Why Blacks?

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spidergoat said:
Inequality is the reason for affirmative action, but we would disagree as to the basic cause of that inequality. The purpose is not to reduce the amount of problems from them, but to combat the lingering effects of racism so that we all benefit. Once racism is no more, affirmative action will no longer be required.

I didn't say what I thought the basic cause of inequality was... Race, Culture, I don't know or care. Saying they only started sucking because of racism is in my opinion stupid, though. They did get enslaved in the first place, and all.

Idiot, humans are as smart as they always have been. Civilizations come and go. Climate changes force migration. Wars wipe out mighty kingdoms.

It was the fertile Nile valley that allowed the great African civilization of the Egyptions to thrive.

Other notable African civilizations:
The Nubians
The Kush
The Zulu
The Axum
The Almoravid
The Mali
The Songhay
The Mwenemutapa Empire


I wouldn't say calling the guy an idiot is necessary... He might be wrong, but so might you... I don't know or care anymore, this is starting to bore me. I CERTAINLY can't handle talking to people who can't differentiate AFRICAN from BLACK anymore, though. We're all AFRICAN if you count back far enough.
spidergoat said:
blah, blah, blah, white people wrote the damn history books. The final implications of the industrial revolution have yet to be seen, and I wouldn't be too sure it's an improvement.

...yup ,that's my threshold. bye all, have fun turning the horse's corpse into fine mush.

Parting thought: Just because you mgiht think blacks are inferior, is no excuse to be mean to them.
To be absolutely honest. We're not from Africa, we're from the planet Earth in the Milkyway Galaxy of this universe. To be Exact!
ReighnStorm said:
To be absolutely honest. We're not from Africa, we're from the planet Earth in the Milkyway Galaxy of this universe. To be Exact!

heh, We're from the big bang :m:
spidergoat said:
We already tallked about this. White people used their guns to enslave black people and the wealth went to Europe.

But doesn't that beg the question ..why didn't the Africans invent guns and cannons and such things? And they had, what, millions of years advantage over the whites of Europe. In fact, if we consider it, blacks should have been so far advanced over and above the white Europeans as to possibly have space travel, for god's sake! But they didn't, did they? Why?

Now .....let's see how many EXCUSES will be posted ....versus the number of REASONS.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
But doesn't that beg the question ..why didn't the Africans invent guns and cannons and such things?
They just hadn't discovered saltpeter, one of the key ingredients of gunpowder, yet.
Hapsburg said:
They just hadn't discovered saltpeter, one of the key ingredients of gunpowder, yet.

Not my understanding of it... Need is the mother of invention; people in africa simply didn't need to adapt that much; because they were already built to live there. They got comfortable.

The thing is, what became asians, whites, etc, were ALSO built to live in the same place, so when they migrated to very different areas of the world, they were forced to adapt... and the rest, is history!

This doesn't imply what makes the difference though, race or culture... And I frankly don't care enough to research any further. Does it really matter? What in YOUR lives changes if blacks are genetically inferior or not? You can either like them, dislike them, or neutral them. Does it really make a difference to anyone WHY you feel the way you do, though? PC people will still hate you if you don't like them, Nazis will still hate you if you like them, people who have better things to do with their time STILL won't give a shit one way or the other...
Sushupti said:
Does it really make a difference to anyone WHY you feel the way you do, though?

Well, yes it does! In the US, for example, even business owners who do not like blacks and don't want to deal with them .....are FORCED to do so by those who like the blacks! That ain't very nice, is it?

I do think, however, that it's interesting that the discovery of saltpepper is now the foremost theory of why blacks were subjugated by the whites!! ...LOL!! That's a good one, for sure! ...LOL!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Well, yes it does! In the US, for example, even business owners who do not like blacks and don't want to deal with them .....are FORCED to do so by those who like the blacks! That ain't very nice, is it?

I think it's retarded. But I think that about most non-violence/fraud related laws.

It isn't completely without logic, though, if you look at it from a racist POV. Artificially propping them up and giving them unfair help and stuff, is supposed to eventually integreate them into society. If this is done far enough, and crime isn't somehow genetically hardwired to the entire race [which I think it would be pretty irresponsible to claim they are, without proper studies..], eventually they'd stop being a problem in that sense...

