Whose God Is Responsible????


so are all influences binding or are some liberating?

Obviously, there seem to be these two kinds of influences.

(Heh, there is an inside joke in Buddhism: Some people refuse to submit to the teachings of the Buddha, because if they submitted, they would attain a lesser kind of enlightenment than he - as there can be only one rightfully self-awakened Buddha per era. So they rather set their hopes on some birth in the distant distant future, when the teachings of the current Buddha will all have gotten lost, and there will therefore be circumstances for a new Buddha to appear - in the hopes that they will be that Buddha-to-be.
Talk about the desire for absolute free will!)
the fact that we make choices and decisions all day long every day is ample evidence of free will.

Well i be dam... its jus that simple... eh:)

given that free will, we are held accountable.

Bein held acountable while alive is plenty for me to deal wit... i can only emagin the burdon of beleivin God is gonna continue to "get-me" even after i dye :runaway:

happiness is entirely overrated in this world,
and when it comes to truth and knowledge, is entirely irrelevant.

Does truth and knowledge make you happy.???
Well i be dam... its jus that simple... eh:)

yes, it is.

Bein held acountable while alive is plenty for me to deal wit... i can only emagin the burdon of beleivin God is gonna continue to "get-me" even after i dye :runaway:

"get you"? what in the hell are you talking about? given law, freewill, and accountability, you "get" yourself.

Does truth and knowledge make you happy.???

no. it's entirely irrelevant to happiness, for the 87th time.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Bein held acountable while alive is plenty for me to deal wit... i can only emagin the burdon of beleivin God is gonna continue to "get-me" even after i dye :runaway:

"get you"? what in the hell are you talking about? given law, freewill, and accountability, you "get" yourself.

Yep... God created the circumstances which causes people to get-got an blame therselfs... lol.!!!

Does truth and knowledge make you happy.???

no. it's entirely irrelevant to happiness, for the 87th time.

I know that truth an knowledge an steel cut oats dont make you happy... but what... if anythang... does make you happy.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Bein held acountable while alive is plenty for me to deal wit... i can only emagin the burdon of beleivin God is gonna continue to "get-me" even after i dye :runaway:

Yep... God created the circumstances which causes people to get-got an blame therselfs... lol.!!!

we all have every opportunity in the world, given our circumstances. what a bullshit copout. first of all, the whole message of the bible is repentance, forgiveness, and redemption. and secondly, you think all of our excuses are valid do you? well what a pushover you must be. here's a scenario you'll just love...a kid is raped when they're a baby, so obviously they are all fucked up, through absolutely no fault of their own, going in. and throughout life, they always face the CHOICE. they can use their self-hatred and the fact that they've been hurt by another as an excuse to hurt others. OR, they can acknowledge their true value and power in this world (love), and use their empathy to help others.

Does truth and knowledge make you happy.???

I know that truth an knowledge an steel cut oats dont make you happy... but what... if anythang... does make you happy.???

lots of things, but not all the time. AND SO WHAT?!?!? :confused:
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Yep... God created the circumstances which causes people to get-got an blame therselfs... lol.!!!

we all have every opportunity in the world, given our circumstances. what a bullshit copout.

Does sombody wit an iq of a turnip have ever opportunity in the world.???

first of all, the whole message of the bible is repentance, forgiveness, and redemption. and secondly, you think all of our excuses are valid do you? well what a pushover you must be.

I thank all effects have causes... an walkin an anuther mans shoes woud be an eye-opener for you.!!!

here's a scenario you'll just love...a kid is raped when they're a baby, so obviously they are all fucked up, through absolutely no fault of their own, going in.

and throughout life, they always face the CHOICE. they can use their self-hatred and the fact that they've been hurt by another as an excuse to hurt others. OR, they can acknowledge their true value and power in this world (love), and use their empathy to help others.

So you an God espect all people... no mater what trama they mite have esperienced or mental illness they mite have... to jus "walk it off" an help others :cool:

I know that truth an knowledge an steel cut oats dont make you happy... but what... if anythang... does make you happy.??? ”

lots of things, but not all the time. AND SO WHAT?!?!?

