why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

God never fails for one.

God fails all over the place.

No Jesus came for the Jews to teach them some manners and not to manipulate people for money. The Jews killed Jesus because they refused to do what he said. They wanted to make their own rules because they thought their shit don't stink. Well when Jesus does come back, hes coming back for vengeance.

Because Jesus taught an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, instead of forgiveness. Besides, the "Jews" didn't do anything to Jesus. At most, if he actually existed and the myths are the least accurate, a small subset of people in power did him in.

The Jews, not the gentiles, are god's chosen people and he's hardly going to abandon them. Jesus didn't come for the gentiles and until Saul started taking over the apostles required any gentiles to convert. That would be Peter. You remember him? The "rock" Jesus would build his church on? Well he sucked at church building and lost control to Saul who never met Jesus but decided all th stupid Jewish laws like whacking off your dick was slowing down recruitment of his chosen people - the gentiles like you.

Do you really think God is going to forgive them for what they did. God forgives, but he will not forgive them.

Don't be ridiculous. Don't you think he knew what would happen when he chose them in the beginning? He knew and chose them any way.

The only one who chose you was Saul. A note persecuter of true Jewish followers of Jesus.
I'm not here to define anything for you, I'm to deliver a message from god. When will you get that through your head?

so 'letter-boy'............ what's the message?

The point has been made quite clear, a message from god will be delivered.

then if you that person; spit it out

Surely, you must possess even the very limited remedial mental faculties to understand such a simple concept?

the remedy is you either have the conveyance or just a liar

not much to debate!
God fails all over the place.
i was noting your response with that in mind
Because Jesus taught an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, instead of forgiveness.
Bull.............. the eye-eye item means; you are responsible. Take an eye, you should lose an eye; be responsible for your actions!

Forgiveness means; you get harmed by another; turn the utter cheek......that meant be a man, take the pain and DO NOT LET IT continue living in your actions. DO NOT react when harmed, forgive!

That is what Jesus was teaching on both fronts

The Jews, not the gentiles, are god's chosen people and he's hardly going to abandon them.

see this is where people get confused; the jews are not the chosen ones to do GOOD; they are the selfish who control babylon/babilu

they are who cause wwIII (just look around the world; just today, the West just hours ago walked out of the Iran talks; israel will pursue iran and kick off the first order)

perhaps understand what gentile means

The "rock" Jesus would build his church on?
is supposed to be the 'mount' (meaning of word megiddo)

as many believed jesus was going to rebuild the temple on the mount

Well he sucked at church building and lost control to Saul who never met Jesus but decided all th stupid Jewish laws like whacking off your dick was slowing down recruitment of his chosen people - the gentiles like you.
circumcision was started by moses who was clipped as an egyptian baby. (floated to pharoah's daughter as an infant; perhaps you forgot the story?)

clipped and dipped are rituals by mankind, not god

seems to me, you actually believe that dogma but have not actually read the literature
That's your ridiculous claim.

You need a few lessons in manners. Your biASS is showing.
According to The Holy Babble, the Romans killed Jesus.
Big tip for you, Jesus wasn't the Messiah & he isn't coming back.

Well you don't believe in God so why would he help you. (not a question)

Thanks but I have my 7 years from home. I actually have manners and morals of someone of highness.
Sorry the Romans did not kill Jesus the Jews did. That is why they will be punished...when the time comes.
When you will run out of answers trust me you will pray so hard that you wish you would have believed in God. If you get to live to see that day.
When you will run out of answers trust me you will pray so hard that you wish you would have believed in God

1. Why is that? We're not talking about Zeus or some mean, nasty individual that would willingly and happily roast you on the barbecue but an all-loving, good entity. What is wrong with being wrong to such a degree that a person would "pray so hard" and make wishes? Out of interest, why would an apology for mortal mistakes not be enough for an all-loving being?

Of course I compare things with my own all-loving nature, (as far as my kids are concerned that is). The fact is, being an all-loving father, my kids don't even have to apologise and they certainly wouldn't be "praying so hard" for mortal crimes in an eternal existence.

2. Why should anyone "trust" you? Other than gleaning your beliefs concerning a god from the exact same place as everyone else, can you make claim to having any other specific knowledge that nobody else has? On what basis exactly do you demand trust?
God fails all over the place.

Because Jesus taught an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, instead of forgiveness. Besides, the "Jews" didn't do anything to Jesus. At most, if he actually existed and the myths are the least accurate, a small subset of people in power did him in.

The Jews, not the gentiles, are god's chosen people and he's hardly going to abandon them. Jesus didn't come for the gentiles and until Saul started taking over the apostles required any gentiles to convert. That would be Peter. You remember him? The "rock" Jesus would build his church on? Well he sucked at church building and lost control to Saul who never met Jesus but decided all th stupid Jewish laws like whacking off your dick was slowing down recruitment of his chosen people - the gentiles like you.

