Who was Jesus talking to when he said...

What do you think your pastor would say if he knew you were on a non-christian scientific forum talkng to atheists, feminists, mystics, bisexuals, agnostic Jewish Marxists, and god-forbid those evil catholics?

ill take this question...

two points..

one.. i often ask my pastor what he thinks about certain subject matters that i wanna address..he thinks im wasting my time cause he thinks no-one will listen..but then again i don't tell him everything i argue about..im sure he would disagree with at least half of what i argue about..

two..i have looked at a few 'christian' boards..they have a list of things you can't talk about..they are very censored in their attitude..and i wanted to be able to discuss ANYTHING i wanted to..and im sure as much as i like to argue if i was on a 'christian' board i would eventually get banned..

oh..and i agree..catholics are Evil..(most anyway..met a few that are pretty cool)

What do you think your pastor would say if he knew you were on a non-christian scientific forum talkng to atheists, feminists, mystics, bisexuals, agnostic Jewish Marxists, and god-forbid those evil catholics?

You're a bit long winded for my time frame. I'll say this. You tell me one thing in one post, then the opposite in another. You're out to destroy religion, but tell me to go enjoy mine. You're life sucked, but it was great. You spent a lot of time in religion, but no mention of a personal relationship with God. God let you go, that's why you're an atheist. Yet still no reason given. You have been contradicting yourself with every post.

As for your list of types, I'm already surrounded in my everyday life. The point of turning my back or running is what? My pastor would tell me- Thanks for being courageous enough to jump into the belly of the beast without fear. I hope you reach a few hearts, and I'll see ya on Sunday.

You forget, or you never learned.. for all of your education in this. We are commanded to go forth and witness. To reach hearts, and help people. But how would you know? You're so busy being smug and condescending, where would you have the time to notice? I'm done with you. There's no command in the bible that says converting atheists is anyone's job but God's.
You're a bit long winded for my time frame. I'll say this. You tell me one thing in one post, then the opposite in another. You're out to destroy religion, but tell me to go enjoy mine. You're life sucked, but it was great. You spent a lot of time in religion, but no mention of a personal relationship with God. God let you go, that's why you're an atheist. Yet still no reason given. You have been contradicting yourself with every post.

As for your list of types, I'm already surrounded in my everyday life. The point of turning my back or running is what? My pastor would tell me- Thanks for being courageous enough to jump into the belly of the beast without fear. I hope you reach a few hearts, and I'll see ya on Sunday.

You forget, or you never learned.. for all of your education in this. We are commanded to go forth and witness. To reach hearts, and help people. But how would you know? You're so busy being smug and condescending, where would you have the time to notice? I'm done with you. There's no command in the bible that says converting atheists is anyone's job but God's.
M*W: You're done, because you are afraid of the truth. This is not a christian website, so you're a fish out of water here.
M*W: To whom was Jesus talking when he allegedly cried out from the cross in Greek, no less, and said, "Eli, eli, lama sabachtheni?" (My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?)

There is no reason for a god to ask a question, no matter what the circumstances.
I've been asking myself that same question, especially when God can forgive everyone for their sins himself. It's pretty sad if Jesus himself had to ask dad why Jr. is doing the job Sr. should be doing.
Why would you send your son to do a job you could do yourself better?

Well the thinking is that God loves the world so much he sacrificed his only son for it, what greater show of love?
M*W: Christianity was based quite predominantly on sun worship and the study of the zodiac. The NT was originally written as an astrological book, with Jesus playing the role of the sun.

If you are right, what wisdom can we gleam from the NT? What is the point of the book?
yeah..im not on that list..

btw..i also give christians their fair share of lip..i do believe in god but i do not believe it in the way they teach it..(some of it..but not much)
a person shouldn't have to jump through hoops to believe..if jesus died for our sins and god has forgiven us, why can't christians treat others the same way? aren't we supposed to be like christ? did he ever make ppl feel guilty for being themselves? did he ever put anyone down? i think not..

I agree with you on everything but the last three sentences. Jesus put down a woman for being a Canaanite, telling her that his message of salvation was not for her, and that non-hebrews were dogs. Only after she rebuffed his point by saying that even dogs get to eat the crumbs from the masters table did he relent and tell everyone to have as much faith as she did.

He put down rich people and made them feel guilty, along with the hierarchy of the Jewish temple of the time.

You might argue that given his message, making them feel guilty was justified, but that doesn't alter the actual events as recorded.
I agree with you on everything but the last three sentences. Jesus put down a woman for being a Canaanite, telling her that his message of salvation was not for her, and that non-hebrews were dogs. Only after she rebuffed his point by saying that even dogs get to eat the crumbs from the masters table did he relent and tell everyone to have as much faith as she did.

Maybe she didn't need saved.

He put down rich people and made them feel guilty,

How do you know how they felt?
There is no reason for a god to ask a question, no matter what the circumstances.
M*W: My point, exactly... if Jesus were god, why would he be asking the question in the first place.

