Why Christianity confuses me

Please expand on this one IAC...I'm not sure how you got a spiritual lesson derived from the barbaric Babylonian behaviour from that passage...
Not "it" He.

Quibbling over pronouns does not address my original question. Whosoever you may deign to be the "correct" deity, why do you think he was the actual one that existed and wrote the correct 'book' out of the scores of them available?
The Bible was written through millenia by mulitiple authors and it all fits hand in glove, with the "crimson thread" of the atonement coursing through its entirety, a remarkable book, read by many people worldwide through the centuries.
The Bible was written through millenia by mulitiple authors and it all fits hand in glove, with the "crimson thread" of the atonement coursing through its entirety, a remarkable book, read by many people worldwide through the centuries.

Excellent prose IAC, but it amounts to a lot of sound and fury that really adds no value to what we're discussing.
The Bible was written through millenia by mulitiple authors and it all fits hand in glove, with the "crimson thread" of the atonement coursing through its entirety, a remarkable book, read by many people worldwide through the centuries.

It has many contradictions.
Nds1, you've had about nineteen million questions about the Bible, so have you read it? If you have, you retained little of it, if you haven't, then why don't you?
Because, as you know, the Bible is extremely vague and can be interpreted in thousands of ways. Hence, the thousands of Christian sects.
Outside of the fact that the bible has very little basis on reality, it seems clear that the three major powers are a triumvirate rather than a symbiotic "three-in-one" entity. And the character "God" is the most powerful. The character "Holy Spirit" seems to be a yes-man...

Just poking some fire for nds1's interpretation.