Whose God Is Responsible????

Do the parents bear responsibility? Of Course.

The Present World was made by the Children of the Past. If you want to know why the world is so crappy you should ask your parents.

Good pont... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... Ah Oh... keep doin that an you finaly trace the origin of the prollem bak to God<--- :(

hmm, then, why should the infinit, or, the limited univerce should be also true? do you have evidences rather than theoritical articles? hmm.

I dont know that "anythang" shoud OR shoudnt be true... do you.???

weird that you beleive in the flying spagetty monster, and the green aliens or something, and you don't beleive in god :rolleyes:

I dont have beleifs that any of those thangs esist.!!!

what's the purpose of hell? why should i answer you? you know it, you are just playing to be like you don't know.

I dont thank hell does esist... much less that it has a purpos... but diferent people who beleive hell esists have diferent ideas for what its purpos is... so now what is you'r escuse for not answrin my queston.???

then, killing, fanatism, hypocrecy, being a hore, and etc... are a part of evolution? hmm, interresting, can you pleas explain it? and, can you even plas expalin evolution, and how it happeneds? and how the mutation happeneds? (since to you evolution is not adaptation), and why does it happen? and did it start?

I dout that i coud esplain it to you... much like i dout i coud esplane to a puppy how to read a newspaper :)

...the free-will, and it's not god's fault, it's ours.

Was it Adam an Eves fault they ate of the forbidden fruit.???

Good pont... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... Ah Oh... keep doin that an you finaly trace the origin of the prollem bak to God<---

i think you said you don't beleive in god. how are you talking about the origine of the problem, saying that is God, why you don't even beleive in god, like saying, the origin is not real, and, don't exist, there's no origin for the problem, according to you since you're an atheist, i mean, what? sometimes you talk about god as you beleive in , and other say god don't exist? :rolleyes:

I dont know that "anythang" shoud OR shoudnt be true... do you.???

what do you mean?

I dont have beleifs that any of those thangs esist.!!!

'things' not 'thangs' ;)
you do beleive in aliens, effcorse not green wit big eyes, but you do, and, you didnt see any, or, had a material evidence for.
I dont thank hell does esist... much less that it has a purpos... but diferent people who beleive hell esists have diferent ideas for what its purpos is... so now what is you'r escuse for not answrin my queston.???
it's purpose is to punish people, what are the other purposes you are 'talking' about?
and no, it's not an exuce, also, not hell like you see in cartoon or films, an ocean of fire, or, a red dark place, with black magic, or, some ugly monsters torture people, we don't know how it's looks, it's a part of what we call "the unseen"

oh, question, not queston, and, answering, not answrin, and, excuse, not escuse ;)

I dout that i coud esplain it to you... much like i dout i coud esplane to a puppy how to read a newspaper
you mean like your grammar?

anyway, you think you are superior of all people, or, superior or better than me, and you are very high from me, because you don't beleive in god and you think everyone who do is stupid and etc...? like, somekinda you know alot, and you think that kinda you know everything? and most other people are not worth to discuss to you? well, that's very interresting.

Was it Adam an Eves fault they ate of the forbidden fruit.???

weird how you talk about adam and eves while you don't even beleive in them, you have alot, of, opposite things in your talking.
anyway, it's every body self, problem, everyone blame himself first, there are very good parents and know how to raise their children, and adventually, their children become drug-addict, or, criminals, or, a loosers in their life and work, and everything, and there are bad parents, drug-addict, and other bad things, and their children when they grow up become good people, and very responsible.
Oiginally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Good pont... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... Ah Oh... keep doin that an you finaly trace the origin of the prollem bak to God<--- ”

i think you said you don't beleive in god. how are you talking about the origine of the problem, saying that is God, why you don't even beleive in god, like saying, the origin is not real, and, don't exist, there's no origin for the problem, according to you since you're an atheist, i mean, what? sometimes you talk about god as you beleive in , and other say god don't exist?

Im discussin the issue based on the premise that a Holy Bible type God does esist... an if he does... all the horrible thangs that humans do... occurs because of the poor character he created humans wit.!!!

“ I dont know that "anythang" shoud OR shoudnt be true... do you.??? ”

what do you mean?

What was it you said that i replyed to.???

“ I dont have beleifs that any of those thangs esist.!!! ”

you do beleive in aliens, effcorse not green wit big eyes, but you do, and, you didnt see any, or, had a material evidence for.

