Why Christianity confuses me

No, and thanks for mentioning my book again, I'll send you a complimentary copy if you'd like, or maybe you could borrow one from SkinWalker, he has three.
I'll try to find some textbooks, but google Canaanite child sacrifice, or Canaanite religion, or Moloch sacrifices, Baal sacrifices, or Canaanite religious practices, and you'll get a good taste.

M*W: You have just proven that you don't read any extra-biblical texts. Not surprising.
Med Woman, you assert that Soloman and David lived before Moses, and then you tell ME to go look it up? Ahahahahahahaha.

M*W: My assertion was based on the Egyptologist Ahmed Osman. It was not something I made up. I provided you with the information twice, because you didn't want to look it up. I'm not going to provide it to you a third time. (Hint: Eighteenth Dynasty). You are truly an idiot.
I'll try to find some textbooks, but google Canaanite child sacrifice, or Canaanite religion, or Moloch sacrifices, Baal sacrifices, or Canaanite religious practices, and you'll get a good taste.

M*W: If you have to go and "try to find some textbooks," you have just proven your illiteracy on the subject of religion.

Canaan was the "promised land," the "land of milk and honey." Oftentimes the metaphor of barren women in the bible refers to barren wastelands. Women were sterile and the lands were infertile. Simple analogy really.

The main god of Canaan was "El," the god of the OT. There were many other gods/goddesses, but they were no different than any other god/goddess of the area.

Child sacrifice was common in those days. Abraham set out to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham is a metaphor for Aries, the Ram, and Isaac is a metaphor for the son of the ram, the lamb.

Although Canaan had numerous gods/goddesses, for the most part, they were banal and harmless. "Ba'al" means nothing more than "lord" or "husband." It is more of a title than name.
You DO realise that the OT has very little sympathy for children as well right? Sacrifice on an altar via a god's law and killing through a god's direct order is STILL murder of an innocent.

I am finding it hard to understand this thread but as a christian I have to believe Jesus as he said that God does not require a sacrafice.