Who was Jesus talking to when he said...

Bold mine:
Well, lets be clear that all that is recorded that Jesus said was not written about until 30-40 or 100s of years after it happened and so is subject to many alterations, edits and subjective interpretation.

Its the spirit he left behind and the lessons of profound love that I feel are more important that trying to exactly interpret the inexact translations and interpretations that the Bible recorded.

Also to note, the "Bible " was created, controlled and copied within the realms of the vatican for 100+ years . If you look at this link showing , through Biblical prophecy that the Pope/Vatican is the antichrist, then you really must wonder what is not in the Bible that Jesus also taught.

Here is a site that explains more.. www( dot) remnantofgod (dot) com... I have no affilation with that site ..I just post it so people can see how 666 and the Pope are associated and very powerfully and incontrovertibly so.

You were making sense... Up until the part in bold where you went batshit crazy...
Bold mine:

You were making sense... Up until the part in bold where you went batshit crazy...
M*W: Whew! I was actually reading BrendanJ's post knowing that he was a professed (...er possessed... christian), and giving him the benefit of the 'doubt,' until he went, as you say, "batshit crazy."

That said... I'll have to take a little credit here, thank you. My thread, "Who was Jesus talking to when he said...," was resurrected today, April 6, 2010 from July 12, 2009. Hallalujah! I must be god!
M*W: Whew! I was actually reading BrendanJ's post knowing that he was a professed (...er possessed... christian), and giving him the benefit of the 'doubt,' until he went, as you say, "batshit crazy."

That said... I'll have to take a little credit here, thank you. My thread, "Who was Jesus talking to when he said...," was resurrected today, April 6, 2010 from July 12, 2009. Hallalujah! I must be god!

LOL, yeah that was pretty fun, wasn't it? Good times.... good times...
Hire the handicapped!
M*W: To whom was Jesus talking when he allegedly cried out from the cross in Greek, no less, and said, "Eli, eli, lama sabachtheni?" (My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?)

what is not common knowledge is that god had promised jesus that if he would endure this torture, than before he died god would give him a beer..so when he didnt get it he called out at god....
what is not common knowledge is that god had promised jesus that if he would endure this torture, than before he died god would give him a beer..so when he didnt get it he called out at god....
M*W: Now that makes sense!

Now if God promised me a beer... I might listen to Him. (Capitalization intended).
carefull..some would say that god does make promises that he would keep if you listen to him....;)
M*W: Well, I did listen for him to talk to me during the years I was a christian. I just thought I couldn't hear him, because I must be a bad christian. That's the game plan you know. Guilt and more guilit. Until I didn't realize there wasn't anything there to listen to me. It was all a hoax.
M*W: Well, I did listen for him to talk to me during the years I was a christian. I just thought I couldn't hear him, because I must be a bad christian. That's the game plan you know. Guilt and more guilit. Until I didn't realize there wasn't anything there to listen to me. It was all a hoax.

Bless your sole. What the hell church did you go to?
Originally Posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: Well, I did listen for him to talk to me during the years I was a christian. I just thought I couldn't hear him, because I must be a bad christian. That's the game plan you know. Guilt and more guilit. Until I didn't realize there wasn't anything there to listen to me. It was all a hoax.
Bless your sole.
Oh no! Is something wrong M*W's foot / feet? :eek:
carefull..some would say that god does make promises that he would keep if you listen to him....;)

Can you cite any such thing actually happening in which it's clear that the person is not inferring, thus contributing to God, what is likely chance?

I listened to God when I was a believer. I believed that he had kept all his promises to me. I validated them with the things that happened in my life. I did not always get what I wanted. But about 10% of the time I did. Because God knew what I needed and didn't need, right?