Either way, I think it's stupid to force someone to hire anyone, on any basis. But come on, it's not like there isn't a single black guy who's also a super accountant... You don't have to have sex with someone just because he take's care of your computers, either.
J.B said:
Why is it that whites would choose blacks for slavery?

Where their any other groups at the time that could have been inslaved?

Why not the plenty of Hispanics to the south, they are closer, and in my opinion hispanics will give you a better job.

I mean, if you really wanted to have a slave, would blacks be your first pick?

I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this before... BUT;

Blacks from Africa were primitive by European/ Middle Eastern standards and could not stand up to the empires. Eventually they were subjugated and traded as slaves.

Why not hispanics? Well you DO know that hispanics originate from the Iberian peninsula, and Spain and Portugal were pretty powerful back in the days of the slave trade, so you might as well consider them to be as strong as the French or Germans in those days.

In the end blacks were easiest to turn into slaves.
I think by hispanic he meant the so called 'latinos' of today; which are Iberian + whatever lived in mexico and around it when they landed there.

Why, btw, I hate when people call hispanic... Spanish and Portuguese are white... with a possible "arab mod" FAR back in the gene pools of an ammount of them.
That's just it! Imagine if you will... (lucky for you, you just get to imagine :( ) that no matter how smart you may be, how strong you are, and how good your skills are, no one wants to hire you, let you in college, let you eat at their restaurant, let you shop in their stores, let you even use their restrooms, because of your skin color. That's a huge blow to your emotions. Then you have to act like it doesn't bother you at all! That also dimenishes your heart. Then you have children to feed, children who don't understand why things are and the way they are forcing things to be and remain until they (not black) says it's ok to change.

Blacks do not want to be integrated into white society! Are you kidding me? You guys ideas suck! Just look at America. Racist Pigs?? It's been proven??, I can say ask it. You can't know what blacks would be doing right now because of the past. You guys are the only one's bringing up history. We need to fix the present for the future of all. Imagine that your family can't even enjoy stories from the past. EVER!....it's all heartache. Blacks were susceptible to slavery and not having an idea about guns because they weren't needed.

Love, Education, Science, Math (the same that is used today) came from Africa. And you're proud of guns and slavery?? :bugeye:
Good history... to be told that it never existed (another lie by the others). Almost every nation/country at one time or another has faught amongst themselves. No difference in Africa.
ReighnStorm said:
That's just it! Imagine if you will... (lucky for you, you just get to imagine :( ) that no matter how smart you may be, how strong you are, and how good your skills are, no one wants to hire you, let you in college, let you eat at their restaurant, let you shop in their stores, let you even use their restrooms, because of your skin color. That's a huge blow to your emotions. Then you have to act like it doesn't bother you at all! That also dimenishes your heart. Then you have children to feed, children who don't understand why things are and the way they are forcing things to be and remain until they (not black) says it's ok to change.

Blacks do not want to be integrated into white society! Are you kidding me? You guys ideas suck! Just look at America. Racist Pigs?? It's been proven??, I can say ask it. You can't know what blacks would be doing right now because of the past. You guys are the only one's bringing up history. We need to fix the present for the future of all. Imagine that your family can't even enjoy stories from the past. EVER!....it's all heartache. Blacks were susceptible to slavery and not having an idea about guns because they weren't needed.

Love, Education, Science, Math (the same that is used today) came from Africa. And you're proud of guns and slavery?? :bugeye:
Good history... to be told that it never existed (another lie by the others). Almost every nation/country at one time or another has faught amongst themselves. No difference in Africa.

I agree with most of what you said, but there are points that bother me... Not wanting to be intergrated into society? Then why live in this society, if you don't like it? THAT is waht causes strife, races who cling too much to their 'racial identities.' There wasn't much of that in brazil after the emancipation, result? You can't even tell what the hell race 90% of the population is. Yes there's still racism, but mostly restricted to jokes and social settings, certainly not a noticable ammount when it comes to jobs or whatever. And I can't really imagine there being any problems in the lower classes, where there are probably none, definitely not a noticable ammount, of pure whites...

