Why Did God Create Us?

21 nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." "

21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
The King James Version

Heaven is biblically located "above". What is being refered to in this scripture is the kingdom of god. Kingdoms consist of a King and his people, what's being said would appear to more of a clarification than the introduction of a new mystery concept. Kingdom does not always refer to a location or bounds of a country.
"Kingdom of God" and "Heavens" is the same thing. The difference is that "Kingdom of God" refers more to an spiritual condition while "Heavens" refer more to the spiritual world itself.
You should do more reasch before replying to these threads and/or post. Using the KJV version would be a good start. The languages were more pure back then, closer to there base forms. Also it wasn't written to cater to the less literate, or those unwilling to study word origins and forms, as well as linguistic mechanics and synoptics.

I would like to state, that I in no way write these things to offend, only to correct or clarify.
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I know you don't write those things to offend. And I'm well pleased to see that you yourself does not take offense in my replies. :)

No, I'm not new in the forums. Just look at how many posts I have...

And I have been studing scripture sometimes directly from Greek. I go deep in the meanings and research all scriptures with cross-reference. Not the cross-reference that is written I the Bible, but cross-references that I know by myself. I'm just finishing reading the New Testament now (juts need to finish Luke) and there are lots of passages that interconnect with others. Many of the verses that I post here are not commented by anyone else (Luke 17:20-21 for example) and I've read those passages in Greek and studied them in depth. So I know what I'm talking about.
I've almost read the whole New Testament and some of the Old Testament. Not the SUmerian texts simply because I don't speak Sumerian and they don't seem very easy to find...:bugeye:
My comments have a much more spiritual depth then those of most people. That's why you have difficulty trying to understand me.
My ideas are generally intelligent. That's why you have difficulty trying to understand me.
I understand what you are trying to say, and disagree with you completely.

Read my answer below to norad, and you might compare my answer with Binary's answer....

I'm doing this why? I've read Binary's posts... and nothing jumped out at me screaming that he's an idiot. I disagree with some of what he says, but that's ok. From what I have seen so far, he is able to explain his reasoning.

(Sumerian texts) don't seem very easy to find

A large portion are on the web
IDIOT, you are not more "spritual" than other people because you read the bible a lot. Sounds typical of the dogmatic bullshit that spews forth from your seriously damaged brain.

My ideas are generally intelligent. That's why you have difficulty trying to understand me.
You made no sense at all. :bugeye:
You twist everything.

I understand what you are trying to say, and disagree with you completely.
No you don't. If I would say you have the mind of a 9 year old that would be a compliment for you...:bugeye:

A large portion are on the web


IDIOT, you are not more "spritual" than other people because you read the bible a lot. Sounds typical of the dogmatic bullshit that spews forth from your seriously damaged brain.
No. I'm spiritual because I talk with God and because I'm aware of His presence. But by reading the Bible a lot I'm able to draw many verses that totalyl show your's and other's utter ignorance of what is written...:bugeye:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
No. I'm spiritual because I talk with God and because I'm aware of His presence. But by reading the Bible a lot I'm able to draw many verses that totalyl show your's and other's utter ignorance of what is written...:bugeye:

I am admittedely somewhat ignorant of what is written in your bible because it's a book that I don't have much interest in. SO... I'm inherently ignorant of it. I know enough. I mean, it seems to cater to people who are emotionally desperate to answer questions that reasonable means cannot address at this point in human evolution.

The question to which you answer: "must be the god of the christian bible"

I answer: "I don't know"

You are unreasonable.

I am reasonable.

End of story.

I don't see how that argument is penetrable.

Of course T, I expect you'll say that whatever you spew completely negates what I've said. :rolleyes:

You are brain damaged bro. Have you ever noticed that in general, only really desperate and needy people use the argument "you're twisting everything"? It's not wholly true I realize, but it does seem relevant here.
The question to which you answer: "must be the god of the christian bible"
You don't believe? Then why don't you try going to a Christian conference? They perform many miracles there, ya know? This is what I posted to Persol:

"Maybe try Todd Bentley...
He is an evangelist, and he can probably do it.
You can go to one of his conferences and see him doing miracles:

If you are really searching God, you will find Him..."

"More conferences:

In those conferences, many miracles are performed. If you doubt, go in one of them. Tell them you are not a Christian and that you don't believe in miracles. They will show you. They will prophesy about you. You will see that God exists.

I recommend Todd Bentley. He is good enough...

PS: If you tell me where you live, I might try to find a conference near you..."

The same goes for you...
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
You made no sense at all.
You twist everything.

Funny how other people seem to understand what I am saying then... while you stand out there waving in the wind.

No you don't. If I would say you have the mind of a 9 year old that would be a compliment for you...

Common youngin, don't even try that. If the mind of a 9 year old is to ask questions about things that don't make sense, and not believe all dogma that is spit at you... then yes, it is a compliment.


or for more diversity

But by reading the Bible a lot I'm able to draw many verses that totalyl show your's and other's utter ignorance of what is written...

Others who have read the Bible(including me) completely disagree with your assumptions. You leave out parts you don't like and try to use the rest as 'proof'. You have taken the whole 'God is Love' thing to an idiotic conclusion by turning the Biblical God into a unidimensional being.
I think "God" or the "ii" created us merely to experience physicality, because all the other stuff can be experienced without matter, the striving, the suffering , the spiritual growth etc.

Seems like overkill. God wants to experience physicality, so he creates a hell of alot of matter.
Others who have read the Bible(including me) completely disagree with your assumptions. You leave out parts you don't like and try to use the rest as 'proof'. You have taken the whole 'God is Love' thing to an idiotic conclusion by turning the Biblical God into a unidimensional being.
Just because God is Love that doesn't mean He is an undimensional being.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Just because God is Love that doesn't mean He is an undimensional being.
First, I said uni, not un... which are two different meanings. There are aspects of the biblical God which have nothing to do with love. You are completely ignoring these, and breaking him down to a God which has 1 aspect... love.