Of course i dont have any material evidence that aliens esist... never said i did... an the rest of what you said is not clames i have made :confused:

“ I dont thank hell does esist... much less that it has a purpos... but diferent people who beleive hell esists have diferent ideas for what its purpos is... so now what is you'r escuse for not answrin my queston.??? ”

it's purpose is to punish people, what are the other purposes you are 'talking' about?

Like Lori said... hell is a place for people who want to live thar.!!!

Som say hell is a place whare God tortures people untill they love him.!!!

...not hell like you see in cartoon or films, an ocean of fire, or, a red dark place, with black magic, or, some ugly monsters torture people, we don't know how it's looks, it's a part of what we call "the unseen"

On a scale of 1 to 10... 1 bein a pencil shoved up you'r noise... an 10 bein you'r hind leg chewed off... whare woud you rate hell.???

“ I dout that i coud esplain it to you... much like i dout i coud esplane to a puppy how to read a newspaper ”

you mean like your grammar?


anyway, you think you are superior of all people, or, superior or better than me, and you are very high from me, because you don't beleive in god and you think everyone who do is stupid and etc...? like, somekinda you know alot, and you think that kinda you know everything? and most other people are not worth to discuss to you? well, that's very interresting.

Well... the way i see it personaly is... that not beleivin in you'r God who woud punish people in hell is a much superior moral position... however... the stoopidity of somone can not be determined soley on whether they beleive in a God or not... an as far as me knowin a lot... i prolly rate in the lower 5 % of the people postin at Sciforums... an the peopole i figer who are not wort discussin wit... i dont discuss wit... ka-peach :)

“ Was it Adam an Eves fault they ate of the forbidden fruit.??? ”

weird how you talk about adam and eves while you don't even beleive in them, you have alot, of, opposite things in your talking.

I enjoy discussin all sorts of fiction includin the Holey Bible :shrug:

anyway, it's every body self, problem, everyone blame himself first, there are very good parents and know how to raise their children, and adventually, their children become drug-addict, or, criminals, or, a loosers in their life and work, and everything, and there are bad parents, drug-addict, and other bad things, and their children when they grow up become good people, and very responsible.

Whats you'r pont.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Evoluton has been goin on for a bit longer than recorded history.!!! ”

I dout that a 1 cell animal did much thankin about intentions or desires... but over time life evolved an produced humans esactly the way we curently are... which includes the esact desires an intentions we curently have.!!!

“ Its not an excuse... its an esplination for human behavior.!!! ”

Acknowledgin the cause of somptin is not an escuse.!!!

it's absolutely a cop out. one celled animals are not people. and now that we've developed minds, we are free to use them.

“ At sunday school one time they told us that God is always wit us... always watchin us... well that nite when i was takin a bath i remenbered that an thout it was peerty creepy that som old man was in the bathroom watchin me take a bath ”

God... the bearded old man they showed us pitchers of.!!!

you have grown up quite a bit since then and realized that was a silly notion right?
1) It was meant to be a bit sick.. But the way Clueluss wrote out what he did, made me envision what I wrote.

2) Some don't even grow up with "real" parents, or any for that matter.

And how do you KNOW God is perfect?..Did he tell you this, or are you assuming?

3) Very true..But, do you think the only way to like/love yourself, is to know a God? You can't live a happy life without one?

4) True, none of us are perfect...Not even close. Again, how do you KNOW God is perfect? Unless he told you this himself, there is no proof.

And I have to disagree with your last statement..I don't think EVERYONE would benefit from "knowing" God.. Many have lived very happy lives without knowing or believing in any God. Some have never even heard of any God.

i think perfection is implicit in what god is. if god is the creator and law maker, then god defines what perfect is. what god has shown me is that he knows me better than i know myself. i guess that goes along with the whole omniscient, omnipresent thing.

it's really not about being happy grem. i mean, ignorance is bliss right?
it's absolutely a cop out. one celled animals are not people. and now that we've developed minds, we are free to use them.

Evoluton is a fact... not a cop out... but like you'r God... free will is jus somptin else i dont have beleifs in.!!!

you have grown up quite a bit since then and realized that was a silly notion right?

Well sure... but even at 8 years old i suspected that the Jesus storys was a load of crap.!!!

it's really not about being happy...

Thats anuther thang about religion... it can cause people to sacrafice happyness for beleifs in an afterlife :-(
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i think perfection is implicit in what god is. if god is the creator and law maker, then god defines what perfect is. what god has shown me is that he knows me better than i know myself. i guess that goes along with the whole omniscient, omnipresent thing.

