Why Christianity confuses me

Stop side stepping the issue. Your god orders people killed. End of story.

As another individual stated: "Your ignorance of the Bible is breathtaking ... "

Do you understand that those people deserved to be killed?

Do you "have a problem" with those people being killed?

You could benefit yourself by examining a standard text on systematic theology. Perhaps such an effort will help you unravel some of your confusion.

You may not agree with everything but at least you might understand it.

God bless you.

Do you understand that those people deserved to be killed?

Do you "have a problem" with those people being killed?

Sure they deserved to be killed...they defied the will of the hebrews and their efforts to dominate the so called "chosen lands"...wow...a no brainer...coincedentally Yahweh was created by the ancient jews to inspire them on to victory! ...It's called "let's create our own tribal war god, discredit all other religions and keep our people in line and refrain from returning to their paganistic ways.

All praise to the ancient of days ! ( minus the abrahamic garbage)
...coincedentally Yahweh was created by the ancient jews to inspire them on to victory! ...

Thou dost err, my good man. It was Yahweh who created the Jews, not vice versa.

Thank you for the opportunity to clear up your misunderstanding. Take care.
Thou dost err, my good man. It was Yahweh who created the Jews, not vice versa.

Thank you for the opportunity to clear up your misunderstanding. Take care.

Any proof of this?? Don't tell me ,the bible,right?:rolleyes:
As another individual stated: "Your ignorance of the Bible is breathtaking ... "

Do you understand that those people deserved to be killed?

Do you "have a problem" with those people being killed? ...

-Everything on the face of the earth "deserved" to die except Noah's family and a few select animals
-Lot's wife "deserved" to be killed because she looked back at a spectacle of mass destruction that the christian god catalyzed
-Onan refused to impregnate his brother's wife, so he "deserved" to die.
-All egyption first born male CHILDREN "deserved" to die because of a single pharoah
-All the children in Jericho "deserved" to die in wartime, as capitulated by General God.
-David's son "deserved" to die because David sinned

These are but a few that I can find outside of conquest and where the victims of murder were defenseless, sinless, undeserving cannon fodder. I stopped at Samuel 'cause it was about as much as I can take.

Feel free to google the rest...
Do you understand that those people deserved to be killed?

Do you "have a problem" with those people being killed?
And this is the Christian God, whose message is one of forgiveness? Wow.
"Do as I say, not as I do"?
Nice message.
Sin came into the world by Adam and Eve,
how was that so!, god wanted evil, why play such an elaborate charade.

Apparently, you hate God who sent His only begotten Son so that you could have everlasting life, go figure.
which only begotten son are you refering to, "david or jesus"

The Canaanites were burning babies in the metallic arms of Baal idols, nice crowd.
and you have evidence for this from where, oh! the bible, I wonder whether it could be a little biased.
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Apparently, you hate God who sent His only begotten Son so that you could have everlasting life, go figure.


where does it say in the Bible about Begotten Son?

Please explain and source, if you will

Many thanks for your answer in advance.

take it ez
He chose to do so.

I thought it was God's choice? Oh wait, you're going to hit me the trinity clause aren't you? :p

And all of this still doest detract from my little incomplete list of undeserved deaths.

Oh and your cute attempt at misdirecting attention to...
The Canaanites were burning babies in the metallic arms of Baal idols, nice crowd.

...only reminded me of the end of Psalm 137 "Happy shall be they who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!"
Jesus tomb was discovered, he is just a man, married to a woman and bore a son -- Judah.
So, Jesus is a Myth?

Myth?? How do you jump from "Jesus tomb was discovered, he is just a man" to "Myth"???

If anything it help prove his very REAL existence. It may also prove some falsehoods from Constantine...books dumped...forgeries replacing them.
Do you understand that those people deserved to be killed?

"Deserved to be killed" is something that man, (in this part of the world), has grown beyond. Our morals clearly outcompass gods.

However, in these instances there's always one passage that springs to mind. I'll give you a clue.. it involves bears.

Would you say that by calling someone a "baldhead" you deserve to be mauled by a bear? Yes/no?

42 kids mauled by 2 bears for calling Elijah a baldhead.

Were they "deserving"?

Do you "have a problem" with those people being killed?

Someone who actually cares about humanity always will. A being with abilities far beyond our own will be "able" to kill us, but that doesn't ever justify it. But you have no respect for humans, do you?