why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

The pot calls the kettle black.

I'm probably guilty there, you got me.
But I had been thinking my general outlook on things was getting a little "dark".
I'm really trying to work on that.

So...back to the topic, "Is God still sending messengers"?
Yes. More than ever. Sure He is.
The more important question would be...is anyone still listening, or more to the point is anyone still looking for truth?
God is also the one sending "strong delusion" to those who "received not a love of the truth".
He is anointing with the genuine Holy Spirit false messingers to decieve the whole world.
His Spirit falls on the just and unjust alike.
The Spirit on them is genuine, but the messingers themselves are false.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Maybe we better look those messingers over pretty good and learn to judge what they are saying.
What then are you going to judge them by? The church? Your feelings or your own ideas?
You should judge what they say by the Word of God.
It might be important first they speak the truth, not just dazzle you with signs and wonders.
That would be my opinion anyway, just for the record.

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
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I'm probably guilty there, you got me.
But I had been thinking my general outlook on things was getting a little "dark".
I'm really trying to work on that.

So...back to the topic, "Is God still sending messengers"?
Yes. More than ever. Sure He is.
The more important question would be...is anyone still listening, or more to the point is anyone still looking for truth?
You've got to see the big picture.
This will cook your goose.
God is also the one sending "strong delusion" to those who "received not a love of the truth".
He is anointing with the genuine Holy Spirit false messingers to decieve the whole world.
You see His Spirit falls on the just and unjust alike.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I must disagree quite strongly here with you. The scriptures do not say that the decievers would be anointed by the Holy Spirit. What the scriptures are saying is that those who reject the love of the truth God would cause them to be deluded so that they would accept the the decption that the great deciever will bring.

To say that the great deciever or his agents are anointed by the Holy Spirit is a very grave thing to say.

Maybe we better look those messingers over pretty good and learn to judge what they are saying.
What then are you going to judge them by? The church? Your feelings or your own ideas?
You should judge what they say by the Word of God.
It might be important first they speak the truth, not just dazzle you with signs and wonders.
That would be my opinion anyway, just for the record.

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

I agree. Not only did scriptures say what you quoted but it also says this.

2 Corinthians 11
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

So satan has transformed himself into an angel of light and his workers have masquraded as followers of Jesus. Not only this but in the end His workers will dazzle those given over to deception with lying signs and wonders.

2 Thessalonians 2
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Only those who have trully accepted the Love of the truth will be guarded from the coming deception all the rest of the world will be won over to it like cattle to the slaughter. So great will be the power of this deception and so deluded will be those who have rejected the love of the truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Generally we have problems with the value systems of others, as opposed to our own value systems.

This says nothing about whether our values are ethically sound or not.

Exactly. Disagreement or disapproval are not yet proof of superiority or soundness.
Generally our values bear a relationship to what we consider "true". IOW what ever goes down as being "true" will be a yardstick for determining action.
For instance many people think that it is true that after death there is nothing, so acting as if this life is the all in all becomes the standard of action.

Generally your values bare a relationship to what you & your mouse consider true which was, of course, revealed to you in The Dream Your Mouse Had Last Night in which your god ate your yardstick. Then your mouse told you many people think that it is true that after death there is something, so you act as if this life means nothing.
At this point you even stand distinct from a postman, what to speak of an enlightened messenger, due to your lack of goods

er .... problem is that you don't have a message

I will have a message, which will be delivered to my disciples, and then after I'm dead, they will create a holy book, which will be the final word of god. You are in no position to question his word.

Not at all, but I could ask you the same thing

Plenty of god's demands deal specifically with those who claim to be knowledgeable of him

I have no direct knowledge of god, only of the angel who delivers his message. His message will be for all mankind, there will be no more religions in the world except one.
Mod note: religious trolling and responses to religious trolling in this thread were deleted. The problem with hypothetical situations which demonstrate the faults and fallacy of theological positions is that the result is often the introduction of drive-by religionists looking to evangelize their superstitions.
Even if genuine messenger did pop up, they would throw him in the looney bin unless he started turning water into wine or some shit.

I totally agree--if Christ et. al. turns up today or whenever in future, he's either headed directly for the funny-farm and a lifetime of drug-treatment, or the alcohol companies will snaffle him and get the poor guy working for them 24/7.:D
I will have a message, which will be delivered to my disciples, and then after I'm dead, they will create a holy book, which will be the final word of god. You are in no position to question his word.
I am in a position to either accept or reject your rain cheque.