I think the fact that we exist disproves the omnipotent/omniscience of your god! We are a pretty fvcked up species to have been created by a supreme being.

Evoluton is a fact... not a cop out... but like you'r God... free will is jus somptin else i dont have beleifs in.!!!

the fact is, that the more we've evolved, the more we've acquired the ability to use our minds to acquire knowledge, and make decisions and choices.

Well sure... but even at 8 years old i suspected that the Jesus storys was a load of crap.!!!

so in all of your infinite wisdom at 8 years old you made this decision based upon a picture of a humanized father. brilliant. not quite as brilliant as someone who would equate god with an old man in the sky, and depict god in that manner, but damn close.

Thats anuther thang about religion... it can cause people to sacrafice happyness for beleifs in an afterlife :-(

i can't even think of a euphemism to respond to this with. there is nothing positive to say to someone who is pro-ignorance. :shrug:

it doesn't have anything to do with happiness, and it doesn't have anything to do with an afterlife. it has to do with life and knowledge.
I think the fact that we exist disproves the omnipotent/omniscience of your god! We are a pretty fvcked up species to have been created by a supreme being.


what would make you think that god is done with us?
the fact is, that the more we've evolved, the more we've acquired the ability to use our minds to acquire knowledge, and make decisions and choices.

Do you thank God is pleased wit the way his creaton plan is turnin out.???

“even at 8 years old i suspected that the Jesus storys was a load of crap.!!! ”

so in all of your infinite wisdom at 8 years old you made this decision based upon a picture of a humanized father. brilliant. not quite as brilliant as someone who would equate god with an old man in the sky, and depict god in that manner, but damn close.

Yep... when i was 8... i looked up an ask a sunday school teecher if Jesus an God was the sam person... she looked over at the other teecher an jus kinda smiled... she didnt answr... jus directed me to continue on wit other activities... that was a simular kind of reacton i got when i was askin my parents if Santa was real... so even befor my sunday school queston abouut Jesus/God... i knew that Adults told fantastic lyes about such thangs... i was about 9 when we was showed what God looked like... an told that hes always watchin us... course... i had also been told that
Sants watches us to know if we have been bad or good... yep... lyes upon lyes... lol.!!!

“ Thats anuther thang about religion... it can cause people to sacrafice happyness for beleifs in an afterlife :-( ”

i can't even think of a euphemism to respond to this with. there is nothing positive to say to someone who is pro-ignorance.

Mayb youv'e been stunned by the truth.???

it doesn't have anything to do with happiness, and it doesn't have anything to do with an afterlife. it has to do with life and knowledge.

Happyness is at the top of my list... but If i was religious like you i mite also see happyness as irrelevent :shrug:
Are you saying that he/she/it fvcked up on the first try? :eek::eek: and he needs to fix his mistake????


God did fug-up on his firs try so he drowned ever man woman child an all other animals on earf to fix his mistake... but it seems strange that hes happy wit his second try... sinse among other countless horrors... thousands of children dye ever day from starvaton/disease :confused:

Oiginally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Good pont... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... an those parents shoud ask ther parents... Ah Oh... keep doin that an you finaly trace the origin of the prollem bak to God<--- ”

Im discussin the issue based on the premise that a Holy Bible type God does esist... an if he does... all the horrible thangs that humans do... occurs because of the poor character he created humans wit.!!!

the caracter that god created us in, is a white page, you form it as you want, we form our selves, we also have the free will, we maked our societies, we maked ourselves, we should blame our selves, beleiving in god, doesnt mean to keep blaming god, or something like that, or, for each subject, you say, it's god! for example, who bombed hiroshima? say it's god??!! no, we can't blame god, god created us as a white page, and gave us the free will, we form our selves, and we onyl should blame our selves.

“ I dont have beleifs that any of those thangs esist.!!! ”

Of course i dont have any material evidence that aliens esist... never said i did... an the rest of what you said is not clames i have made :confused:
ahaa. :rolleyes:

Som say hell is a place whare God tortures people untill they love him.!!!
deffrently not

On a scale of 1 to 10... 1 bein a pencil shoved up you'r noise... an 10 bein you'r hind leg chewed off... whare woud you rate hell.???
i don't know what do you mean, can you repeat it in another form? normally?

an as far as me knowin a lot... i prolly rate in the lower 5 % of the people postin at Sciforums.

a person who thinks that he knows alot, or knows everything, means he don't know anything, and a person who know much,or, well, many things, knows that he don't know anything, and as much he knows more, as much as he don't know more.

