Why Blacks?

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spidergoat said:
The enslavement of Chinese people by Americans for building the railroads is well known.
If the Chinese where slaves as you say, why are they not suffering from slavery as you say blacks are?

Spidergoat are you sure the chinese were "slaves"?

Contract laborers arrived under a specific agreement—most often arranged by Chinese "middlemen," which included transportation costs, a monthly salary, and, on occasion, board and room. Typical annual contract wages in 1870, paid to the contractor who took a cut, were $8 to $10 in gold for field hands, $15 in gold for railroad workers. The Houston and Texas Central Railway paid $20 in silver a month. http://www.texancultures.utsa.edu/txtext/chinese/chineselabor.htm
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They are still suffering as slaves in coal mines, and during WWII, Chinese women were sex slaves for the Japanese troops. Chinese history is more complicated than just slavery, 'cause there was a little thing called the Communist Revolution.
Don't come out of the waiting room, please, until you read some history.
spidergoat said:
They are still suffering as slaves in coal mines, and during WWII, Chinese women were sex slaves for the Japanese troops. Chinese history is more complicated than just slavery, 'cause there was a little thing called the Communist Revolution.
Don't come out of the waiting room, please, until you read some history.
You said whites inslaved the Chinese, if fact you said:

"Whites enslaved almost everyone not like them".

Yes, Chinese people were enslaved in the united states to build the railroads. They were called "coolies", and could not become citizens until much later in our history. This slavery did affect Chinese-Americans in a detrimental way.
ReighnStorm said:
Also I am part Black how could I be racist.
Maybe it is the part of you thats not "black" thats racist, because you did say black where slaves because:

"Mostly for their strength and stupidity of trust of other peoples culture".
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J.B said:
Maybe it is the part of you thats not "black" thats racist, because you did say black where slaves because:

"Mostly for their strength and stupidity of trust of other peoples culture".
'J.B that's not racist! I'm giving you my opinion of the slave trade reason. White people were stupid as well as blacks (for letting them do it.)
I'm part white as well. Slavery has no true color, it's just evil :(
J.B said:
Was'nt Egypt built by Jewish slaves for thousands of years.
That might be what your white history books say.
I told you Slavery has no true color!

posted by J.B
When did the Romans become black?
That's what I'd like to know? I don't exactly know when it happened because I wasn't there. But it did happen. Just like you happened. Maybe you should read biological science more. Let me ask you a question. What race of people have black hair and brown eyes naturally (majority)???

orig. posted by J.B
I have never heard any blacks say that they were inslaved because of their "strength and stupidity of trust" like you suggest.
Blacks have ALWAYS said that they were inslaved because the color of their skin is black.

You're just interpreting part of the black conversation. You have not in fact spoken with any black person that said only that nor have you obviously spoken to enough black people yet.
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It might be good for some/all of us to read/hear what Bill Cosby says about the blacks in America. I think his comments are right dead on the mark ....and none of it has anything to do with slavery or discrimination!! It has to do with getting off ones black ass and get to work to better yourself and make something better for your children. And his comments are good for all people, not just blacks. ..... Get off ye're ass and get to work!!

Baron Max
Slavery has been practiced since the early days of civilization. It was not always a racial or racist thing. Although it often was simply because the people who were enslaved were as often as not the people who lost the last war and wars were often fought between people of different ethnic or religious groups.

The "great" civilizations of ancient Europe, the Greeks and Romans, the people whose culture evolved to dominate most of the planet, kept slaves of every race and color. The Greeks would even enslave other Greeks if they conquered them in a rebellion or a civil war.

Since those days, the European nations have always kept sub-Saharan Africa down. To them it was a source of natural resources, tribal art, and cheap labor. The last thing they wanted was for a strong nation to arise in Africa, to become as modern as they were, and become a new player in the arena of international power. Persia, Egypt, India, China, the Incas and Aztecs, and eventually the Turks were quite enough competition without allowing ancient Zimbabwe to take its place as a World Power.

Ultimately the enslavement of black Africans became an economic phenomenon. Their own leaders, as well as helpful Arab merchants, found Africa to be ideally located as a source of cheap involuntary laborers that they could sell at a huge profit to Europeans, and as the practice fell out of favor there but blossomed here, to Americans.

I'm not saying that racism played no part in the slavery phenomenon, but so did economics and plain old fate with the helping hand of geography. If Americans had not gotten used to having black Africans and their descendants around as slaves, it might not have been quite so easy for their own descendants to regard them as second-class citizens.