Only recently did some start with the "Afro-Brazilian" crap. I expect racism issues to increase exponentially now, after yet another Great Idea from the US. They used to be simply Brazilians, who were, among other things, black. Seemed peaceful enough. I agree with what you said aobut the present. Can't you just be an American? Making a big deal aobut race goes both ways.

On the cultural issues, those things came from arabs in northern africa, if I recall correctly, not blacks, but what were we sayign about the present, again? It doesn't really matter... "Black" no longer means from africa. Just like "African" never meant black.

I was going to go off on little lecture on how people should try to get along and not mull over stupid minor crap, instead of focusing on what really matters, but everyone knows that anyway, and it makes no difference.

I find humanity in general is pretty fucking stupid, and thinking about whether one race or the other might be a bit more, or less stupid, is pointless nitpicking.
Sushupti said:
Not wanting to be intergrated into society?
What causes strife (in my opinion) is being forced to be integrated!
You can't even tell what the hell race 90% of the population is.
That's a good thing, right??? :)

Yes there's still racism, but mostly restricted to jokes and social settings, certainly not a noticable ammount when it comes to jobs or whatever.
That also works for me. I love jokes about different cultures.

Only recently did some start with the "Afro-Brazilian" crap. I expect racism issues to increase exponentially now, after yet another Great Idea from the US. They used to be simply Brazilians, who were, among other things, black. Seemed peaceful enough.
Need more be said??
On the cultural issues, those things came from arabs in northern africa, if I recall correctly, not blacks It doesn't really matter... "Black" no longer means from africa. Just like "African" never meant black.
You made your own point. Also, Arabians are completely born from an African male (black) just like everyone else in this world is part gorilla. :p
I find humanity in general is pretty fucking stupid, and thinking about whether one race or the other might be a bit more, or less stupid, is pointless nitpicking.
Humanity is not stupid....the insanity of depicting humanity is!
ReighnStorm said:
What causes strife (in my opinion) is being forced to be integrated!

Well, yeah, that too... I was going in a more neutral direction. Meaning, don't cling to being different OR trying to force anyone to be anything. Doing either is a great way to start trouble, I think.

That's a good thing, right???

Eh, it's neutral... It means more avriety, in both the good and bad ends of the spectrum. For example, some of the most beautiful women in the world are Brazilian. But also, though far less publicized, some of the ugliest. And by ugly I don't mean in an eye of the beholder sort of way, I mean like they look physically deformed.

That also works for me. I love jokes about different cultures.

Thank god. There's enough real crap in the world, being over-sensitive about petty stuff can never be healthy :)

Need more be said??

Well, notice it's the bad thing from one culture migrating to another. And doesn't look like there's any progress on the other side :\

You made your own point. Also, Arabians are completely born from an African male (black) just like everyone else in this world is part gorilla.

Heh, I thought all humanity was traced back to a single black WOMAN, Mitochondrial Eve? This is one of those things that is completely useless to know, though, IMO :) Go far back enough, and we're all from the original singularity, which 'banged.'

Humanity is not stupid....the insanity of depicting humanity is!

Heh, wow, Humanity is not stupid? Sounds like we live in VERY different worlds ;)
ReighnStorm said:
Imagine if you will... (lucky for you, you just get to imagine :( ) that no matter how smart you may be, how strong you are, and how good your skills are, no one wants to hire you, let you in college, let you eat at their restaurant, let you shop in their stores, let you even use their restrooms, because of your skin color.

Well, if I were black, I'd take my family and belongings, load up the mule and move to the backyards of some of the rich northern liberals who claim that they want us blacks to have a better, more free, more open, more loving life complete with all the trimmings! (Oops, wait, they did that during and after the Civil War, didn't they? What did they find up north?)

Reighn, I don't know about you, I think ye'r black, but I don't really give a shit. What I want to know from you is why blacks (or anyone!) stays in a place that does not want them or like them or is willing to help them?