I have no direct knowledge of god, only of the angel who delivers his message. His message will be for all mankind, there will be no more religions in the world except one.


I guess such a non-effectual message will please even the atheists
What is so hard to believe that God gave me a purpose?

What good reason is there to believe such a singularly extraordinary claim? Not only is there no good reason to believe your particular god exists, let alone any other, there's the additional burden of demonstrating that you aren't simply delusional or lying.
What good reason is there to believe such a singularly extraordinary claim? Not only is there no good reason to believe your particular god exists, let alone any other, there's the additional burden of demonstrating that you aren't simply delusional or lying.

I know that you are not trying to offend anyone, but anyone that really believes in God should know that there is only one God and no other gods. Thats for the people that believe. The people that do not believe well I'm sure they believe in something else. Possibly Satan. I guess I do have to prove one of those things if I care enough about that. I was curious to see if anyone feels like I feel. If they feel like they are on this planet for a greater reason other than to have a good life. (nice house, nice car, wife/husband kids, so on)

This thread is called why did God stop sending messengers. I would assume people would talk about that rather than how God doesnt exist and there never was messangers.
I know that you are not trying to offend anyone,
Actually, I could be. But that's beside the point.

but anyone that really believes in God should know that there is only one God and no other gods.
So, you're saying that believing in your god is a sufficient reason to discount other gods? Why couldn't the same be said for the believer in Quetzacoatl? Your creating a tautology and making a very fallacious argument. And you still haven't given any good reason to accept your god over any other.

The people that do not believe well I'm sure they believe in something else. Possibly Satan.
This, too, is a fallacious assumption since a belief in the mythical god Satan is an implicit belief that the either the gods Yahweh or Allah exist. Therefore, not believing in your god (ostensibly Yahweh) implies that there is no reason to believe in that other Christian god, Satan.

This thread is called why did God stop sending messengers. I would assume people would talk about that rather than how God doesnt exist and there never was messangers.

The OP implies the reason, which is that the reason gods no longer send "messengers" is because humanity is enamored with mythology and appeals to the ancients -that the "messengers" of antiquity weren't messengers of gods at all, but, rather, messengers of cultural hegemonies, cult hierarchies, propagandists, or actualized and would-be rulers. Those who claim to be "messengers" of gods today are deemed crazies and loonies.

In order to defend the notion that messengers exist either today or in the past, one must first demonstrate that gods exist.
Actually, I could be. But that's beside the point.

So, you're saying that believing in your god is a sufficient reason to discount other gods? Why couldn't the same be said for the believer in Quetzacoatl? Your creating a tautology and making a very fallacious argument. And you still haven't given any good reason to accept your god over any other.

This, too, is a fallacious assumption since a belief in the mythical god Satan is an implicit belief that the either the gods Yahweh or Allah exist. Therefore, not believing in your god (ostensibly Yahweh) implies that there is no reason to believe in that other Christian god, Satan.

The OP implies the reason, which is that the reason gods no longer send "messengers" is because humanity is enamored with mythology and appeals to the ancients -that the "messengers" of antiquity weren't messengers of gods at all, but, rather, messengers of cultural hegemonies, cult hierarchies, propagandists, or actualized and would-be rulers. Those who claim to be "messengers" of gods today are deemed crazies and loonies.

In order to defend the notion that messengers exist either today or in the past, one must first demonstrate that gods exist.

Im only going to comment on your last sentence because I see you like to make things difficult.

Im going to forgive you, because you simply don't know.
Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!

1. why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

R: because He was done, on the cross Jesus said, "it is finished"
Jesus was the Beginning, Jesus will be the End
Alpha & Omega

if we need anything more, then we're lost

Revelation 1 (New International Version)
8"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."
I am in a position to either accept or reject your rain cheque.

Your refusal to accept would demonstrate that it is in fact you who chooses a false religion to follow as opposed to obeying gods direct commands. You are in no position to choose against god.

I guess such a non-effectual message will please even the atheists

You are now demonstrating your bias towards that which you still don't know. It demonstrates again your choice towards a religion as opposed to obeying gods commands.

The message will be for all mankind, atheists included.
Im only going to comment on your last sentence because I see you like to make things difficult.

Difficult because you are unable to answer or difficult because there is no reasonable answer for you to offer?

Are you unaware of the many religions in the world?