O good... then you can answr this queston:::
On a happyness scale from 1 to 10... 1 bein the mos miserable you have ever been... an 10 bein the mos happy you have ever been... number wize... whare on that scale do you perfer... an what percentage of time woud you like to be at that number.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Yep... God created the circumstances which causes people to get-got an blame therselfs... lol.!!!

Does sombody wit an iq of a turnip have ever opportunity in the world.???

yes, every opportunity for a person with the iq of a turnip, and that's plenty. are you trying to discount the meaning of life for those who aren't "smart"? wow. i've known a lot of "smart" people who were really stupid, and vice versa.

I thank all effects have causes... an walkin an anuther mans shoes woud be an eye-opener for you.!!!

walking in my own's been quite enough. the fact is that a person doesn't ever have to open their eyes if they don't want to. doesn't matter what path you walk.

So you an God espect all people... no mater what trama they mite have esperienced or mental illness they mite have... to jus "walk it off" an help others :cool:

"walk it off"? it requires a hell of a lot more than that.

I know that truth an knowledge an steel cut oats dont make you happy... but what... if anythang... does make you happy.??? ”

O good... then you can answr this queston:::
On a happyness scale from 1 to 10... 1 bein the mos miserable you have ever been... an 10 bein the mos happy you have ever been... number wize... whare on that scale do you perfer... an what percentage of time woud you like to be at that number.???

there have been times when i have sacrificed my happiness quite a bit to attain knowledge. i don't think it's possible for anyone with a heart to take an honest look at this world and not feel that. there have also been times when i've used the knowledge i've attained during these trying times to make decisions which resulted in my happiness in many ways. there have also been times when the pursuit of happiness was very destructive to myself and the people around me.

i'm telling you...it's fucking irrelevant.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So what is you'r ultimate gole.???

Do you thank acheivin that gole woud make you very happy.???

well, i have had an ongoing opportunity to work towards achieving that goal, and it has made me happy at times, and very unhappy at times. so like i've said how many times now? it's entirely irrelevant.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So what is you'r ultimate gole.???

Manifesting christ's kingdom on earth.

Do you thank acheivin that gole woud make you very happy.???

well, i have had an ongoing opportunity to work towards achieving that goal, and it has made me happy at times, and very unhappy at times. so like i've said how many times now? it's entirely irrelevant.

oK... but my queston wasnt about you'r happyness level durin the journey.... my queston is about you actualy acheivin you'r gole:::

Do you thank acheivin you'r gole of Manifestin christs kingdom on earf woud make you very happy.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
So what is you'r ultimate gole.???

Do you thank acheivin that gole woud make you very happy.???

oK... but my queston wasnt about you'r happyness level durin the journey.... my queston is about you actualy acheivin you'r gole:::

Do you thank acheivin you'r gole of Manifestin christs kingdom on earf woud make you very happy.???

i don't know, and it just doesn't matter.
i have had an ongoing opportunity to work towards achieving that goal, and it has made me happy at times, and very unhappy at times.

Do you thank acheivin you'r gole of Manifestin christs kingdom on earf woud make you very happy.???

i don't know, and it just doesn't matter.

You have esperienced happyness an sadness on you'r journey of acheivin you'r gole... which do you prefer... to be happy or sad.???
Do you thank acheivin you'r gole of Manifestin christs kingdom on earf woud make you very happy.???

You have esperienced happyness an sadness on you'r journey of acheivin you'r gole... which do you prefer... to be happy or sad.???

i prefer whatever is appropriate given the circumstance i suppose. honestly, i may prefer to be relatively unaffected by my emotions altogether. :shrug:
What drives you to manifest Christs kingdom on earf if in the end you are an emotionless zomby for eternity.???

i didn't say that i was or would ever be an emotionless zombie. my point is that emotions are irrelevant when it comes to things like truth and freedom and peace.
What drives you to manifest Christs kingdom on earf if in the end you are an emotionless zomby for eternity.???

i didn't say that i was or would ever be an emotionless zombie. my point is that emotions are irrelevant when it comes to things like truth and freedom and peace.

If i coudnt be happy... i woudnt want to live for eternity even if it did include truth freedom an peace... woud you.???