BTW, during the era when slavery was practiced in the USA, the Arab nations of north Africa were busily enslaving Europeans and other white people. The Barbary pirates would attack ships at sea and not only steal their goods, but sell the passengers and crew into slavery in places like Tunisia and Morocco. There's no contest of numbers of course, there were about a million white slaves in north Africa and probably a hundred million black slaves spread around the planet. But it is sobering as well as ironic to realize that at the time of our own Civil War, there were white slaves in Africa.
FaceDancer said:
This topic is very rascist to me please close it. I am black if you did not know.

And because ye're black, you should get whatever you want?? Well, fuck you, too! Is that the way you are in private and professional life, too? ..you get what you want by being black?

If the topic bothers you, don't read it!

Baron Max
I suggest the topic starter go off and learn a bit about slavery, then come back and we'll have a discussion. I don't think anybody here has time to educate you from scratch.
Africans were keeping black slaves before the whites ever got there.
White europeans were keeping other white europeans as slaves before they saw blacks (viking, celtic etc)
Chinease kept slaves thousands of years ago.
Arabic countries kept slaves from africa and arabia.
Romans and Greeks kept slaves from anywhere they could get them.

Its not a colour thing - it sa human thing. Though we seem to be just about evolving out of it now.
Yes, slavery was and is common around the world, but there was never the kind of slavery industry that prospered in America and the Carribean before. Most of it was fueled by the European lust for drugs and spices, specifically sugar, which was a new exotic drug/food.
spidergoat said:
Yes, slavery was and is common around the world, but there was never the kind of slavery industry that prospered in America and the Carribean before.

Do you have a historically accurate account of that? Like, how many slaves were actually brought to America and sold versus how many were brought to other parts of the world and sold?

I'm thinking that perhaps you're wrong in your assumptions. I think slavery was rampant all over the world at that same time and that American slavery was NOT as you imply. But please provide some numbers, some accounting for your statement.

Baron Max
The slavery trade at that time was triangular. America only imported about 15% of all slaves exported from Africa. Perhaps you misunderstood, I was comparing the African slave trade to the history of slavery in the countries mentioned by Light Traveling. I think I'm correct in saying that the scale of this slave trade was unprecedented in the history of the world. There were an estimated 13 million Africans exported as slaves. I should have included the other importers of slaves at the time which was not only America and the Carribean, but Brazil, the Spanish Empire, British West Indies, the French West Indies, British North America, the Dutch West Indies, the Danish West Indies, and Europe (and Islands).

My main point directed to J.B, was in response to his question that although many cultures in history participated in slavery, why do blacks now seem to suffer more aftereffects of this? My answer is that enslavement of blacks was unprecedented in scale, so the effects of it were qualitatively different than, say, the effects of a Roman slave, who was mostly treated as a valuable luxury item, not an expendable source of cheap labor.
spidergoat said:
My main point directed to J.B, was in response to his question that although many cultures in history participated in slavery, why do blacks now seem to suffer more aftereffects of this? My answer is that enslavement of blacks was unprecedented in scale, so the effects of it were qualitatively different than, say, the effects of a Roman slave, who was mostly treated as a valuable luxury item, not an expendable source of cheap labor.
What do you mean that blacks are suffering from the effects of slavery?

The blacks that live in America have by far the best quality life then ANY OTHER blacks ANY WHERE else in the world.

That is why blacks from ALL OVER the world constantly risk their lives just for the chance to live in America.
What do I mean?

I mean that racism was an attempt to justify the economic exploitation of an entire group of people. This idea was so internalized that it persists today, and black people still suffer from its effects.
spidergoat said:
What do I mean?

I mean that racism was an attempt to justify the economic exploitation of an entire group of people. This idea was so internalized that it persists today, and black people still suffer from its effects.
Here in America blacks live better then ANY OTHER blacks in the world.

What is your excuse for the much worse (suffering) of blacks in places like Africa or Haiti?

The worse places in the world for blacks to live is in fact it is where blacks have complete control.
FaceDancer said:
This topic is very rascist to me please close it. I am black if you did not know.

I did not know you were black, but the fact that you wrote something so ignorant was a good clue.

The Negroes' rude ignorance has never invented any effectual weapons of defense or destruction: they appear incapable of forming any extensive plans of government or conquest: and the obvious inferiority of their mental faculties has been discovered and abused by the nations of the temperate zone.
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