Yet, after becoming an Atheist, nothing changed. All the same things in life kept right on happening the same. I still k ept getting about 10% of what I wanted, without asking or praying anymore...
I suppose it's a matter of what church did you go to, and what message did you receive? Who taught you how to pray, and what to pray for? My Baptist church is roughly 20-30% "recovering Catholics". My life only gets better each day the more I apply what I learn and pray for. I surround myself with Christian friends who lift me up, and not atheists who drag me down. I have had enough miracles for 2010 that I'm almost done asking for anymore. I'm almost tempted to ask for a new boat next.
M*W: Well, I did listen for him to talk to me during the years I was a christian. I just thought I couldn't hear him, because I must be a bad christian. That's the game plan you know. Guilt and more guilit. Until I didn't realize there wasn't anything there to listen to me. It was all a hoax.

yeah some christians think its their duty to make you feel guilty..i say look into their life and you will find lots of things that make them feel guilty..
the rule of thumb i go by which tend to be more true than not..is if they accuse you of something, odds are they are guilty of that themselves..
its the age old trick of pointing fingers at you to distract from them..

Yet, after becoming an Atheist, nothing changed. All the same things in life kept right on happening the same. I still kept getting about 10% of what I wanted, without asking or praying anymore..

god can still utilize you whether you believe or not..
maybe you need to be an atheist for awhile..
god can still utilize you whether you believe or not..
maybe you need to be an atheist for awhile..

Does this explain all the atheists that are that way til death? If I need to be an atheist for a while, does this mean God induced this state? What about Free Will and Choice?
Does this explain all the atheists that are that way til death? If I need to be an atheist for a while, does this mean God induced this state? What about Free Will and Choice?

no god did not induce this state..he gave us the ability to choose..
you make your own choices..
you are hinting at predestination..not sure i can believe in that, simply because i believe he gave us the ability to choose for ourselves..and i think you have seen what that can do to us..lol
no god did not induce this state..he gave us the ability to choose..
you make your own choices..
you are hinting at predestination..not sure i can believe in that, simply because i believe he gave us the ability to choose for ourselves..and i think you have seen what that can do to us..lol

Now, I'm not trying to be difficult... but you implied predestination in your previous post which is why I asked this.
Bless your sole. What the hell church did you go to?
M*W: My sole took me to the Roman Catholic Church. I was a convert from agnosticism. I am now an atheist. I tried real hard to be a good christian, but I realized that was futile. I'm so much happier now in this life. The next one doesn't matter.

BTW, BlueRidge, do you live in the Blue Ridge? I'm from Southern WV... just an old hillbilly girl at heart.
I listened to God when I was a believer. I believed that he had kept all his promises to me. I validated them with the things that happened in my life. I did not always get what I wanted. But about 10% of the time I did. Because God knew what I needed and didn't need, right?

Yet, after becoming an Atheist, nothing changed. All the same things in life kept right on happening the same. I still kept getting about 10% of what I wanted, without asking or praying anymore...
M*W: I've been blessed with a lot of accomplishments in my life, and not one of them can I credit any god with. I believe I have, let's say 'been given', more things in my life than I ever dreamed of. It only got better after I became an atheist. I didn't need any god, neither supernatural nor physical (alcohol) in my life. Still don't.

There are no guarantees in life. You win, you lose, you stay the same. It's not about any 'god' out there, it's all about 'you' and what you do with your life. My life changed for the better, because I wanted it to.
I suppose it's a matter of what church did you go to, and what message did you receive? Who taught you how to pray, and what to pray for? My Baptist church is roughly 20-30% "recovering Catholics". My life only gets better each day the more I apply what I learn and pray for. I surround myself with Christian friends who lift me up, and not atheists who drag me down. I have had enough miracles for 2010 that I'm almost done asking for anymore. I'm almost tempted to ask for a new boat next.
M*W: Well, lawdy mercy, do I have a story for you!

As I told you, I was born in Southern WV, coal country, and spen my early years there. My daddy didn't want me growing up there like he did. (That's my lifelong regret). So I went to grade school in SC. My parents never went to any church, although my mother tried to send me along with other (Baptist) kids when they went. Consequently, my Baptist indoctrination began. It was Easter Sunday 1957, and I was in the Sunday School class that I attended with my little friends. The teacher asked each of us to say anything we wanted to sat to Jesus to thank him for what he did for us, suffering and dyring on the cross, etc.. I was an abnormally shy child (no comments from peanut gallery, thanks). In fact, I could have been the poster child for social anxiety disorder, but that wasn't a diagnosis then. Sorry, I digress...

