainstream, world peace will soon follow.

I see Gnostic Christianity as the only theology/philosophy that can tolerate and embrace all faiths.

That may be a part of why Christianity decimated us as well as all free thinking cults the moment they gained political power.


You do not your Gnostic history ; where it came from etc.

Gnostic's were NOT christian at all . they were an advanced knowledge based people . In Alexandria , Egypt .

They ; these christians ; destroyed Alexandria .