I think American blacks need to ask themselves that question ...and find a good, solid answer for it. If a whole damned state hated me, I sure as hell wouldn't stay there ....now why do blacks stay there? And don't give me that shit about they don't have the money to move ....during the Dust Bowl of the midwest, thousands of people just picked up, loaded up their truck and headed out for Californication. Blacks can do the same ....and this era, they could probably get money form the government for relocation, for god's sake! (...not to mention that many in the immediate area might chip in to help get rid of 'em!).

ReighnStorm said:
Then you have children to feed,...

So they have children even if they can't feed 'em? That don't sound too smart, does it?

Baron Max
This is what racism and racists are all about. Screw tolerance when it comes to racists and racism.

Axe embedded in dead teen's skull

Anthony Walker suffered racist abuse
A murdered teenager was left with an axe embedded in his skull after a "racist, vicious and unprovoked" attack by a gang in a park near his home.
Police are calling on members of the community in Huyton, Liverpool, to help them catch Anthony Walker's killers.

The 18-year-old A-Level student died in hospital after being attacked by up to four people on Friday night.

He had been taunted at a bus stop with his white girlfriend and a male cousin. They moved but were attacked in a park.

'Unprovoked, racist attack'

Mr Walker's girlfriend and cousin, both 17, ran to get help but when they returned he was on the ground with head injuries.

Police say his head had been split in the assault.

There are a lot of decent people in the local area who are absolutely shocked at what has happened

Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Lawson

Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Lawson said: "What we are dealing with here is an unprovoked and vicious attack on a young black man which we believe to be racially motivated.

"This was a despicable act and we're absolutely determined to find the people responsible."

Mr Lawson urged local people to help catch the killers.

"We believe the offenders are local and we believe it is the responsibility of the local community to give these people up," he said.

"There are a lot of decent people in the local area who are absolutely shocked at what has happened."

'Torrent of abuse'

Mr Walker had spent the evening with his girlfriend, who is white, and who attended the same sixth-form college in Huyton.

Police say that as the couple waited for a bus with Mr Walker's male cousin they were subjected to a "torrent of racial abuse" by a man in his 20s wearing a hooded top.

They did not retaliate and left to find another bus stop. But they were followed and as they walked through McGoldrick Park they were attacked by a gang of three or four men.

Mr Walker's girlfriend and cousin ran to get help. When they returned minutes later they found him lying injured, with the axe embedded in his head.

Mr Walker, who was a keen basketball player and wanted to be a lawyer, was taken to Whiston Hospital and later transferred to Walton neurological centre where he died at 0525 BST on Saturday.
Baron Max said:
Reighn, I don't know about you, I think ye'r black, but I don't really give a shit.
I'm very thankful you are old and will be gone soon.

What I want to know from you is why blacks (or anyone!) stays in a place that does not want them or like them or is willing to help them?
I want them, you dumb-ass hick. I am white. I was born in Texas. The south. I used to be conservative, too, because I was conditioned to be from a very early age by other ignorant racist pricks like you. I would like to ship morons like you off to somewhere too, but sadly, in your case, there IS a CONSTITUTION that says that "all men are created equal." Forget about that?

If a whole damned state hated me, I sure as hell wouldn't stay there ....
Then why are you still there, where ever there is, because I KNOW you are in the idiotic minority. How do people like you still exist? That is the only question I want answered.

Blacks can do the same ....and this era, they could probably get money form the government for relocation, for god's sake!
Is that a fact?
(...not to mention that many in the immediate area might chip in to help get rid of 'em!).
Maybe we should put up another donation box to raise money to send this barren baron to icleand or some other such place. Anybody want him?

So they have children even if they can't feed 'em? That don't sound too smart, does it?

"That don't sound too smart, does it?" doesn't sound too smart to ME. You ever say this shit around me, and you will get a lot smarter real fast, you old fuck.
I wouldn't think slavery so much about race as power. Before, if I could enslave you and my culture didn't object to force me not to... and I was a piece of shit asshat who thought it "okay" to own other people... why not enslave your sorry ass?

Know what I mean?

I'd think race a scapegoat for easy justification of the obviously horrible.
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