Don't be ridiculous. Don't you think he knew what would happen when he chose them in the beginning? He knew and chose them any way.

The only one who chose you was Saul. A note persecuter of true Jewish followers of Jesus.

God fails in your eyes because you can't understand anything above your capability to understand another humans position. You are too weak of a human with a very weak point of view. You only believe what you want to believe, even if it is a lie. You give into it.

That second paragraph you wrote is bs. I don't think you were thinking at all when you typed it. Wrong. The jews killed him and then rewrote the bible with stories, not the way Jesus said it.

Call it what you want to call it. I know they will burn in hell. You do not need to reassure me of this, but I appreciate your try.

He wanted to give them a chance I suppose, he is God. He is merciful, kind, and of hope. Was it wrong for God to send someone to teach some "manners" to the jews, so that maybe one day maybe they can redeem their souls and go to heaven. They did not learn from the mistake of killing a person like Jesus, what can change them in this world??? Nothing, they have no hope.

Actually God chose me to be here at this time on Earth because I have a certain function/purpose to perfrom. That person you speak of has nothing to do with me.
Actually its the many failures which lead one to that conclusion.

Well swarm when one takes two premeises of information for syllogistic results it is expected that there is a direct line of logic.

You propose that 1. If God created man. and 2. That we are flawed then thus God created a flawed design. This is thus a logical fallacy. Firstly you're ignoring the scriptures which explicitly detail that man was blameless but even more shocking on a science forum you have just commited yourself to non sequitor.

Your source says the design was not flawed.
If you do not use that source you can not logically prove or propose that it started off flawed without a direct link or a point of origin.

I think you're just being hostile for hostilities sake.
So I'll leave you to it.
1. Why is that? We're not talking about Zeus or some mean, nasty individual that would willingly and happily roast you on the barbecue but an all-loving, good entity. What is wrong with being wrong to such a degree that a person would "pray so hard" and make wishes? Out of interest, why would an apology for mortal mistakes not be enough for an all-loving being?

Of course I compare things with my own all-loving nature, (as far as my kids are concerned that is). The fact is, being an all-loving father, my kids don't even have to apologise and they certainly wouldn't be "praying so hard" for mortal crimes in an eternal existence.

2. Why should anyone "trust" you? Other than gleaning your beliefs concerning a god from the exact same place as everyone else, can you make claim to having any other specific knowledge that nobody else has? On what basis exactly do you demand trust?

Great Scott, I can't condone a single thing he said.
It was arrogant. Go get him.
The jews killed him

With due respect but I can't quite work out where the hissy fit is coming from. We know that god himself came to forgive mankind for their sins. The only way to forgive mankind was the sacrifice of a perfect being, (jesus). Hence.. how could you blame jews or anyone else - it was a specific god willed event that had to happen. If the jews hadn't have said to the romans: kill this man, then jesus, (aka god), wouldn't have died and you'd still be unforgiven and of about the same value as dog scum. Frankly you should be either: A) thanking the jews or romans or B) accepting that it was god ordained and neither of those in A were actually responsible.

It was god's choice. He, in his infinite mercy, decided to come down and sacrifice himself so that you could be forgiven for all those nasty things you do - including that rather Nazi attitude of yours. Without the jews and romans, you'd be going to hell. Take a moment to think about it.
Without the jews and romans, you'd be going to hell. Take a moment to think about it.

heck i was thinking; "without the pharoahs daughter, judaism would not exist"

such as Moses was raised, clipped and taught as an egyptian.

The arc is an egyptian contraption to honor God(s)

Moses was born and within 2 months of birth raised egyptian.

He was who supposedly did the writing of the OT but not a single document exists of HIS hand (until the arc is found;then i bet it is in egyptian wording as he was taught as an egyptian child of the pharoahs house)

Moses talking to God was normal, because in egyptian times pharoahs were living gods and Moses lived in his house; talking to him all the time.

Judaism is a religion of Egypt, as with the root of their religion; 'the light' is the God of existence!
I don't have any real quarrel with your post, (except perhaps to suggest that Moses was based upon Sargon), but I think it's getting somewhat beyond the purpose of my response and specifically who it was aimed at.

If this individual believes that god required a perfect sacrifice to forgive man for their sins, and that perfect sacrifice came in the form of jesus, then he has no basis with which to blame the jews or anyone else.
I don't have any real quarrel with your post, (except perhaps to suggest that Moses was based upon Sargon),

pharoahs of the time period: Rameses....... Perhaps look up the etymology (the son of Rah)

moses is the word derived from (the son of) without the Rah
If this individual believes that god required a perfect sacrifice to forgive man for their sins, and that perfect sacrifice came in the form of jesus, then he has no basis with which to blame the jews or anyone else.

