why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

Please explain? You have the floor. I am all ears to hear your explanation.

I directed my question to Bishadi, so his response is necessary.
We have discussed your lack of understanding a good number of
times, and see no need to go there in this thread.


Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!
Remember, in the Bible (KJV) there are gods and one of these is satan who also sends his messengers. If you are mentioning about the God who sent prophets as messengers, then He has sent one from the East. And he is now on the WEST preaching the everlasting Gospel of Christ.

Bishadi, can you see the complete lack of understanding on the part of (Q)?


Jan, even you and i have differences but the Q is having his own fun.

The selfish are just that 'selfish'

you will know the 'good' ones by what they do, not what they believe.

remember the rules;

good: supports life to continue

bad: loss to the common

He be imposing bad, by choice.

Not my life dying on the vine!
Jan, even you and i have differences but the Q is having his own fun.

The selfish are just that 'selfish'

you will know the 'good' ones by what they do, not what they believe.

remember the rules;

good: supports life to continue

bad: loss to the common

He be imposing bad, by choice.

Not my life dying on the vine!

So you can then. :)
Just checking. ;)

Jan, even you and i have differences but the Q is having his own fun.

Yes, it is fun to watch the religiously deluded wriggle around uncomfortably trying to come up with explanations.

remember the rules;

good: supports life to continue

bad: loss to the common

He be imposing bad, by choice.

Did you make those rules up? :rolleyes:
What has been demonstrated in this thread is how theists are so indoctrinated into their cults, they not only would never acknowledge another messenger from their god, but would castigate that person in the same way their current messengers were treated.

They themselves have become that which they most despise.
Yes, it is fun to watch the religiously deluded wriggle around uncomfortably trying to come up with explanations.

Me not relgious as i need not use beliefs to over-ride truth

the only explanation that fits your cause is 'selfishness'

which is the same reason most every 'evil' or 'bad' even exists

Did you make those rules up? :rolleyes:

actually.................. yes

i just shared what is observed in my own words (contributing)

almost like what injeel is but even better; pure to all existence, nature, mankind and GOD!

as nothing is greater than the 'continuance of life'

where-as it is easy to see how the selfish 'lie' to sustain their beliefs
Me not relgious as i need not use beliefs to over-ride truth

the only explanation that fits your cause is 'selfishness'

which is the same reason most every 'evil' or 'bad' even exists

You've provided evidence for my assertion. I claim to be a messenger from god and you label me evil and bad.

actually.................. yes

Then, they are rather pointless rules relevant only to your opinion.
You've provided evidence for my assertion. I claim to be a messenger from god and you label me evil and bad.

actually, it is you who is doing what is bad/evil. Meaning, it is your choice, not mine.

You are stating you are the messenger but fail to convey the truth as what is the single most important question equal to ALL MANKIND (God's children)

And that question is; 'what is life?'

That is how anyone can see the truth behind your professing to be a messenger. You are focused on YOU, and not contributing to the knowledge of 'we the people' as a species.

Saying you are conveying God's word must be equal to ALL MANKIND; not just your mankind.

Then, they are rather pointless rules relevant only to your opinion.

my opinion is not the one that matters; it is 'we the people' (all of us)

what i shared was what i have learned; if it don't work for you, then that is your choice. (seems to me, anyone could recognize it is common sense; as soon as the words are comprehended)

but you missing the point all together; you said you were GOD's messenger, and i asked a question, to qualify you, that would allow any human being on earth to see for themselves if your statement is true.

Meaning; to be the true messenger, then you could define 'life' for all of us!

Otherwise; you creating another tangent, that is literally a 'loss to the common'..... such that to follow it, is a waste of resources based on your choice to impose 'selfishly.'

What i said, is simple reasoning anyone can use as food for thought!

What message do you have that is beyond what anyone can read anywhere left by others?

actually, it is you who is doing what is bad/evil. Meaning, it is your choice, not mine.

You are stating you are the messenger but fail to convey the truth as what is the single most important question equal to ALL MANKIND (God's children)

And that question is; 'what is life?'

That is how anyone can see the truth behind your professing to be a messenger. You are focused on YOU, and not contributing to the knowledge of 'we the people' as a species.

Complete nonsense. I am focusing on delivering gods message. Your personal questions are irrelevant. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that.

Saying you are conveying God's word must be equal to ALL MANKIND; not just your mankind.

That's what I said, all mankind.

my opinion is not the one that matters; it is 'we the people' (all of us)

The people will have the message delivered to them. That is all that is relevant.

but you missing the point all together; you said you were GOD's messenger, and i asked a question, to qualify you, that would allow any human being on earth to see for themselves if your statement is true.

No, you are missing point. Your inquiries are irrelevant to gods message. Please try to understand that.

Meaning; to be the true messenger, then you could define 'life' for all of us!

What you care to know or ask is irrelevant to the delivery of gods message. Please try to understand that.

What message do you have that is beyond what anyone can read anywhere left by others?

That will be determined in the message, and that is all you need to know.
Complete nonsense. I am focusing on delivering gods message. Your personal questions are irrelevant. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that.

because to you God is YOUR GOD, not everyone's God.

Meaning: you don't care about the souls and hearts of every person on earth, to you it is the picture you have in YOUR MIND.

That's what I said, all mankind.

well i am a man of the same kind..............

The people will have the message delivered to them. That is all that is relevant.

well that is not what the God of every religion on earth said to 'we the people'

From Rah, Thoth, Abram....thru to Jesus, Muhammed....all the buddha's, pahana and the remaining still upon the earth............ they all said a 'revealing' of some sort. 'Understanding' i believe is the most prevelant basis we can each apply to that can be enabled from that 'revealing'...

i remember a comment from some old movie, perhaps you remember it too?

'and the truth shall set you free'

That's what i am looking forward to! The foundation that will allow all of mankind the capability to think for themselves and it be true to God, existence, nature and all of us equally.

So i am a dreamer................

i only seek World Peace and believe that if each were aware of what life is, and what choices to make; i believe we as a species can know it, finally!

is there a line in this post that is wrong?
because to you God is YOUR GOD, not everyone's God.

It is everyone's god. Mine and yours.

Meaning: you don't care about the souls and hearts of every person on earth, to you it is the picture you have in YOUR MIND.

God has chosen me to deliver his message, hence my caring about souls and hearts is irrelevant.

is there a line in this post that is wrong?

Right or wrong, it is irrelevant to a message being delivered by god. Will you ever understand that?
I think you have it backwards (Q).

The prophets merely preached, it was upto the people whether they accepted or rejected them.

Many prophets were rejected in their lifetime. Perhaps you should write down your gospels for posterity. Your unfailing charm may work better in a posthumous state.
Because God is using such advanced technology that it would blow your mind and you'd become an atheist like he is.
It is everyone's god. Mine and yours.
OK... then giving of yourself for others, over yourself, is the greatest truth in every religion across the board. Kind of like what 'doing God's will' is all about.

Do you remember the commandments? if you read them, you will find not a one says it is OK to fib for God, no matter how much YOU love him.

Each of the Big 10 talks about being responsible for your actions. Kind of like what religions were started for; to super-impose an equal standard between all who submit.

So equality is huge in relevance to observing God.

That leads to 'that' question; EQUALLY, ever human born has wanted to know 'what life is,' and equally in most every religion, the message was stated a day would come that the 'revealing' would occur

so if you are representing the GOD of all mankind, then the only item left for God to enable is that "message of life"

hence, why i asked you the question! I was allowing you to be messiah!

The messenger everyone is awaiting is to 'give life' (see any revelation/prophecies) and that is what i am wishing for all. I would think you would too.

God has chosen me to deliver his message, hence my caring about souls and hearts is irrelevant.

and that tells me, you are not of the heart of God's children, but of your belief (what ever they may be)
What has been demonstrated in this thread is how theists are so indoctrinated into their cults, they not only would never acknowledge another messenger from their god, but would castigate that person in the same way their current messengers were treated.

They themselves have become that which they most despise.

Actually, what has been demonstrated is your complete lack of understanding
of anything which requires deep thought.
The funny thing is, you can't see it, but the sad thing is, it is an increasingly popular trend.

Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!

The Biblical Answer.

God's prophets had the specific purpose of serving the Nation of Israel. He knew the Kings that the jews wanted would eventually stray from the covenant the fore fathers agreed to and so the Prophets were the voice of God to sent to set them straight. Even by the time of John the Baptizer prophets were silent untill him and Jesus came on the seen. Why?

The Jews had become obstinate which is what got them in captivity with the Romans in the first place. Jesus was the prophet to deliver them just as they had been delievered before and they knew he was the foretold deliverer because the prophecies pointed precisely to that time, place and even what he would do. Jerusalem had come into the habit of stoning it's prophets. As a result the last prophet God sent to man, his son, was killed, while this was fortold it did not have to happend by the hand of the Jews.

This action broke the covenant between God and Israel.
Israel was to be an ambassador to the other nations for God.

What If The Jews Were Faithful?

If Israel would not have broken it's Covenant Israel would be litteraly be representing God to the nations of the Earth in a way like has never been seen. Likely we would have more than evident demostration that God not only exist but is irresistable. God's covenant with Israel was that he would protect them, as a nation. Most like Israel would be the most powerful nation on the Earth today IF God saw fit for man to continue down to this same time. That's 2000 more years, though it's likely God would not have waited but brought the end of wickedness on the Earth "shortly" after Israel defeated Rome. They would have preached the word of God to the Planet while exemplifying that word in the power and presence of the Nation of Israel.

But that didn't happen.
Israel Failed. God cursed the land there, saying, it would know no peace. And it hasn't for the last 2,000 years. Instead he allowed Israel to be destroyed and purposed a few to survive and bring forth a nationless group that would do the same job of taking the word to the nations of Earth.

So Christians were never meant to control other nations like America, England and Austrailia. But it was obvious that it would happen once the message was wide spread.

Corrected for Spelling and Grammar:
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