Whose God Is Responsible????


Oiginally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Good pont... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... .

ok, first, you're an atheist right? you beleive that we all have the free will and we do what ever we want, we can, (but effcorse you take in count the society and other stuff that we created it) also, you know that the world, as it is today, is shaped from our choises, right? then, why when it comes about beleiving in god, you say that god made the world as it is and planned every detail in our life, and etc... and we don't have the free will, or or or...?:shrug:

your posts are very opposite to each other :shrug:

God did fug-up on his firs try so he drowned ever man woman child an all other animals on earf to fix his mistake... but it seems strange that hes happy wit his second try... sinse among other countless horrors... thousands of children dye ever day from starvaton/disease :confused:

again, we have the free-will, and blablablabla, saying it almost 6 times...

God did fug-up on his firs try so he drowned ever man woman child an all other animals on earf to fix his mistake... but it seems strange that hes happy wit his second try... sinse among other countless horrors... thousands of children dye ever day from starvaton/disease :confused:

again, we have the free-will, and blablablabla, saying it almost 6 times...
also you said you don't beleive in god, and now you're talking about god? you don't even beleive in god.
and everything, is our choises.
oh, and, the children who die from hunger,children who do bad things, and they are matures yet, people who die in travel, in work, in war defending he's country, and etc... are all going to heaven, directly, and people who also get killed, and they innocent, also go directly to heaven.
i mean, automaticly, noy directly
Did God know beforhand that Adam an Eve woud eat of the forbidden fruit.???
Som say hell is a place whare God tortures people untill they love him.!!! ”

How do you know this... an are you certan.???
how do you know that god don't exist? an are you certan.???
yes i am certan, and i know this because in the judgement god, there's no second chance, there's only the judgement, and that's it, people had their hall life to have alooooot of chances, there's no just a second chance or a third chance, there's always chances, to go back to the doing of good and beleive in god, and help others if you can.

To help esplane to me how horrible a place you thank hell is... i want you to rate it on a scale of 1 thru 10... so on the scale i have provided below... woud you rate hell as a 1... a 10... or som number in between 1 to 10.???
ok, i rate it ]-infinity;+infinity[, not just 10. if you can't imagine the most horrible thing on here(well, you can, by movies, but, what if tested it on your self?), how can you imagine it their?

I coudnt have said it beter myself :)

hmm, that means you are really ingnorant, i don't mean in relegion i mean in all, a person who think that he knows alot and more than others and etc... is a person who really don't know that much.

So in those cases its the kids fault.???
yes, not saying parents don't had a part of it, but also, the kid, i mean, after he become grow up, after being a teenanger, he's grown up, and he can know the difference between good and bad and etc... responsible, so what? i mean, many people their tortured and died and raped in front of their eyes, and they didnt become criminals or murders, others lived a harsh and a bad childhood with their parents, an they didnt become criminals, and etc... but also, as i said, parents do have a part effcorse. but doenst mean that kids couldnt choose and manage themselves when they growed up.

So you realize that humans an apes share a common ancestor.???
all the things that you can find in our bodies, i mean, the ingredients, are all in a muddpie, were we developed from soil? we also share 98% dna with some bugs (sorry i forgot what's it's name, saw it on national geography once) why you don't say we developed from bugs?
anyway, it's my opinion, so? and then?

How do you know this... an are you certan.???

know what?
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Did God know beforhand that Adam an Eve woud eat of the forbidden fruit.???

Is God all-knowin.???

Som say hell is a place whare God tortures people untill they love him... are you certan this is not true.???

yes i am certan...

Not surprized... an the thang that mos God beleivers are certan about... is that anybody who beleives somptin diferent from them... are rong... lol.!!!

how do you know that god don't exist? an are you certan.???

I dont know for certan that God dont esist.!!!

“ To help esplane to me how horrible a place you thank hell is... i want you to rate it on a scale of 1 thru 10... so on the scale i have provided below... woud you rate hell as a 1... a 10... or som number in between 1 to 10.??? ”

ok, i rate it ]-infinity;+infinity[, not just 10. if you can't imagine the most horrible thing on here(well, you can, by movies, but, what if tested it on your self?), how can you imagine it their?

So woud infinity + infinity be as bad as burnin in a firy pit.???

“ I coudnt have said it beter myself

hmm, that means you are really ingnorant, i don't mean in relegion i mean in all, a person who think that he knows alot and more than others and etc... is a person who really don't know that much.

But i admited that you said it beter than i coud have :bawl:

“ So in those cases its the kids fault.??? ”

What causes kids to be bad even when they have perfect parents.???