I enjoy discussin all sorts of fiction includin the Holey Bible
i'm not christian ;)
Whats you'r pont.???
ha, what's my point? ok, means, that it's not always parents fault, i know some very good parents and know how to raise their children, and then,, when the children elave the country, or the son, get evolved in drugs, and stuff, and there are bad parents, always fighting, closed, etc etc... dictator parents, and their children become the contrary when they grow up, and become very responsible and caring, and etc...

Evoluton is a fact... not a cop out... but like you'r God... free will is jus somptin else i dont have beleifs in.!!!
so what? i beleive in god, and in evolution/adaptation.

Well sure... but even at 8 years old i suspected that the Jesus storys was a load of crap.!!!

jesus(pbuh), was a human like me and you, and he was a messenger, spreading the relegion of beleiving in one god, but he's not the son of god, neither god.
the caracter that god created us in, is a white page...

Did God know beforhand that Adam an Eve woud eat of the forbidden fruit.???

Som say hell is a place whare God tortures people untill they love him.!!! ”

deffrently not

How do you know this... an are you certan.???

To help esplane to me how horrible a place you thank hell is... i want you to rate it on a scale of 1 thru 10... so on the scale i have provided below... woud you rate hell as a 1... a 10... or som number in between 1 to 10.???

“ On a scale of 1 to 10... 1 bein a pencil shoved up you'r noise... an 10 bein you'r hind leg chewed off... whare on that scale woud you rate hell.???

a person who thinks that he knows alot, or knows everything, means he don't know anything, and a person who know much,or, well, many things, knows that he don't know anything, and as much he knows more, as much as he don't know more.

I coudnt have said it beter myself :)

I enjoy discussin all sorts of fiction includin the Holey Bible ”

i'm not christian

oK... incert "koran" for Holey Bible in my above statment... eh :)

ha, what's my point? ok, means, that it's not always parents fault,

So in those cases its the kids fault.???

i beleive in god, and in evolution/adaptation.

So you realize that humans an apes share a common ancestor.???

jesus(pbuh), was a human like me and you, and he was a messenger, spreading the relegion of beleiving in one god, but he's not the son of god, neither god.

How do you know this... an are you certan.???
Are you saying that he/she/it fvcked up on the first try? :eek::eek: and he needs to fix his mistake????


no i'm not; i think it's all part of the plan, and i find it very encouraging that you realize we're fucked up. some people think we're fine?!?! hahahaha. :confused:
The answer to the OP is simple. My god is responsible for all the good stuff and your god is responsible for all the shitty stuff.
Do you thank God is pleased wit the way his creaton plan is turnin out.???

“even at 8 years old i suspected that the Jesus storys was a load of crap.!!! ”

Yep... when i was 8... i looked up an ask a sunday school teecher if Jesus an God was the sam person... she looked over at the other teecher an jus kinda smiled... she didnt answr... jus directed me to continue on wit other activities... that was a simular kind of reacton i got when i was askin my parents if Santa was real... so even befor my sunday school queston abouut Jesus/God... i knew that Adults told fantastic lyes about such thangs... i was about 9 when we was showed what God looked like... an told that hes always watchin us... course... i had also been told that
Sants watches us to know if we have been bad or good... yep... lyes upon lyes... lol.!!!

well, it does sound very convenient for you (considering your priorities) to leave it all up to others (in sunday school of all places), and still to this day, to believe that god and santa claus are pretty much the same thing. way to miss the point.

“ Thats anuther thang about religion... it can cause people to sacrafice happyness for beleifs in an afterlife :-( ”

Mayb youv'e been stunned by the truth.???

Happyness is at the top of my list... but If i was religious like you i mite also see happyness as irrelevent :shrug:

no, i'm stunned by a pro-ignorance agenda. i'm not sure why, as so many follow this agenda. most people aren't willing to admit that so blatantly though. better keep those blinders on tight clueless.

Do you thank God is pleased wit the way his creaton plan is turnin out.???

how many times should i say we blame our selves? we have the free-will, some of us are very bad, and some of us are ery good, infact, better than angels, because they have freewill, while angels don't, also, we are free to do anything, and we have teh choise to make a bad world, or a good world. :shrug: