Who here is fearful their children will become atheist/theist/Scientologist/Mormonist

If they abide by their religion, yes.

HA HA! I have come across some real religious nuts in my time. You know what I found? They were the WORST when it came to being honest and are even downright rude. Even the kids that my son hangs around with, one is from a very religious background. His mom had me on the phone one night telling me his father is a preacher. I said really? because one of my neighbors complained to me that they heard your son swearing his head off on my street. She said what? my Johnathon? I said yes and I have personally heard him. She said well he knows better I am surprised because his father is a preacher. :rolleyes:

Funny thing is, even though this kid swears, I have never heard my son swear or had anybody tell me he is out and about swearing. Again we aren't religious, so I throw your theory out the window.
HA HA! I have come across some real religious nuts in my time. You know what I found? They were the WORST when it came to being honest and are even downright rude. Even the kids that my son hangs around with, one is from a very religious background. His mom had me on the phone one night telling me his father is a preacher. I said really? because one of my neighbors complained to me that they heard your son swearing his head off on my street. She said what? my Johnathon? I said yes and I have personally heard him. She said well he knows better I am surprised because his father is a preacher. :rolleyes:

Funny thing is, even though this kid swears, I have never heard my son swear or had anybody tell me he is out and about swearing. Again we aren't religious, so I throw your theory out the window.

Christian churches are breeding grounds for sexual promiscuity, vulgarity, and light drug use. At least that's what it appears to be to me.
So how many ppl do you think REALLY abide to their religion? or their kids for that matter?
Or do they just going around preaching about their religion but they don't really follow it.
So how many ppl do you think REALLY abide to their religion? or their kids for that matter?
Or do they just going around preaching about their religion but they don't really follow it.

In America, a good percentage of the Muslims, a decent percentage of the Jews and a small percentage of the Christians.
So how many ppl do you think REALLY abide to their religion? or their kids for that matter?
Or do they just going around preaching about their religion but they don't really follow it.

None. If you actually looked at what was required from a religion, it would literally be impossible to follow it to the letter.
While in my limited searchings through religious texts, I can't really find any physically impossible things Islam, Judaism, or Christianity requires you to do. Although, I have yet to meet ONE person who follows one of those religions to the letter, mostly because they
"interpret" it completely different than me. And my interpretations are what the theologists tell me it is.
I think people mistake religion for relationship. Judaism, Christianity, both can be summed up by one verse in their respective bibles-

He has shown you oh man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.-Micah 6:8

Not,"and the lord said, lo, thou shalt use the fork that is second from the left on tuesday for vanilla pudding, but on wednesday you shall drive a rocket powered car through the everglades chasing wild monkeys who bear alms of tarantula liver pate." I entertain myself by pointing out to some "theologians" that this verse seems to be what Jesus was most up in arms about. God tries to keep things simple, because we are pretty muttonheaded creatures. Then we have a lovely crop of "theologians" come along who inundate us with unnecessary rules and regulations. Pfeh.

Sorry, I didn't mean to preach.:soapbox:
I changed my mind. I do that. I am unstable you know, and prone to anything. Perhaps I'm sitting in your neighborhood in my car with my pants around my ankles and a laptop in the passenger seat, while I peer through binoculars at you.

Then again, perhaps not.

Anyone? Seems quite irrational to me.
When/if I have children, I would encourage them to think for themselves and find their own beliefs. My parents did so with me, and I turned out fine. I chose my religious beliefs, and was not forced into them at all. If you force a kid into something, they are that much more likely to turn away from it and retain a spiteful sense of anger towards the parent for imposing it.
Q, that isn't true at all. In the scripture, which I really don't like, but I'll use anyway, you have to discern between seperate things:

a. the moral law
b. the civil law

The moral law hasn't changed throughout the ages, and doesn't change; the civil law, however, can change according to society. For instance, stealing is wrong. Stealing has always been wrong and likely will remain wrong. The moral law, therefore, does not change.

The civil law has changed; in previous times, stealing was punishable by death or some other punishment (which isn't necessarily bad for people that continue stealing); today, they are imprisoned and "rehabilitated"
But what if they wanted to join something like Heaven's Gate? Or join Jim Jones' church?
Anomalies. There are exceptions to every rule.

Nevertheless, I implied strongly that I would instruct them on how to notice the difference between a dangerous cult and a small religious denomination, and act accordingly for their safety and well-being. Something like Heaven's Gate was patently off the wall and dangerous, and so it would be recognized quickly as such.
So what are the guidelines of which you will interfere with your child's right to the pursuit of happiness?