“ So you realize that humans an apes share a common ancestor.??? ”

all the things that you can find in our bodies, i mean, the ingredients, are all in a muddpie, were we developed from soil? we also share 98% dna with some bugs (sorry i forgot what's it's name, saw it on national geography once) why you don't say we developed from bugs?
anyway, it's my opinion, so? and then?

So is that a yes or a no... do you realize that humans an apes share a common ancestor.???

jesus(pbuh), was a human like me and you, and he was a messenger, spreading the relegion of beleiving in one god, but he's not the son of god, neither god.

How do you know those thangs are true... an are you certan that those thangs are true.???
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...i'm stunned by a pro-ignorance agenda. i'm not sure why, as so many follow this agenda. most people aren't willing to admit that so blatantly though. better keep those blinders on tight clueless.

I know-I know... people foller that agenda because they enjoy livin on earf/hell... yes.???
ok, first, you're an atheist right?

Im a New Age Christan Atheist.!!!

you beleive that we all have the free will...

No... beleif in free will is jus anuther beleif i dont have.!!!

and we do what ever we want, we can, (but effcorse you take in count the society and other stuff that we created it) also, you know that the world, as it is today, is shaped from our choises, right?

I thank the idea of "free-choise" is an illusion.!!!

...why when it comes about beleiving in god, you say that god made the world as it is and planned every detail in our life, and etc... and we don't have the free will, or or or...?:shrug:

I dont have beleifs that you'r God even esists... im discussin YOU'R God beleifs.!!!
I know-I know... people foller that agenda because they enjoy livin on earf/hell... yes.???

i have no idea. i can't relate.

in one breath you're condemning god for raped babies, and in the next claiming how happy shmappy you are. that seems illogical to me.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
I know-I know... people foller that agenda because they enjoy livin on earf/hell... yes.???

i have no idea. i can't relate.

What is the purpos of hell.???

to give the people who desire this kind of an existence a place to have it.

See.... you did know the answr... eh :)

in one breath you're condemning god for raped babies, and in the next claiming how happy shmappy you are. that seems illogical to me.

I dont comdem you'r God... i dont have beleifs it esists... its you'r beleif that God created this mess... an you refuse to acknowledge... that but for God... ther woudnt be any raped babies... mater of fact... you clame that God is pleased wit the way his creaton plan is goin (raped babies an all).!!!

You live here in hell... are you ever happy... in spite of all the horrors that occur.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
I know-I know... people foller that agenda because they enjoy livin on earf/hell... yes.???

What is the purpos of hell.???

See.... you did know the answr... eh :)

I dont comdem you'r God... i dont have beleifs it esists... its you'r beleif that God created this mess... an you refuse to acknowledge... that but for God... ther woudnt be any raped babies... mater of fact... you clame that God is pleased wit the way his creaton plan is goin (raped babies an all).!!!

You live here in hell... are you ever happy... in spite of all the horrors that occur.???

you know what? you're pissing me off. you have no argument. you're argument is that there is no god, we have no free will, and as long as your ass is happy shmappy, that's all that really matters. and that is absolute bullshit.

what isn't bullshit is that there is a god. i know god. and there is law, and if we recognized it, and acted according to it, there wouldn't be a mess. there wouldn't be suffering.

i know goddamn well that i have a choice. 24/7, every day i live on this earth, i have a choice to love or to hate, to rape babies or not, to buy in or not, and i do not buy it! i will not buy what this fucking world is trying to sell me. you know what they package it as? HAPPINESS...DUMB FUCK!

you can find happiness in selfishness. you can find happiness in greed. you can find happiness in lust. hey, guess what? mother fuckers raping babies are happy they're raping babies. they're the most happy when they're raping babies. so if you want me to give a shit about something you can find in the bottom of a bottle or in a baby's vagina, or in a fucking bowl of fucking steel cut oatmeal, then fuck you.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank God gave everbody an euqal amount of free will.???

Well mayb so... dependin on what you thank free will is... I see it as bein able to make uninfluended choises... how do you define free will.???
free will is to have the scope for independent action, and I think it also absolutely requires the ability to make influenced choices (otherwise how on earth would one change one's mind or make any sort of decision?)
...you're argument is that there is no god, we have no free will, and as long as your ass is happy shmappy, that's all that really matters. and that is absolute bullshit.

Thers no evidence for free will or that you'r God esists... an i thank happyness is under rated.!!!

what isn't bullshit is that there is a god. i know god. and there is law, and if we recognized it, and acted according to it, there wouldn't be a mess. there wouldn't be suffering.