Anyway, when it was my turn to answer (I was shaking, sweating, and fearfully dreading to speak up). So, with much hesitation, I meekly said, "Jesus, I'm sorry you had to die." I really meant it in my heart. I remembered my great grandmother dying, and I was really sorry that she had died, because she loved me!

Just as I was coming down off the horrid emotional anxiety I had just experienced when I spoke in front of the class, I thought to myself, "I said it..! I really, really said it!"

Apparently disapproving of my comment, which I had made with all respect and sincerity, the teacher came to the back of the room, where I was sitting to hide my fear of being called on in class, when she took her long arm, rared back, and proceeded to slap me across my little face as hard as she could! I could have died in Jesus's place right then. I was dazed and stunned. I didn't know what had just happened to me! My soul was slaughtered in that one blow. The teacher screamed, "Say you're sorry to Jesus! Say you're sorry to Jesus. Say it right now!"

All the kids in the class were laughing at me. I guess they thought it was a funny site to see another kid lose their soul that day.

I never put my soles back in that church, and my mother never went to church again the rest of her life. After what that Baptist Sunday School teacher did to me, my mother despised religion. The name of God was never mentioned in my home after that.

Then I enrolled in a Baptist university, not because of any faith I might of had growing up in the '60s. The university was close to my very agnostic home.

It wasn't until I married and had children that I wanted a reconciliation with christianity. Since I had studied Baptist christianity in college, I began researching the other religions, their various denominations, the doctrines and the dogmas. I took a year of intense Roman Catholic catechism and decided to covert to the church that assured me they would not only save my soul, but they would help me heal from the pain the Baptist church caused me.

I ate, lived, and breathed everything christian. I scorched the earth, as I knew it, with my rabid christianity. I taught catechism for years as I prayed and prayed but never got any answers. I also never forgot what that Baptist teacher did to me. I became so lost and disillusioned as an apostle for Christ, praying to him, teaching his gospel, helping others find the truth. Even when I was emotionally leaving christianity, god didn't save me or me or either of my soles. I didn't let go of god, god let go of me.

I am happy for you that you have found what you believe to be the truth. I hope you believe your prayers are answered, even if the answer is not what you wanted to hear. I hope you find joy, pleasure and peace, in your faith, and I sincerely hope it will always be with you if you believe.

You may find this a strange thing to hear from an atheist. I can't speak for all atheists, but as an atheist I believe even atheists pray. We just don't pray to a god. We search from within. That is the only place you or anyone else, is going to find the power and the glory.
M*W: Well, lawdy mercy, do I have a story for you!

As I told you, I was born in Southern WV, coal country, and spen my early years there. My daddy didn't want me growing up there like he did. (That's my lifelong regret). So I went to grade school in SC. My parents never went to any church, although my mother tried to send me along with other (Baptist) kids when they went. Consequently, my Baptist indoctrination began. It was Easter Sunday 1957, and I was in the Sunday School class that I attended with my little friends. The teacher asked each of us to say anything we wanted to sat to Jesus to thank him for what he did for us, suffering and dyring on the cross, etc.. I was an abnormally shy child (no comments from peanut gallery, thanks). In fact, I could have been the poster child for social anxiety disorder, but that wasn't a diagnosis then. Sorry, I digress...

Anyway, when it was my turn to answer (I was shaking, sweating, and fearfully dreading to speak up). So, with much hesitation, I meekly said, "Jesus, I'm sorry you had to die." I really meant it in my heart. I remembered my great grandmother dying, and I was really sorry that she had died, because she loved me!

Just as I was coming down off the horrid emotional anxiety I had just experienced when I spoke in front of the class, I thought to myself, "I said it..! I really, really said it!"

