Why Christianity confuses me

I mean, when Jesus returns what is the governmental system going to be like. If he will be King, then what will God and the Holy Spirit be?

Probably, God will act as the elder advisor to Jesus who will have executive power over everything and everyone. The Holy Spirit will be a VP.
The concept of a trinity, saints, angels, and demons is Europe's original polytheism creeping through the veil of monotheism. Catholocism is full of pagan holidays, intricate esoteric rituals and sacrements that any ancient Shaman would find strangely familiar.
Yahweh, also know as Elohim (which is plural, the Trinity).

M*W: 'Elohim' is not the 'trinity.' Did you just make this up or did you read it somewhere? If so, cite your reference. (Oh, btw, nowhere in the bible does it refer to the trinity). The trinity was a much later invention by the church fathers (Roman Catholic christians) closer to 400 AD.
M*W: 'Elohim' is not the 'trinity.' Did you just make this up or did you read it somewhere? If so, cite your reference. (Oh, btw, nowhere in the bible does it refer to the trinity). The trinity was a much later invention by the church fathers (Roman Catholic christians) closer to 400 AD.

Thank you M*W.
The Bible was written through millenia by mulitiple authors and it all fits hand in glove, with the "crimson thread" of the atonement coursing through its entirety, a remarkable book, read by many people worldwide through the centuries.

M*W: The printing press wasn't invented until the 16th century, so the common people didn't have access to the printed word until long after that. The church prevented common people from reading the printed bible, because they wanted to interpret the bible FOR the people. The common folks didn't have access to the printed bible until circa 1700s. That's only 300 years ago. As far as world history is concerned, that's recent.

Now your statement that the bible "fits hand in glove," that's a joke. The bible is a mess of contradictions, but then again, so are you.
Because, as you know, the Bible is extremely vague and can be interpreted in thousands of ways. Hence, the thousands of Christian sects.

M*W: Try some 34,000 different christian sects. And at least 33,999 of them would say IAC is a liar.
Outside of the fact that the bible has very little basis on reality, it seems clear that the three major powers are a triumvirate rather than a symbiotic "three-in-one" entity. And the character "God" is the most powerful. The character "Holy Spirit" seems to be a yes-man...

Just poking some fire for nds1's interpretation.

M*W: There is a definite connection between the "triumvirate" of the Roman Empire and the later invention of the "trinity."

One only need to read about Shakespeare's Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar to find the connection to the myth of Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.
are you going to answer these from post 50, or are you going to ignore that which you cant answer, as usual.
Sin came into the world by Adam and Eve,
how was that so!, god wanted evil, why play such an elaborate charade.

Apparently, you hate God who sent His only begotten Son so that you could have everlasting life, go figure.
me said:
which only begotten son are you refering to, "david or jesus"
David was a regular human.
and your evidence jesus was'nt is where.

anyhow he was still called gods only begotten son, only meaning "no other?", laughable.

The Canaanites were burning babies in the metallic arms of Baal idols, nice crowd.
and you have evidence for this from where, oh! the bible, I wonder whether it could be a little biased.
It is fairly common knowledge that the Canaanites of circa 1500 B.C. practiced child sacrifice to Baal/Merodach/Melkart/Dagon, but I guess you've been out of the loop on that.
Just google Canaan child sacrifice, or Moloch child sacrifice, or Baal child sacrifice, or the Old Testament.

You DO realise that the OT has very little sympathy for children as well right? Sacrifice on an altar via a god's law and killing through a god's direct order is STILL murder of an innocent.
The Hebrews were destined for the land, by God's plan, and the Canaanites were as bad as it gets, so the Hebrews conquered them.

That's the ancient hebrews side of it,...according to the "bable" ,which of course they wrote.
Not too hard to figure out!
You are just taking their word for it Ice!