You'r all-knowin God intentionaly created hell on earf... an intimidates people into takin the blame for the horror hes responsible for.!!!

i know goddamn well that i have a choice. 24/7, every day i live on this earth, i have a choice to love or to hate, to rape babies or not, to buy in or not, and i do not buy it! i will not buy what this fucking world is trying to sell me. you know what they package it as? HAPPINESS...DUMB FUCK!

Som people atempt to foller in Gods footsteps by continuin to create a personal hell on earf for themselfs.!!!

you can find happiness in selfishness. you can find happiness in greed. you can find happiness in lust. hey, guess what? mother fuckers raping babies are happy they're raping babies. they're the most happy when they're raping babies. so if you want me to give a shit about something you can find in the bottom of a bottle or in a baby's vagina, or in a fucking bowl of fucking steel cut oatmeal, then fuck you.

We play the cards we hold an som people are screwed from the get-go;;; whether from Gods sadistic creation plan or an impersonal evolution... an som people seek happynes in such ways that lead to desaster for themself an others such as rapin babys or stayin stuck on stoopid by sacrificin ther happyness on earf for an imaginary life after death... me... i esperience happynes even in simple thangs such as steel cut oats an the grate bread i make.!!!
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free will is to have the scope for independent action, and I think it also absolutely requires the ability to make influenced choices (otherwise how on earth would one change one's mind or make any sort of decision?)

I think the terminology becomes a bit confusing here, because it tacitly imports assumptions/premises from their original or popularized contexts.

Without providing the wider philosophical context, I am beginning to think it becomes pointless to talk about free will, determinism, in/dependence, influence, as these will have different meanings in different philosophies.
free will is to have the scope for independent action,...

Not sure what you mean by scope... but im sure i agree wit the "independent action" part.!!!

and I think it also absolutely requires the ability to make influenced choices (otherwise how on earth would one change one's mind or make any sort of decision?)

Yeah... ther-in lyes the rub... cause... dew to cause an effect... ever choise is influenced... hinse... "independent action" is an illusion.!!!

Below is a link to a thred whare the notion of free will is curently bein discussed... Sarkus an som others have very-clearly presented the case that free will bein an illusion is the logical position.!!!

Not sure what you mean by scope... but im sure i agree wit the "independent action" part.!!!

Yeah... ther-in lyes the rub... cause... dew to cause an effect... ever choise is influenced... hinse... "independent action" is an illusion.!!!
that leaves you totally unable to explain how one can surmount influence

Below is a link to a thred whare the notion of free will is curently bein discussed... Sarkus an som others have very-clearly presented the case that free will bein an illusion is the logical position.!!!
i'm pretty sure that when sarkus decides to sleep on either his left side or right side, he does so because it is the logical position
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Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Not sure what you mean by scope... but im sure i agree wit the "independent action" part.!!!

Yeah... ther-in lyes the rub... cause... dew to cause an effect... ever choise is influenced... hinse... "independent action" is an illusion.!!! ”

that leaves you totally unable to explain how one can surmount influence

One cant... its you who i dout can offer a logical argument of how a causal chane of events can be broken in such a way which will allow for free-will.!!!

Below is a link to a thred whare the notion of free will is curently bein discussed... Sarkus an som others have very-clearly presented the case that free will bein an illusion is the logical position.!!!

i'm pretty sure that when sarkus decides to sleep on either his left side or right side, he does so because it is the logical position

Interestin thout... com an partisipate in the the thred link below for a mor complete understandin of the logic of free will bein an illusion.. eh :)

One cannot surmount influence per se.
But one can surmount one influence in favor of another influence.
Thers no evidence for free will or that you'r God esists... an i thank happyness is under rated.!!!

You'r all-knowin God intentionaly created hell on earf... an intimidates people into takin the blame for the horror hes responsible for.!!!

Som people atempt to foller in Gods footsteps by continuin to create a personal hell on earf for themselfs.!!!

We play the cards we hold an som people are screwed from the get-go;;; whether from Gods sadistic creation plan or an impersonal evolution... an som people seek happynes in such ways that lead to desaster for themself an others such as rapin babys or stayin stuck on stoopid by sacrificin ther happyness on earf for an imaginary life after death... me... i esperience happynes even in simple thangs such as steel cut oats an the grate bread i make.!!!

the fact that we make choices and decisions all day long every day is ample evidence of free will.

given that free will, we are held accountable.

happiness is entirely overrated in this world, and when it comes to truth and knowledge, is entirely irrelevant.