Why Christianity confuses me

It is fairly common knowledge that the Canaanites of circa 1500 B.C. practiced child sacrifice to Baal/Merodach/Melkart/Dagon, but I guess you've been out of the loop on that.
some evidence of this common knowledge, please.
some evidence, which is not linked to the bible in anyway.
perhaps a real history book, or some actual writings of the canaanites.
oh come on get serious, where did I say that, you brought them up, you supply the evidence.
dont step into cloud cuckoo land, oh wait your already there.
Do you have it in you to answer questions? I personally dislike your dishonesty.. You're like a magician hiding cards up his sleeve and then calling it "magic".

Yes or no.. can you supply any evidence for your claims?
According to historical accounts, the Canaanites, who worshipped Moloch, Melkart, Merodach, Shamash, and Baal, as Sun gods, gods of fire, sacrificed children to these gods. I think the ancient people of Britain did the same to Baal. It was not unusual in the ancient world, so just relax and understand some ancient history. The Sun god was associated with the harvest, so they gave up there own for good harvests, success in battle, many more children, etc.
Biblical, and I'm thinking maybe Herodotus, perhaps Strabo or Diodorus Siculus, and mainstream archaeologists seem to go along with it, that Jstor article website has some papers on it, and I bet it's in textbooks on ancient Canaanite culture.
IAC: phrases like "I'm thinking maybe" and "seem to" and "go along with it" and "I bet" are quite indicative of zero evidence. Just thought I'd comment on that.

Also, textbooks used in colleges are constantly challenged and rewritten IF 'superior' truths are discovered or old 'truths' are debunked. The bible is held up by the vatican as unchallengeable.
Can you at least provide ONE source?

I wonder, do you have ANY references in your book supporting your claims? Or do you simple state "some textbook" and "some account somewhere" or "I saw it scrawled across a public toilet".
I'll try to find some textbooks, but google Canaanite child sacrifice, or Canaanite religion, or Moloch sacrifices, Baal sacrifices, or Canaanite religious practices, and you'll get a good taste.
I'll try to find some textbooks, but google Canaanite child sacrifice, or Canaanite religion, or Moloch sacrifices, Baal sacrifices, or Canaanite religious practices, and you'll get a good taste.

M*W: "... a good taste" is NOT evidence. What is your problem? You can't answer even the easiest of questions. You provide no back-up references for your assinine statements. You don't know what you're talking about. You are repeating things you've heard others say (typical for christians). I think it's time you were banned from this forum.