God required no such thing!

As that line of beliefs was created. See the Aztecs as they believed the same thing and were considered monsters.

jesus did not die for your sins.

eg........ a kid once asked me: If Jesus was supposed to have died for our sins: what happens now? He didn't stay dead!

Jesus taught us the injeel (6 commands) and how TO forgive (turn the utter cheek)

but Ted Haggart and charles manson are perfect examples that nothing will undo a sin, no matter what you beg for or believe, because what you do lives in all of us. ( and God)
pharoahs of the time period: Rameses....... Perhaps look up the etymology (the son of Rah)

moses is the word derived from (the son of) without the Rah

The Legend of Sargon dates 2279-2334 BC. In that, we see:

"... My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. She cast me into the river, which rose not (over) me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water lifted me out as he dipped his e[w]er. Akki the drawer of water, [took me] as his son (and) reared me."

In Exodus, (1250-1350), we see:

"... The woman conceived and gave birth to a son. She saw that he was good and she hid him for three months. She could not hide him any longer, so she took for him a wicker basket and smeared it with clay and pitch, she placed the child into it and placed it among the reeds at the bank of the river." Then Pharaoh's daughter saw the basket among the reeds. Later on the Bible says (Exodus 2:10), the boy grew up and she brought him to the daughter of Pharaoh and he was a son to her. She called his name Moses, as she said, " For I drew him from the water."

The name - although Egyptian in origin, comes from "[to] draw out" instead of 'son of' *

The origin of the Moses story would most certainly seem to stem from Sargon. I was talking about the origin of the story, not the names used in later versions.

God required no such thing!

I never said that he did, indeed I don't even believe in gods. The guy I was responding to presumably does believe and does contend that the 'sacrifice' of jesus served as forgiveness for mankinds sins. In saying, he can't blame the jews.
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With due respect but I can't quite work out where the hissy fit is coming from. We know that god himself came to forgive mankind for their sins. The only way to forgive mankind was the sacrifice of a perfect being, (jesus). Hence.. how could you blame jews or anyone else - it was a specific god willed event that had to happen. If the jews hadn't have said to the romans: kill this man, then jesus, (aka god), wouldn't have died and you'd still be unforgiven and of about the same value as dog scum. Frankly you should be either: A) thanking the jews or romans or B) accepting that it was god ordained and neither of those in A were actually responsible.

It was god's choice. He, in his infinite mercy, decided to come down and sacrifice himself so that you could be forgiven for all those nasty things you do - including that rather Nazi attitude of yours. Without the jews and romans, you'd be going to hell. Take a moment to think about it.

I don't think you realize that Jesus did not die for our sins. He died for a better cause. If you believe in God, what you have to understand is that you will be judged alone. These things include thoughts, actions, and faith. That is only if you believe. The jews were the ones that condemned him so it is their fault, not the roman soldier who stabed him with the spear in the end to make sure he was dead.

God does not take human form that is one. Second he did not want Jesus to be killed it just so happened that the jews wanted him dead because Jesus thaught them how to be a good person and they refused that. They denied (killed) one of the most important Prophets that has ever lived, for money. (profit) Nazi attitude lol. I do not give a f*** what you are. You do something wrong, bad, or evil it does not matter what color, race, or religion. You either burn in hell or you get to go to heaven in the end. In the end everything is ok, if it is not ok then it is not the end.
God fails in your eyes because

He fails. Its just that simple. If he didn't there would be no hell.

The jews killed him and then rewrote the bible with stories, not the way Jesus said it.

Sure they did. Squeeze those eyes tighter shut.

I know they will burn in hell.

As you judge, so you have been judged. Welcome to hell.

Nothing, they have no hope.

Good, you have already abandoned all hope. You are ready to roll.

Actually God chose me to be here at this time on Earth because I have a certain function/purpose to perfrom.

Yes, you are what god calls the "cautionary tale." You are the bad example he sent to earth while on your way to hell to turn those who can be save from your chosen path.
Well swarm when one takes two premeises of information for syllogistic results it is expected that there is a direct line of logic.

You really should avoid words you don't understand.

You propose that 1. If God created man. and 2. That we are flawed then thus God created a flawed design. This is thus a logical fallacy.

God created man.
Man is flawed and he goes to hell because of it.

Creating something flawed requires either not succeeding because of a lack of skill or a lack of ability to impliment one's skill or purposefully choosing to fail.

Purposefully chosing to fail in a way that would send some one to hell is a mark of being evil.

So, ...

if god lacks skill then he is not omniscient
if god lacks the ability to impliment his skill he is not omnipotent.
if god purposefully chooses to fail to send man to hell he is evil

Any way you shake it God fails and hell is the mark of his failure.
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