Therefore, Jesus was no god, and his sacrifice was for his own defiant behaviors... that is, if he existed at all. I think not.
If you are right, what wisdom can we gleam from the NT? What is the point of the book?
M*W: I don't think we can "gleam" anything. However, we might "glean" some knowledge about sun worship of the day. The point of the NT would be about the study of astro-theology, the study of sun worship, and the study of the constellations, stars and planets. All false gods, but gods nonetheless. That's what was to be "gleaned" from the NT.
M*W: I don't think we can "gleam" anything. However, we might "glean" some knowledge about sun worship of the day. The point of the NT would be about the study of astro-theology, the study of sun worship, and the study of the constellations, stars and planets. All false gods, but gods nonetheless. That's what was to be "gleaned" from the NT.

You didn't understand my question. Let me ask you this, who wrote the NT? we'll start from the beginning, one question at a time...
M*W: That's the christian take on it, but what if the christian take was a false prophecy?

I see you are still talking hogwash.

It seems you take bits of the bible out as truth to try and discredit other bits... If you say it is all symbolic, then this element of the discussion is over.
explain please how the NT can be astrological ?
i have not heard that one yet..

and even alot of non-believers believe that jesus existed.. the majority of arguements i have heard disputes his "holiness", and claims he was just a man in the right place at the right time,
You didn't understand my question. Let me ask you this, who wrote the NT? we'll start from the beginning, one question at a time...
M*W: "Who wrote the NT" goes much deeper than simply crediting some unknown men who were known as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I don't have time to go into the depth of that question tonight, but I will gather the information and the bibliography. I'm hobbling on one leg, as I have torn a muscle, but I will get right on it when they decide if they're going to operate or not. Remind me later if you do not hear from me. However, I have a feeling that it doesn't make any difference to you what I end up telling you, and that's okay with me. There is indeed a tremendous amount of symbolism in the NT. My opinion is that it was written out of fear of what the Romans would do to them, but then again, it could have been the Romans writing the NT. I promise I will address this interesting topic with you when I can once again walk to my computer room with two legs.
explain please how the NT can be astrological ?
i have not heard that one yet..

and even alot of non-believers believe that jesus existed.. the majority of arguements i have heard disputes his "holiness", and claims he was just a man in the right place at the right time,
M*W: I will answer your question when I am able to walk again. Tore a muscle in my lower leg and am hobbling about now. Try to get back to me in a couple of weeks, so I can compile my information and bibliography. Thanks.
M*W: My point, exactly... if Jesus were god, why would he be asking the question in the first place.

Therefore, Jesus was no god, and his sacrifice was for his own defiant behaviors... that is, if he existed at all. I think not.

Kind of a strawman you've constructed here.
M*W: "Who wrote the NT" goes much deeper than simply crediting some unknown men who were known as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I don't have time to go into the depth of that question tonight, but I will gather the information and the bibliography. I'm hobbling on one leg, as I have torn a muscle, but I will get right on it when they decide if they're going to operate or not. Remind me later if you do not hear from me. However, I have a feeling that it doesn't make any difference to you what I end up telling you, and that's okay with me. There is indeed a tremendous amount of symbolism in the NT. My opinion is that it was written out of fear of what the Romans would do to them, but then again, it could have been the Romans writing the NT. I promise I will address this interesting topic with you when I can once again walk to my computer room with two legs.

What other people have wrote about the NT and mystic origins is of no interest, as it is pure unfounded speculation. A simple fact remains, SOME one or more wrote the NT, the question is what was the MOTIVE?

Let me give you my opinion.

The gospels were written about a man called Jesus. He was an enlightened human being(like many before and after him) here to teach us about love and peace and such, which was not symbolic, it was written as a story.

If Jesus did not exist(this brings up the obvious question, if Jesus didn't exist then who was this person? Brian?), the gospels still teach valuable lessons.

It is blatantly obvious they are not symbolic(the gospels), no matter what these other books and no doubt the money driven authors say.

If you have a scholarly book that theorises the motives of the NT, I am interested, hell, I'm interested in why you think the book teaches something else, and what in your opinion is the motive of this something else.

I think Jesus existed, it is only logical. I think he was a man. I think he was taught his knowledge by someone or some beings that had more knowledge then him and who wanted to help mankind(these beings taught others before and after Jesus, for example the prophets of the OT who describe them as not of this world).

The folks who knew and listened to Jesus wrote down what he said, end of. The knowledge was meant to reach and teach us(the gospels).

Paul met perhaps a being that did not have our best interests in mind and he wrote things that have been the catalyst or an excuse to rage wars ever since his pen(or Luke's or whoever) left the paper.

John on his island penned the revelations which have occurred numerous times since his pen left the paper(from Nero, the black death, world war 1/2 etc) without the 1000 years of peace. Believers wait in anticipation everyday now for another end of days event(all mainstream religions contain this crap), which is both controlling and sad and mad at the same time. John was influenced by a being or beings that did not have mans best interest at heart.

The NT is both good and evil, the good is meant to teach us and bring peace to earth, unfortunately the corrupted books after the gospels are there to create the opposite, and importantly used to control the folks that believe it by using fear.

The motive is (in my opinion) both meant to teach us(the good) and to control us(the bad).

I'm wondering and pondering now as to who or what these beings are, as I believe they have and still do influence mankind.

The simple fact remains, this one book influences the world more than any other book in history by far, so either the writer was the greatest genius ever or the knowledge was not of this world.

Sounds crazy, but not as crazy as thinking that Jesus was/is actually God.

Hope you get better soon.
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Basically, god and human both, human part saying "Hey, I'm kind of upset about this."

M-W: ever stub your toe?