Why Blacks?

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J.B said:
Here in America blacks live better then ANY OTHER blacks in the world.

What is your excuse for the much worse (suffering) of blacks in places like Africa or Haiti?

America has a high standard of living, so it's better for everyone here, but blacks still suffer from discrimination and a lower standard of living than most Americans.

What is your excuse for the much worse (suffering) of blacks in places like Africa or Haiti?
Again, this is the legacy of slavery and colonialism.

What is your excuse for white poverty?
spidergoat said:
What is your excuse for white poverty?
There is NO excuse, just like you I and everyone else thinks, whites are held to a much higher standard then blacks.

And that is the way it should be.
J.B said:
....whites are held to a much higher standard then blacks. And that is the way it should be.

Yeah, if blacks were held to the same standards as whites, the State of Texas high schools wouldn't graduate very damned many blacks!!

Right now, Texas is trying to institute a new grading system so that no one fails in school! That means that no matter how stupid or how lazy or whether they can read or not, they'll pass. My guess is that the new scoring system will start at 75% ........the stupidest kid in all of Texas will have a score of 75, no fuckin' matter what.

Neat, huh? I'd guess that in just a few years, we'll have to do away with books and teachers altogether and install a system of babysitters until the kids reach 18 yr old.

Baron Max
J.B said:
There is NO excuse, just like you I and everyone else thinks, whites are held to a much higher standard then blacks.

And that is the way it should be.
You still expect the darkies to call you 'Masser' don't you?

Tell me JB, who holds the whites to a higher standard and who holds the blacks to the lower standard? Are the whites where you live so lacking in confidence that they must belittle and put down another group based on their colour to make themselves feel better?

Baron Max said:
Yeah, if blacks were held to the same standards as whites, the State of Texas high schools wouldn't graduate very damned many blacks!!
They should just hold the blacks to the same educational and intellectual standard as Bush. Hell, most would pass then. :p

Right now, Texas is trying to institute a new grading system so that no one fails in school! That means that no matter how stupid or how lazy or whether they can read or not, they'll pass. My guess is that the new scoring system will start at 75% ........the stupidest kid in all of Texas will have a score of 75, no fuckin' matter what.
That system is being looked at in parts of Australia as well. I've also heard that the UK is also looking into it. Apparently children feel put down when they are told they failed a class. It's supposed to make children feel better about themselves. Instead of giving the child a fail grade and making them do the year again and possibly give them some extra coaching in the area they need it the most, kids will probably now just be able to move up to the next year.

The biggest concern here is that if they fail in one grade and given a 'just pass' mark and allowed to move onto the next level, won't that result in the child falling even more behind? Worse is that children will then grow up and get into the workforce and when they do fail at doing something correctly and are told by their employers that they've failed in a task, they won't be able to cope. A child needs to learn that you can fail at some things and therefore you must work harder to ensure you pass it next time.
James R said:
Texas is a mixed up kind of place, isn't it?

Read the post just above yours ...it seems that Australia is doing the same thing as Texas! I also read that the same/similar system is being considered for schools in many other western nations. So what does that mean to you?

Baron Max
"Egyptions, Sumarians, Romans. Everyone derived from Africa" People like to forget the difference between "African" and "black".... part of why the term "african american" is so thoroughly retarded. Anyone in north or south america can be called that, if you go back far enough... Black doesn't have to be derogatory, if people stop thinking that it is. I certainly have no problem being called white.

I also think it's funny when black people complain about slavery, yet are patriotic about america... when the only reason most of them are in america now, is because of slavery. Which, incidently was abolished a long time ago, how about forgetting it and moving on?

About simply passing everyone in texas schools, they do that a lot in Brazil... but mostly because the retarded kids' older brothers had a habit of threatening to kill teachers who failed their siblings...

We live on earth, we all know that, right? How can anyone still be surprised or shocked by anyhting, I wonder?
Hapsburg said:
Turks, asians, indians, native americans, other whites.
It's called Imperialism.

I don't believe that the whites ever actually enslaved the Native Americans, did they? If you have evidence of that, please provide it. I will admit that, maybe, one or two might have been "enslaved" in a private situation, but certainly not on a public auction-style enslavement ...and I think that's what we're talking about, isn't it?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I don't believe that the whites ever actually enslaved the Native Americans, did they? If you have evidence of that, please provide it. I will admit that, maybe, one or two might have been "enslaved" in a private situation, but certainly not on a public auction-style enslavement ...and I think that's what we're talking about, isn't it?

Baron Max

Whites enslaved "native americans," we call them indians, along with blacks, in Brazil.
Baron Max:

Read the post just above yours ...it seems that Australia is doing the same thing as Texas! I also read that the same/similar system is being considered for schools in many other western nations. So what does that mean to you?

It means that many places are as mixed up as Texas. :)
Sushupti said:
Whites enslaved "native americans," we call them indians, along with blacks, in Brazil.

Ahh, sorta' like equal opportunity enslavement, huh? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Ahh, sorta' like equal opportunity enslavement, huh? ...LOL!

Baron Max

Not really... Natives in Brazil were jsut as primitive as the blacks of the time. I think colonists were more worried about whether slaves could be controlled or not, than the color of their skins.

Probably why North American indians didn't get enslaved; they had an actual culture, were pretty civilised, really. Way better looking than the southern ones, too, I hear.
Hapsburg said:
Turks, asians, indians, native americans, other whites.
It's called Imperialism.
Then how come none of these groups are doing as poorly as blacks are?

By the way, what you wrote about Turks, asians, indians, native americans, other whites being inslaved is a lie, and you will not be able to bring ANY proof to prove it correct.

Blacks have been inslaved because:

"The Negroes' rude ignorance has never invented any effectual weapons of defense or destruction: they appear incapable of forming any extensive plans of government or conquest: and the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties has been discovered and abused by the nations of the temperate zone." --Edward Gibbon, the great historian and author of THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE
Sushupti said:
I think colonists were more worried about whether slaves could be controlled or not, than the color of their skins.
I think your correct, it only makes sence.

Blacks where easy to enslave because of how UNintelligent they were and still are today.
J.B said:
Blacks where easy to enslave because of how UNintelligent they were and still are today.

Well, not quite today. The white, liberal doo-gooders will bitch n' moan and stir up the blacks and finally make them see their own enslavement! ..LOL!

Baron Max
"The white, liberal doo-gooders".... I think people of all races can agree that race is pretty dumb.
Sushupti said:
"The white, liberal doo-gooders".... I think people of all races can agree that race is pretty dumb.

Which race? You say, "...that race is pretty dumb", but you didn't say WHICH race?

Or are you using English in a bit of a strange way here?

Baron Max
J.B said:
I think your correct, it only makes sence.

Blacks where easy to enslave because of how UNintelligent they were and still are today.
If you're going to comment on the lack of intelligence of a group of people, I would suggest you run a spell check before posting said comment to ensure that you don't look like an even bigger jackarse.
Bells said:
If you're going to comment on the lack of intelligence of a group of people, I would suggest you run a spell check before posting said comment to ensure that you don't look like an even bigger jackarse.
Maybe I will be as smart as you one day, and I will learn how to personaly attack people in a effort to avoid the issue?
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