Apparently disapproving of my comment, which I had made with all respect and sincerity, the teacher came to the back of the room, where I was sitting to hide my fear of being called on in class, when she took her long arm, rared back, and proceeded to slap me across my little face as hard as she could! I could have died in Jesus's place right then. I was dazed and stunned. I didn't know what had just happened to me! My soul was slaughtered in that one blow. The teacher screamed, "Say you're sorry to Jesus! Say you're sorry to Jesus. Say it right now!"

All the kids in the class were laughing at me. I guess they thought it was a funny site to see another kid lose their soul that day.

I never put my soles back in that church, and my mother never went to church again the rest of her life. After what that Baptist Sunday School teacher did to me, my mother despised religion. The name of God was never mentioned in my home after that.

Then I enrolled in a Baptist university, not because of any faith I might of had growing up in the '60s. The university was close to my very agnostic home.

It wasn't until I married and had children that I wanted a reconciliation with christianity. Since I had studied Baptist christianity in college, I began researching the other religions, their various denominations, the doctrines and the dogmas. I took a year of intense Roman Catholic catechism and decided to covert to the church that assured me they would not only save my soul, but they would help me heal from the pain the Baptist church caused me.

I ate, lived, and breathed everything christian. I scorched the earth, as I knew it, with my rabid christianity. I taught catechism for years as I prayed and prayed but never got any answers. I also never forgot what that Baptist teacher did to me. I became so lost and disillusioned as an apostle for Christ, praying to him, teaching his gospel, helping others find the truth. Even when I was emotionally leaving christianity, god didn't save me or me or either of my soles. I didn't let go of god, god let go of me.

I am happy for you that you have found what you believe to be the truth. I hope you believe your prayers are answered, even if the answer is not what you wanted to hear. I hope you find joy, pleasure and peace, in your faith, and I sincerely hope it will always be with you if you believe.

You may find this a strange thing to hear from an atheist. I can't speak for all atheists, but as an atheist I believe even atheists pray. We just don't pray to a god. We search from within. That is the only place you or anyone else, is going to find the power and the glory.

Isn't that what I just said? Just what church did you go to? Bad church, bad faith and experience. Generally, Catholics will guilt you to death. Why, is a mystery to us all. Do you remember Jesus on the cross and the thief next to him? NO church can save you. None. Salvation only comes from one place. The price paid on the cross was sufficient. There was never a thing to be sorry about. You repent of your sin and and live your life (best you can) according to the word. The rest is done in his perfect timing.

Think about it. The Boss, sent his son to pay the price for every man woman and child ever born so we could live his plan for us all. So we could be free from death. We didn't need to do more than live our lives after that. It's pretty insulting to the Boss, when we decide that his son's price on the cross is insufficient. It wasn't enough? This wasn't enough to release us from guilt, fear, despair, and desperation? If I were God, doing all I had done for my children and they paid me back like that... I'd kick their ungrateful little asse's from one end of the planet to the other. Same goes for those who manipulated and distorted the fact. Understanding His grand scheme and plans for you is tough and requires unmatched patience. But if we can't get past the problem of questioning the free gift of salvation, then there is no point in proceeding on with the rest.

Go to as many churches as you like, see as many preachers and priests as your heart desires, read the bible cover to cover a 1000 times. But until you are informed, believe and understand.. the price paid on the cross covered it all, past present and future. Well, you've been pissing in the wind. Right?

God let go of you(your words)? You show me in the scriptures where it ever once said he'd do that. You had a bad experience in Sunday School. You couldn't find a faith that worked out for you and your prayers weren't answered exactly as you wished, or at all? Thus, God doesn't exist?

Some of God's greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers. Who would have thought?

In 2007 I took the receipt He gave me many years ago as a child. I came back to the throne (again...:rolleyes:) and told Him- Hey I think maybe I thoroughly f**ked this up, and I'd like to try again. This time, Your way. As I approach my 4th year of HIS WAY, it just keeps getting better.:)